Autumn in August

So far this year I’ve had a pretty amazing Summer.

While I listen to my friends complain about their shocking weather and flash floods, I’ve been basking in almost constant sunshine since June.

On occasions I’ve even left Norwich on days when it was rainy and nasty, headed off to places that just days previously were suffering flooding and gales and arrived in glorious sunshine. It’s like I’ve been living in my own little Summer bubble, and frankly I’m not complaining about it.

So imagine my surprise when I woke up yesterday to a freezing cold and rainy day, and I didn’t even have plans to visit somewhere else with sunshine.

Still ever one to look on the brightside and remain positive against all odds (stop laughing at the back!) I realised it was an opportunity to pull out an outfit that I fully expected not to be able to wear like this for at least another couple of months.

Green Tartan Dress

The dress comes from one of my sponsors, Dolly & Dotty who are a new repro brand on the lower end of the price spectrum with dresses costing around £35. They offered me something from their collection, and having been desperately wanting a tartan dress for ages I opted for the green tartan Annie swing dress, before receiving it and realising that it wasn’t the easiest to style for Summer wear.

When mine arrived it needed a good iron, unfortunately I am incapable of giving anything a good iron, so it had to cope with just a brief flattening, but it’s a good length, and good quality for the price. The buckle belt that comes with it has no stiffening so isn’t much use, but I always switch out belts anyway. I’d recommend giving them a try,though do pay attention to their sizing charts. I had to go up a size from usual as the busts are quite small.

So, hurrah, for rainy, freezing cold days for giving me a chance to wear my new frock, as we all know there’s nothing more annoying than a new frock and no chance to wear it! It was freezing too, I was actually cold taking these photos, though today, thankfully, my Summer bubble has returned.

Sadly another thing happened while I was taking these photos that means I now DEFINITELY have to move house, possibly to a new City. Remaining here has been made completely impossible by the return of my neighbour with the bike. I think he must be secretly hiding round the corner and waiting for me to set up my tripod and take about 6 photos before he arrives and unlocks the back gate to the alley.

Obviously the sane reaction to this happening for the second time in a month would have been for me to have moved my tripod said something along the lines of “Ooops, me again!” waited for him to pass me and carried on with my photos like an unembarrassed grown up. But I didn’t do that, obviously. Instead I made a high pitched giggling noise, grabbed my tripod and ran away. Like really ran. And then I didn’t go back. So now my neighbour KNOWS I am an insane lady and I can never go out in public again.

All for the sake of an Outfit of the Day photo.


Dolly and Dotty

green boots

♥ Dress c/o Dolly & Dotty ♥ Brooch – Vintage ♥ Belt – H&M ♥
♥Tights – Wade & Belle* ♥ Green Suede Boots – Hush Puppies ♥

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