Well, we’re now a full week into December, present buying panic is well and truly setting in and I’ve already discovered that some of the things that DO taste better than skinny feels are mince pies, mulled wine and really cheap chocolates from the pound shop.
But, most importantly….
This year I have eschewed a real tree in favour of a load of sticks. We collected them from a nearby wood ourselves and decorated them with ribbon, twinkly lights and my collection of lovely baubles.
It’s a shame plugs are so ugly, but I’m sure that soon this eyesore will be obscured by the huge mounds of beautifully wrapped presents that will no doubt end up around the base of the tree.
I would like to pretend that we did this in an attempt to be more eco friendly, however the simple fact is that not only did I think it would look pretty cool, but Christmas Trees are expensive and I am poor as a Church Mouse that doesn’t qualify for benefits.
If you do want to be all eco friendly here’s a list of Organic Christmas Tree Farms
So, now you’ve seen my tree I want to see yours….
Post a link to a photo or your own blog post in the comments, tweet me, or post it on my Facebook page. Maybe if I get to see enough photos I’ll put together a whole new post with pictures of all your trees and we can all feel Christmassy together.
As a bonus you can see a photo of my other tree. This one has been with me since I was at university. It’s only about 2 foot high and due to it’s old age is a little wobbly about the bottom and a little wonky in the branches, but it comes out every year. Bless it…
We don’t have a tree up and probably won’t get one (I know – but we’ll be driving the 10 hrs up to my parents’ house for the 2 days before and after Christmas, and they’ll have a tree, so I figure why bother?!). I do like your Christmas sticks though! 😀
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Marvelous Monday! =-.
I can show you four bloggers trees from last year? http://stylesymmetry.com/2008/12/19/inspiration-blogger-christmas-trees/
.-= eyeliah´s last blog ..Christmas Gift Ideas What to Get =-.
I want my tree to be adorned with presents for underprivileged children. I am like Charlie Brown: can’t stand the rampant consumerism
.-= Laura Connell´s last blog ..All Hail House of Vintage =-.
Paige – That is so cute! Your cat looks cute too!
Eyeliah – OOH You did that on the 19th. Maybe I’m too early for trees?
Michelle – I have to have a tree even when I wasn’t there for Christmas, that’s why my tiny tree got bought when I was at uni. I’m a sucker for Christmas!
Laura – I know what you mean. I love Christmas, but the obsession with spending money makes me sad. Hence FREE Christmas sticks 😀
Love love LOVE your tree/twigs creation – it looks soooo cool!!! I am putting photos of my tree up tonight – was too busy playing with them last night!
.-= Emily´s last blog ..LUST LIST: Christian Louboutin Barbie =-.
Lovely! Will take a pic of my tree and hopefully you will receive it on time :))
.-= Alice´s last blog ..Dublin DIY Fashion Scene =-.
This is my tree – now up! Photos aren’t great but you get the idea! http://sugarandspice-shopgirl.blogspot.com/2009/12/rockin-around-christmas-tree.html
Ah, what a cool tree. I’ll take some pics of ours, we decided to go with a white one. My daughter helped decorate so there are lots of baubles concentrated on the bottom branches! Merry Christmas! ♥
.-= Denise @ Swelle´s last blog ..The Winners of the Fauchon Goodies Are… =-.