December 26, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fitness & Health

So, The Government Says We’re All Too Fat……

Maybe we are all fat. Maybe we’re all lazy feckless layabouts who eat frozen chips because we’re too lazy to cut up potatoes, and pizza instead of salad because we’re too stupid to understand the concept of calories. Or maybe we live in a world where we’re expected to commute for 2 hours to work

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Good morning! How have you been this week? Absurdly hot? I have. I absolutely hate the hot weather. In fact I pretty much hate most of Summer in general. It’s hot, buggy and nasty. Roll on Autumn. My plans for this, thankfully slightly cooler, day include a client session in the park and a socially

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Dear Diary

This Week I ……

It’s Sunday again, how these roll around so fast I don’t know. It’s been a very warm few days, but thankfully there seems to be a bit of a nice breeze today so I’m hoping that it won’t be so oppressive I can hardly breathe. I’ve got a client session in the park and then

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Sunday again. How time flies when you’re absolutely not having fun anymore because all the fun stuff is just too scary right now. Thanks for checking in again. It’s always nice to see you here, I like that there are other people in the world who enjoy seeing little snippets of other peoples normal lives

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well, isn’t the weather different today? I mean, it is here, I have no idea what it’s like where you are. Yesterday was hot and humid, where as today is rainy, drizzly and overcast. It’s a typical British Summer and one of the reasons I far prefer Autumn and Winter. In July and August it’s

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hello, how are you all feeling? I don’t know about you but I’m struggling a bit with this return to β€œnormal” , partly because I know it’s NOT normal, and I’m still scared that I or someone one I love will get this horrible disease. Even more scared now we’re expected to go about our

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well, it’s the end of another week as we head into July and I’m already dreaming about a nice crisp Autumn. The older I get, the less I’m a fan of Summer. Obviously it’s quite a nice time for the first 2 decades of your life as it is a time that includes no school.

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hi there, welcome to a happily much fresher Sunday. I’m extremely relieved at the change in the weather as I am a massive Summer Scrooge. I like a pleasant spring day (at least before hayfever season starts) and give me a sunny and crisp September day anytime, but Summer really sucks. I have hayfever, it’s

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Dear Diary Inspiration & Lifestyle

A Photo An Hour – 24th June 2020

Well, when I started this project back in 2016 I don’t think I dreamed that 4 years on I’d be documenting my day in the middle of a global pandemic. Today’s post is part of an ongoing project I started in 2016. It started with the 23rd June, which was Brexit vote day, so it’s

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