Finding my Zen #EverydayMoments
What would you miss in your life if you couldn’t do it anymore? When someone asks me that question the first thing I.
The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use arey real content in the Consulting Process anytime you reachtent.
What would you miss in your life if you couldn’t do it anymore? When someone asks me that question the first thing I.
Well, here we are, finally February. Janathon is over, but I still went for a run today, so yay me. Mostly January has.
Ok guys, if you ever see me make a stupid suggestion like “Hey, lets try and earn 500 fitness points on my TomTom.
So, a few weeks ago I spotted that the Norfolk branch of Girl Gains was holding an event. It was a Box Fit.
Monday is Olympic lifting day. Anticipating my watches total dislike of weights I switched it on to walk to the gym, thinking that.
Are you confident? What is confidence? When people talk about confidence they talk about it like it’s a thing that you either have,.
There has to be at least one of these every Janathon, and this was it. Feeling very slightly groggy from a few too.
Afternoon! I’ve been super busy already today. I’ve been for a run, the dogs have had a bath and now I’m about to.
Ok, so it’s definitely getting harder to earn those points. Today I wore my watch to Roller Derby practice and apparently it took.