It’s Vintage Darling – The Book Every Girl Should Own
Fashion & Beauty

It’s Vintage Darling – The Book Every Girl Should Own

Do you wear clothes?

Do you LIKE clothes?

Then you NEED this book.

It’s Vintage, Darling!: How to be a Clothes Connoisseur

This is the book I would write if I already knew all this stuff instead of having to get books about it out of the library. Some books about buying and wearing vintage or second hand are full of dodgy opinions dressed up as fact and not-at-all useful information like “a 50’s silhouette features a nipped waist and a full skirt” which is both obvious and not-at-all true.

This isn’t one of these books.

This is a book that will teach you how to fill your wardrobe with flattering, well fitting, excellent quality clothes, without once paying full price for them. And if you do pay full price, it will teach you how to make sure that they’re worth it.

Split into 4 parts, it starts with a kind of fashion boot camp. Sending you off to wander round high end department stores to fondle the merchandise and find out what quality feels like. It then moves onto the most comprehensive guide to identifying quality in clothing that I have read, covering everything from seams to buttons, zips and labels.

Part 2 examines the elements of personal style, how to get a great fit, and what shapes might suit your body shape (without being over prescriptive, we’re not in Trinny & Susannah territory here) and what clothing flaws are worth living with. Part 3 deals with caring for your clothes and Part 4 moves onto the fun bit. Shopping. Where to look for these amazing bargains, how to wear them once you have and how to potentially make a profit from selling them.

Not only does this contain the most comprehensive information on buying and caring for quality second hand clothing, but it’s funny too. Christa Weil is like your cocktail swilling, stylish best friend with a sharp tongue but an eye for detail. I might marry her if I weren’t already married.

There’s even tips from make up artist Jemma Kidd on creating vintage make up looks, tips on holding a decorate your own hat party and a short piece on vintage hand bags by Retro Chick favourite Lulu Guinness.

This has revolutionised my Charity Shop sprees. I always like to look out for quality, but this book has given me a much clearer idea of the indicators of a truly special piece.

I originally got this out of the library, but it’s so useful that I feel the need to actually have a copy in the house permanently, even though I’ve read it cover to cover.

Before I drown in enthusiastic hyperbole, I really suggest you take a peek. Get it from your local library to make sure, I guarantee it’ll soon be on your wish list too…

Note: I am an Amazon affiliate, if you buy the book through one of my links I’ll earn a few pennies. It costs you nothing and in no way affects my opinions on this book, if you want proof then read my last review of Very Vintage.


  • Edwina May 19, 2010

    Ok, but what if you live in a completely daggy area where the local library only stocks Danielle Steel and books on how to crochet dog jumpers? I guess I just have to buy?

    • Retro Chick May 19, 2010

      Oh dear! Can they order it in for you?

  • Love this book, its awesome. I had it off amazon!

  • Sherin May 19, 2010

    Sounds like an interesting and useful book. The fact that it focus’s a bit on make up as well is a definite plus.

  • Rosina Lee May 20, 2010

    I enjoyed this book, I was fortunate to get it from our local library. I enjoyed the part on how to spot authentic vintage and what finer details to look for.

  • Laura Connell May 20, 2010

    Thanks for the tip. Looks like a good one. Well-researched and legitimately useful.

  • LandGirl1980 May 21, 2010

    One glance at your review – and it is now winging its way to me from the world wide interweb! HURRAHS! :O)

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