Pretty in Pink – A Style Icon tribute to John Hughes

Last Thursday I heard the sad news that director John Hughes had died at the age of just 59.

John Hughes holds a special place in the hearts of many people my age as the Writer of pretty much every iconic teen movie of the mid 1980s (we try not to remember that he moved on to create Home Alone, Beethoven and Baby’s Day Out in the 1990s)

Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller were always 2 of my favourites and I’ve seen them more times than I would like to count (or admit, probably). This weekend I decided to have my own little salute to John Hughes by re watching two of the films I know less well, Pretty in Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful.

Well, I now have a new girl crush, step aside Emma Watson, you have been replaced as my Style Icon by Iona from Pretty in Pink.


Her first appearance, with Punky hair and a leather vest, not necessarily my style, but I love her electicism. One second she’s a bondage punk, the next second she’s ladylike chic, but all with her own (very 80s) twist.

My favourite look is the one she is wearing when Duckie does his famous Otis Redding performance. The 80s does 40s dress with structured shoulders, with a hat and hair net.


I also love that she’s supposed to be in her 30s in the film but in no way considers this a reason to dress like, ooh, Andie maybe, with her pearls and shapeless sack dresses.

I think Ferris Bueller is still my favourite John Hughes film, but with the 80s coming back in a big way I relish the chance to get some first hand fashion inspiration that doesn’t involve stone washed denim or neon.

Did you rewatch any old John Hughes classics this weekend? Which is your favourite?

7 replies on “Pretty in Pink – A Style Icon tribute to John Hughes”
  1. says: Freya

    I loved Iona! I totally forgot that she existed in that movie. Thanks for the reminder.
    .-= Freya´s last blog ..Technical Difficulties =-.

    1. says: Retro Chick

      Me too Freya! It’s been years since I watched the movie.

      I love her apartment too, I didn’t have one of my own last time I watched it, but now I want to redecorate!

  2. says: Viviana

    I so loved Iona’s clothes. I actually used to own the rubber dress she wore with the white t-shirt. It was a gift and came to a horrible end.

    Did you know that latex decomposes if it is not keep correctly? I found out with that dress.

    I was so sad when she decided to dress her “age”.

  3. says: Terry

    Pretty in Pink is one of my favourite movies ever, so I totally understand the reason why you’ve watched it again. Iona’s character is so funny and eclectic, and so is her style (well, apart from that hideous red suit). The outfit I prefer on her is the printed dress and blonde/white wig 🙂

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