That’s right, I didn’t just buy a bodycon dress with a reindeer on the front of it. I also bought one with a penguin on it too.
Honestly if this one had sleeves I would probably wear it for all of December. Black is much easier to wear than bright red and it’s all stretchy and comfy, and it has a glittery penguin on the front.
There’s now just 4 days left of my Christmas outfits and I sort of have them all planned out on a list, except that my Christmas Day outfit has still not arrived. Last I saw it was actually in Norwich over the weekend, so if it doesn’t make it to me now there is something very wrong with the world, but I am still considering whether I need a back up Christmas Outfit, you know, just in case.
The other thing I did to go with this outfit was glitter lips, because it matches the penguins glittery hat, see. I’m the Queen of matchy matchy.
At the moment I am very slightly concerned that by the time Christmas and New Year is over I will have forgotten how to dress myself without adding sprigs of holly to everything. I’m certainly not sure I can remember how to write blog posts without the word “Christmas” in the title, but oh well, there’s still 2 weeks left till I have to remember what real life is like.
Now, I’m off to Starbucks for an Egg Nog latte and a panini!
♦ Dress – Random online shop, I forget! ♦ Shoes – Irregular Choice ♦
♦Stuffed Snowman – Won from an arcade grabby machine ♦
12 Days of Christmas Outfits: Day Eight – The Penguin Dress:…
12 Days of Christmas Outfits: Day Eight – The Penguin Dress:…
12 Days of Christmas Outfits: Day Eight – The Penguin Dress
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Matchy-matchy skills are awesome, but winning anything out of an arcade grabby machine is a frikking superpower!
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