Easy Last Minute Halloween Costumes.

I’ve never been sure why Halloween costumes for grown women always seem to be entirely about wearing as few clothes as possible, or swathing yourself in cheap synthetics.

I’ve always put together my own costumes, from stuff I already own or can easily purchase, this year The Coveted is doing a great series of posts with different Halloween costumes put together entirely from things you can find in your wardrobe.

Last year I did scary nurse, I already own a white nursing dress from my days as a nursing assistant, so a cardboard hat, some fake blood and some scary make up produced this.

It took a bit of effort. But didn’t require me to wander round in a skirt so short that it left nothing to the imagination.

If you haven’t sorted your costume by now it’s probably getting a bit late to be too elaborate, but hey, it’s easy to turn your LBD into a costume with a bit of imagination and some accessories purchased from your local supermarket or accessories shop.

One little black dress, a few accessories and enough eyeliner makes a cat, devil or a witch. Not imaginative. But certainly quick and easy for last minute panics!

Remember, it’s all in the make up! Whiskers for Cats, killer red lippy for the devil and plenty of eyeliner for witches.

Of course, if you’re really last minute and can’t get to the shops cat ears can be made from a hair band and a couple of triangles of black card, alternatively The Coveted shows you how to make a pair out of shoulder pads. Devil Horns need red card and a bit more black card makes a witches hat. It’s never too late….

One reply on “Easy Last Minute Halloween Costumes.”
  1. says: jennine

    oooh i’m sure if i had red shoulderpads… which i do someplace, devil can happen!

    as for your nurse outfit! fun! you’re just of the LV runway….

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