Kate Middleton and the Great Dress Goldrush
Ah, the Royal Wedding. Just because it’s over doesn’t mean the press releases stop you know. Yesterday I received an email titled First.
The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use arey real content in the Consulting Process anytime you reachtent.
Ah, the Royal Wedding. Just because it’s over doesn’t mean the press releases stop you know. Yesterday I received an email titled First.
It’s Tuesday after a 4 day weekend, so lets ease our way back into the working week. A nice start I thought would.
Oooh, whatever happened to my posting schedule? Sketchy posts all week and then a surprise post on a Saturday. That’s the confusion of.
I am currently in the wilds of Sussex. It wasn’t intended to be a holiday, but I left my dongle at home and.
On Saturday night I attended a long anticipated Rotary Club Ball. My Dad is President of his club this year and therefore this.
I wasn’t planning on reviewing another lipstick for a while… Then I got an email about a new range for No 7 by.
Yesterday I spent a scorching hot day in London pretending to picnic on top of the South Bank Centre. It was the press.
On the 4th June this year there’s a fabulous 40’s fundraiser in London Tahn…. Swing for Skin is in aid of DEBRA UK,.
So who cares about the Royal Wedding? No one, really, lets face it. OK, some people care. Prince William, Kate Middleton, their families.