5 Books Every Girl Wants to Find in Her Christmas Stocking

Books are a staple Christmas gift, and a good one I think.


Getting books feels like being given the gift of time. To appreciate them properly you need to spend some time alone, in the quiet, possibly with a big mug of hot chocolate, a blanket and a roaring fire (or blazing radiator) and that’s a great gift to give OR receive.

So step away from the electronic beeping gadgets and fill your Christmas stocking with oranges and books. As long it’s a big, reinforced, stocking, these babies would ladder a delicate seamed nylon dainty.

It’s Vintage, Darling!: How to be a Clothes Connoisseur – By Christa Weil


If you’re idling somewhere in wardrobe limbo, getting to stylish can be a long haul. And all second-hand shoppers face the same problem. There are so many pieces to be had, the natural impulse is to buy, buy, buy, simply because it’s so much fun, fun, fun. This quickly leads to wardrobe overload – a collection of clothing that is ‘eclectic’ to put it kindly, and ‘one big mishmash’, to put it honestly. But armed with insider secrets about recognising quality and how to dress to suit your figure, you can transform your look.

I got this book out of the library last year and I need my own copy. It’s packed with brilliant tips on seperating the wheat from the chaff when second hand shopping.

By Hand – By Safia Minney

by hand

“For every beautiful garment People Tree makes, there’s an equally beautiful change happening somewhere in the world.” – Safia Minney

Through 132 pages of thought-provoking ideas and stunning images, Safia Minney sets out the case for Fair Trade fashion.

Put on Your Pearls, Girls – by Lulu Guinness


In a collection of whimsical but heartfelt style edicts that every woman can live by, the trend-setting designer offers witty fashion advice and encouragement in the form of a glamorously drawn alter ego.

If you want a REALLY special gift then a signed copy of this book is available free with every purchase of one of Lulu’s 12 days of Christmas Collectables right up till Christmas.

Keep Calm and Carry On: Good Advice for Hard Times


“Keep Calm and Carry On” was a WWII government poster discovered in a dusty box nine years ago. Though it never saw the light of day in 1939 (it was only supposed to go up if Britain was invaded), it has suddenly struck a chord in our current difficult times, now we are in need of a stiff upper lip and optimistic energy once again.

Make Do and Mend – by Ministry of Information


This is a delightful reminder of the techniques for household economies extolled by the wartime government. First published in 1943, all of the tips can be used to spruce up your wardrobe today. There are old fashioned remedies for everything from washing silks and mending your clothes, to repelling the ‘moth menace’!

photo by the bbp

2 replies on “5 Books Every Girl Wants to Find in Her Christmas Stocking”
  1. says: Kristen

    Great fashion / style are usually one of my most favorties presents under the tree. Thanks for the great suggestions.
    .-= Kristen´s last blog ..Don, we now, our gay apparel… fa la la la la =-.

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