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Dear Diary Pinned

This Year I……

Ok, so it’s not been quite a year since I last posted. But I thought “This 9 months I…” might make people think I was pregnant, which is definitely not a thing. If you’ve been here a while you’ll know the story up to know from my sporadic posts. If not, here’s a quick catch-up.

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Fashion & Beauty

A Spring Time Catch Up

Oh hey there! How’ve you been? The months have flown by and I’m finding my way back to whatever normal even looks like any more. So I thought this Spring outfit post with Very was a good chance to pop in for a catch up. On health, on life, on blogging and on my new

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Dear Diary

This Week Iā€¦

Hi there Sunday people! How are you? The fatigue has hit strong this week, but I am determined to beat it, so Iā€™ve been making sure I keep up the (mostly) gentle exercise. This evening I am mostly planning an early night. Which will be nice, if not exciting. But first, this week Iā€¦.. Had

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Fashion & Beauty

This Fortnight Iā€¦

Hi! Sorry. I was asleep last week again! Fatigue has been one of my biggest struggles with my recovery and treatment so far, I keep waiting for it to pass after the transplant, but so far it hasnā€™t. It seems fatigue can also be a side effect of my maintenance treatment. So it might be

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Dear Diary

This week Iā€¦

For the 2 or 3 of you that thought ā€œhmmm, I wonder what Gems been up to this week?ā€ Iā€™m very sorry I missed last week. Fact is I had an exciting and busy week, which then left me so tired I couldnā€™t keep my eyes open, and couldnā€™t bring myself to raise my hand

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Dear Diary

This week Iā€¦ā€¦

Hi! We made it to Sunday, so I hope youā€™re doing something nice to reward yourself. Personally I am now on Sunday afternoon sofa time with the Pugs and planning to move as little as possible till tomorrow. Based on Instagram recommendations I have started watching Locke & Key, which Iā€™m enjoying so far. But

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Dear Diary

This week Iā€¦

Well, hey! Howā€™s things? I hope youā€™re managing to stay cool? I am living in the bedroom, aka ā€œthe iceboxā€ where the air con lives, and Iā€™m not leaving. Itā€™s too hot. Currently Iā€™m watching Buffy on my laptop and shopping for things for my next ā€œdistract Gemma from her resultsā€ decorating project.  But before

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Dear Diary

This Week Iā€¦ā€¦

Well, it was a bit of a week if Iā€™m honest. This whole cancer thing is a learning process, and Iā€™m figuring out how to manage it. But Iā€™ll get there in the end! Right now Iā€™m slumped on the sofa with the Pugs watching Paper Girls. But first, this week Iā€¦ā€¦ Missed my Skates

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Dear Diary

This Week Iā€¦ā€¦

Hi! Happy Sunday! Iā€™m currently lounging on the sofa in my sassy new pyjamas waiting for the final of the Womens Euros to start. Itā€™s been quite a long and tiring week, so, this week Iā€¦ Had a Barbecue Actually we had 2 barbecues this week, as well as the one we had last week,

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Dear Diary

This Week Iā€¦

Hello! Happy Sunday chickadees! So far Iā€™ve haf pancakes for breakfast, done some nice gentle yoga, and now I am awaiting ice cream to arrive at the tent. Iā€™m at ā€Cancer Campā€ organised by Shine Cancer Support which is a great young adult cancer charity whoā€™ve been a great support. Soon we need to pack

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