December 26, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hello folks, happy Sunday and Happy Fathers Day! How are you? I’m very sleepy, because I got up at 2am this morning, but that’s a story for later on in this post. First of all I’m off to the park for a PT session with a client, then I’m spending the rest of the day

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Fitness & Health Running

Can You Get Faster By Running Slower?

Its easy to think that the harder you work out the fitter you’ll get. I remember when I first started running I got faster with every session and I felt so proud. 8 years into my running journey and recently I’ve been feeling like the reverse is true. I feel like it’s getting harder and

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hey there. How’s things? It’s tough at the moment right? Well, just remember, we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic, it’s ok to find stuff hard occasionally even if the world looks like it’s returning to normal a bit, and, most importantly, you’re not alone. My Sunday started with a long run, which

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Sunday again? The weeks are going by both incredibly quickly and incredibly slowly at the moment, and this one more so than most. I started the week in summer dresses and I’m finishing it under a blanket actually shivering. This afternoon I will be live streaming the Norwich Black Lives Matter protest. You can find

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Hello! Welcome to another probably Sunday, though it’s 10am and I have been convinced it’s actually Monday for most of the morning already, so who knows? I was scrolling back through my photos today to see what exciting things I’d been up to that I’d forgotten about, and it appears I’ve done absolutely nothing. Then

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Dear Diary

This Week I…

Hi, happy Sunday! I really hope you’re not expecting this week to be as exciting as last week because you’re likely to be disappointed. This week life mostly returned to the “new normal” after last weeks lockdown birthday shenanigans. This afternoon I will be doing a lot of sitting, because I ran a long way

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well hello! Welcome to the final Sunday of “Birthday week” because when your birthday occurs in lockdown and you have to cancel all your plans you get a whole week instead of just a day. Long term readers might know that Mr LLL and I share a birthday. This year is a big milestone birthday

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello there and happy probably Sunday! I’m absolutely convinced that Sunday was yesterday, but the three days before that were all Friday so that means Sunday is actually today. Or maybe it’s Monday? Who actually knows. I’ve always worked from home and it’s surprised me how much the tiny bit of weekly structure I did

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Well hello! I am reliably informed that it’s Sunday, but my days are definitely reaching that blurring together phase of lockdown, so actually who the hell knows? Today’s plans include eating a roast dinner and sitting on the sofa under a blanket reading magazines. Both excellent uses of a sunny Sunday, but seeing as picnics

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