December 26, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello! Welcome to my weekly lockdown check-in. Here I am, to tell you about the fascinating adventures I had in my house and on my daily walks/runs. For the rest of today I am taking part in GISH, an online scavenger hunt that is probably aimed at people far more creative than me, but at

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Fitness & Health

Flexible Bodyweight Workouts for when You’re Short on Space and Time

Ah, every fitness “influencer” in the world is running Zoom classes, and Instagram live classes and making workout videos right now, I, however, am not, and I sincerely apologise. I am a Personal Trainer, and this should have been my time to leap in there and get the world moving. But I didn’t, because for

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Dear Diary

This Week I…

Hello folks and welcome to another exciting story of things I did inside my house this week. I’ll be honest, this weeks been a bit of a tough one for me. I have good days and bad days, as I guess we all do, as we adjust to this new normal. I’m trying to focus

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello folks! How are you this gorgeous Easter Sunday? I’m wishing you outside space so you can get some vitamin D. If you have none, I hope you can open a window at least. This morning I have been for a long run and plan to spend the rest of the day eating chocolate and

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hi there, how are you all coping this week? This week has been better than last week, however I foolishly spent some time on Facebook before I started writing this and now I’m feeling pretty anxious so that was evidently a bad idea. This afternoon I plan to get my head back together for long

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well, things are certainly moving on a pace aren’t they? Today I have been out for my daily exercise, a 10k run. It snowed, but now the sun is shining through my window, thanks world. For the rest of the day I plan to be kind to myself, because this has really not been a

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, last week the apocalypse was impending. This week I think we can say it has arrived, though there are some people who haven’t quite realised it yet. 10 days ago I wrote a post on how to keep safe in the gym, 5 days after that I stopped going altogether and another 5 days

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Fitness & Health

A Little Support

This is a sponsored post that was mostly written about a week ago, considering how much more important exercising outside and staying healthy is right now, I figured it’s as relevant as ever. But first, I’ll start with a bit of my back story! Amongst the many, many injuries that I never let heal properly

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, it’s been an interesting week. It started quite innocently and has ended in an impending apocalypse. I have been in the gym this morning, albeit with far more hand sanitizer and wipes than normal, and I plan to spend the rest of the afternoon avoiding social media and snuggling my Pugs. I hope you’re

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