What are you wearing? 40s Style Dresses

40s style dresses
I love 40s style dresses and I bought this one at a Supermarket over the summer for the grand total of £7.50 and I’ve worn it to death. It’s got a great 40s style feel to it with shaped shoulders and breast pockets in a cute little floral print. The sun’s still shining but there’s certainly a nip in the air, so I’ve extended its wear with a black belt and tights and dolly shoes.

Shirt dresses are a great way to get a 40s style look and you can track down 40s style dresses anywhere, if you know what to look for. A knee length cut, short sleeves, and a slim but not pencil skirt are a good start!

Dress – F+F at Tesco
Vintage Belt – Charity Shop
Shoes – Faith (a long time ago!)

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