The thing to remember about fashion is it’s not all about those big names at London Fashion Week.
It’s been a long time since I paid much more than a passing interest to Fashion Weeks. I love Fashion, but all the blogger bitching and backstabbing, from journalists and other bloggers got frankly a little bit wearying. Repeated content on a hundred blogs of the same shows was tiresome and a waste of everyone’s time, and as I have a very specific style there were often only limited pieces of interest to me on view. Finding one new brand and a free bottle of vitamin water didn’t make a 12 hour day and a £50 train ticket viable.
However, I received an email about a week ago from George at Asda, who happen to one of the sponsors of Graduate Fashion Week. Graduate Fashion Week can be quite interesting as these aren’t necessarily the people who are going on to have their own name brands. Some might, but others may well be the people who will be designing the clothes we’ll be buying on the High Street in 5 years time.
This prompted me to head off to look at the Graduate Fashion Week website and see if there was actually anything I was interested in on there.
As expected there were an awful lot of designers that, in my opinion, should have their scissors taken away and told not to design clothes until they’d paid attention to how people actually dress and the fact that they need to get through doors occasionally. There were also a predictable amount of the “oops I fell into a dressing up box and these were the clothes I came out wearing” style of outfits that seem to be favoured by people who know a lot more about Fashion than I evidently do. (I know what I like. OK?)
In amongst those were a few designers who looked like they had the courage of their own conviction and weren’t trying to hide behind layers ripped fabric and elaborate attention grabbing pieces. Fingers crossed that these are the ones that end up designing for the High Street.
These were a few of my favourites……
The idea of Graduate Fashion Week is to bring together Fashion students from across the UK, give them a place to display their work and offer mentoring and training schemes for those that stand out.
George sent me a playsuit from their Womens clothing range (which is actually nicer than I expected. I shall show you if the sun ever comes out.) and some make up from fellow sponsor Rimmel, so, in honour of Graduate Fashion Week, I have a little giveaway for you.
The kit contains a lasting finish by Kate lipstick in hot pink shade, a traffic stopping eyeshadow set in shades great for a smoky eyes look, a scandaleyes mascara in black and an ivory anti fatigue concealer. In total it’s worth about £25.
All you need to do for an entry is tell me which of the above Graduate Fashion Week looks is your favourite. Or do you think they’re all awful? ;o)
Competition will be open for 1 week, closing at midnight on Wednesday 4th July. The winner will be chosen at random from all qualifying entries Editors (that's me!) decision will be final and no cash alternative is available.< Overseas entries are welcome
mmm, I actually like them all.
I’m a fan of look one- the 50s inspired dress with the figure flattering stripes. Although I do like the otehr 2 styles, I think style 1 is far more wearable for ‘normal’ life. Good to look outside the purely vintage bubble with this post and to celebrate a bit of generational transfer as we look to develop the next group of designers for ‘real’ women. Thanks!
The striped dress is gorgeous 🙂
I’d have to say the first dress is the nicest. The rest are not my style or taste but its a runway show so they have pieces often that most people wouldnt wear in public hehe
Great giveaway and cant wait to see you in that playsuit!!! xox
I love the black and white stripy dress, but the b&w print with gold details wins it for me.
PS:The Kate Moss Rimmel lipstick is actually pretty good. I bought it in a red and nude shade and quite like it for its staying power. x
None of them struck me as awful; I liked them all.
I love the first look, the 1950s shaped dress, but I love the fact that it’s paired with stripy tights. Also the third one is amazing, but not particularly wearable!
Wonderful giveaway! xxx
I think the striped dress is my favorite but I don’t hate any of them, which is weird for me.
I do love that third one down, although the first one is the one I could see myself wearing. I love the tights!
The stripey dress is ok, but not with stripey tights
the second one. love that leather bask and the amulet.
Ohh the grey stripy dress by far, I would wear that every day. I’d settle for just the tights…
the striped dress is different
I love them all, but I particularly like teh lacey dress with the leather corset. Its just stands out above the others
I like them all, but for some reason the 3rd of fascinates me the most right now although it’s not my style at all. It’s kind of 60’s futuristic MOD with a Slavic twist. It’s different from the others for its own benefit 🙂
I love the 2nd picture. I like the 3rd one too. The others I wouldn’t be seen dead in!
Black and white toadstool inspired one (could see Bjork in this).
I love the 50’s style stripy dress with stripy tights.
2nd style down is the one i love i dont have the figure to show it off but it looks amazing
My favourite is the first one – the 50s style striped dress as it is very flattering. I don’t like the stripey tights with it though.
I love the second one, the kind of lacy/corsetty dress.
I really like the look shown in the second photo – the crochet dress paired with the underbust corset and the oversized ‘portrait’ necklace.
The look is so very different from recent fashions, and has an almost Edwardian feel to it – and as much as I love the 1950s styles that have been all the rage this spring and summer, it’s so nice to see something with a different, but equally flattering silhouette come on the scene 🙂
Definitely the first one. The dress looks straight out of an Audrey Hepburn movie. Lovely!
I really love the first picture. I can’t get over all the stripes, all the way down to her toes!!
i love the first one, the dress is gorgeous
I like the 2nd one down best, it is very elegant .
I like the second one. I’m a bit of a sucker for slightly boho fashion, and the crochet-style bottom of the skirt really appeals to the free spirit in me 🙂
I’m afraid to say, none of them! I don’t like any of them 🙁
I liked them all! The first dress is really stunning – and looks so good with the striped tights x
i love the long cream coloured skirt with crochet hemline and the leather bodice x
the black and white striped dress it just yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy
I like the stripy outfit the best but I think people would laugh at me if I wore a stripy dress with stripy tights!
Never been a fan of fashion shows, after parties on the other hand….
The last one, the yellow blouse with the pencil skirt. It covers up but it still shows off your waist. It’s summery but classy and I would definitely wear it.
The second one is nice – not keen on the others. The second one is stylish and a nice retro,
i love the 4th one looks very chic , id deffinitly wear this outfit. sometimes i dont think its what you do but who you knwo and alot of talanted people do miss out due to this. i think the people who designed these deff have a talent for creativity and imagination x
I quite like the striped dress
I like the second one with the corset – if you’ve got a figure like that why not show it off?! It’s subtle at the same time though which is why I’d choose it as my favourite x
I like the striped dress (first photo) the best, but I woukdn’t wear striped stockings with it!
I love the second one with the corset! I wish I was tall enough to wear a dress like that!
The first one is my favorite.
Love the first dress! Have a weakness for stripes 🙂
I adore the striped dress, very figure flattering! 😀
Love the 02nd picture, beautiful colour and a Stunning design 🙂 xx
The 3rd picture down of the top and skirt I think is my favourite 🙂
I love the striped dress in the first picture.
I like the outfit with the fur hat – very Russian. I like the architectural quality, reminds me of St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow.
I liked the second one. It’s reminscent of a medievel England princess
I really love the striped dress.
Second one looks really flattering – although not sure about the neck piece
I love the 2nd outfit, the lace and crochet dress … I’d SO wear that
The high waist skirt/yellow shirt is my favourite look.
I like the one with the corset the best
I like the striped dress very much, although I’m not sure about the matching tights!
the last one is my fav 🙂
I love the third one, especially the shape of the skirt, but I do like all of them as well
absolutely love the leather corset xxx
I love the Crochet looking dress with the corset. The corset is stunning x
the “Amelia Smith” outfit looks awful I`m afraid!
They are all beautiful but the striped dress is my favourite
I love the very last one – the high waisted skirt with the mustard coloured shirt/blouse 🙂
Love the long beige dress with the corset over. I would love to wear it and more importantly would love to be able to attend an outing where you could wear it. Unfortunately, my life is pretty tame. Ooh well, one can dream.
loving the stripey look lol !
i love the second one it looks it great on her figure xx
I liked the stripy dress but not those tights
I love the lacy dress and corset and beautiful locket. I could never wear it well myself though lol!
my favorite is the second one down with the leather waspie and lace and crochet dress, I really love this look. The one I liked the least was the black white and gold dress – that was a bit too far “out there” for me
black and white striped dress is amazing!…beautiful to wear at a wedding 🙂
i quite liked the stripey dress. it looks like something i might actually wear. the rest were awful though!
I love, love, love the grey strippy dress. It is lovely !! x
Photo four was a bit ‘same-y’ but one to three look very interesting. If I had the figure I would go for photo two. But that is just a dream.
love them all but I think the corset one is my fave, I like the pairing of two contrasting styles
I like the stripy dress best – but also quite like the on with the corset
I like the girl with the oil painting around her neck but she might easily trip up. The first one should remember that wearing horizontal stripes is bound to make you look fat (unless you are a skinny model that is)!
I actually like them all 🙂
I like the first striped dress, unfortunatly I think the third one looks like a lampshade!
I quite like them if they had a few tweeks here and there 🙂 very 60’d inspired collection
the 2nd model with the corset her outfit is stunning
I ♥ the stripey dress and the corset dress too! ♥ the stripey tights too!!! xxx
the 4th image is probably my favorite and the one I’d be most likely to wear.
I think they are all awful.
Love, love, LOVE the second dress with the corset, so slinky and feminine!
If I had to choose one, I would opt for the stripy dress.
The 2nd outfit is my favourite as it doesn`t try too hard as some of the others do. It has more of a timeless feel.
I’m really biased because my cousin was part of Graduate Fashion Week. So I’m going to say none of them as none were designed by her!!! 😛
Loooooooooooooooove them all xxx
I love the beige dress with the corset style waist, great detail on the design and the waist style would show off a great figure!
I love love love the stripped dress love that look just wish i had figure that i could wear it 🙂 x
Imlike the second one down. The others are a little ott for my liking 🙂
I like the lace skirt ensemble even if it does remind me a bit of a cicular lace table cloth I once had.
The third one is OK however the rrest not practical for any thing.
i quite like the 2nd dress is the best one as it sucks you in and still flaunts the curves x
I just love the first image, I think the stripes are great and absolutly adore the tights just perfect.
the 2nd picture with the brown corset and lace dress just gorgeous
I liked the last one most, the dress and top go very well together.
Love the one with the leather corset. I’m veggie so I wouldn’t actually want my corset to be leather – but I do love the look 🙂
1st striped dress!
I like the black and white striped dress…’s fab!! x
I love the first striped one. Very pretty 🙂
I think the second outfit looks really good – though possibly a bit uncomfortable
I love the long knitted dress with the leather corset -vintage meets vamp
the first picture – the stripey dress
the 1st and second one
Got to be the striped dress it’s lovely x
The second one down is gorgeous, I absolutely love it and would definitely wear it!
I would love to go to a fashion event & the graduate fashion week sounds like a good place to go. Out of all the outfits above the one I would be more than delighted to wear is photo number 2, with the crochet dress & brown waist band. Firstly it’s wearable, secondly it’s an outfit you could style with accessories to design another look depending on where you are going & how you feel.
I love the black and white dress it has a early 60’s madmen feel about it .. which is my fav series and I wish I could dress like that every day!
I love the first photo – the striped dress is really stunning and could be worn by the ‘ordinary everyday person’ . I really don’t like the third photograph, I think it’s a total disaster – really awful, and whilst I know the runway shows don’t tend to feature clothes that end up in the shops and are more of a showcase of what the designer can do, this to me, is just awful!
The third dress (white and black, interesting proportions) is my favourite. Though that might be the styling rather than actual dress.
i love the first 1,very pretty and something that i would wear.
I love the 50s style striped dress
I really like he 2nd one especially he corset belt. I’d wear that quite happily
Yes they look awful in my opinion!
My favourite is the first dress. It’s neutral colours and classic styling is perfect.
I really love the last outfit – simple, elegant and classy.
I absolutely adore the heavy crochet/lace design from the period piece, accessorised with the cameo it is just stunning and I am thrilled to see a dress that is not a maxi! For those of us big busted and/or short waisted they are awful, I love them but I cannot wear them. Coming out from under the bust they have the unfortunate affect of making me look around 8 months pregnant!
So the return of a good corset, bustier, boned bodice is superb! Awesome look, divine and I adore it! 🙂
I Like the corset and lace outfit .. sort of a modern take on Edwardian fashion and great Neutral colours
The dress with the tight brown corset is my fave :o)
Love the oversize belt and cameo, over vintage lace. Couture sweetie!
I like the girl in beige, with the sort of tapered brown corset in the middle
The first and third are fab x
I love the first dress, the one with the horizontal stripes. Not so sure on the others but that one is a definate thumbs up from me.
Have to say I didn’t like any of them! The grey strip one was OK but not with the stripey tights.