5 Resolutions You SHOULD Make in January

So, back to work then.

Truth is I’ve managed to start the new decade with the dreaded lurgy (otherwise known as a bit of a cold). Even so, despite the fact I don’t make resolutions, I’m finding it hard not to be filled with the urge to make changes and improvements to my life. I think it’s more the aftermath of a 2 week holiday of excessive eating and being lazy than any particular New Year nonsense but still, the feeling is there.

As a compromise I’ve come up with 5 resolutions that won’t make me feel bad and are pretty hard to fail at. What do you think?

  • Wear less black.

  • If there was ever a time of year you need a bit more colour in your life, this is it. It’s grey, it feels like there’s nothing to look forward to. Wearing less black is a GOOD plan.

    Maybe go for something a little more low key than this though, you don’t want to blind anyone. A slick of red lipstick or some nice bright gloves for instance, but not this. Never this.

  • Drink less Alcohol

  • Not NO alcohol, just less. There are studies that prove that the occasional drink is good for your heart and it can certainly be a pleasant way to unwind and lift your spirits in a dark and dreary January. Frequent, heavy drinking, however is not only bad for your liver but also your mind, leading to depression and anxiety.

    Like you need to feel any worse after Christmas.

  • Eat more healthily

  • I’m not talking about losing weight, that’s a killer cliche resolution. It’s also one that requires deprivation and will leave you depressed when you get to the end of January and haven’t lost any, or depressed because you have and you spent january chewing on carrot sticks.

    No, what I’m talking about is eating more fruit and veg, drinking more water and eating less processed food. This will actually make you happier. Experiment with the exotic varieties from your supermarket or grocer. The internet is a great resource for recipes for random veg. This is the fun side of healthy eating. The depressing side is cutting down on cheese, cream and chocolate. Save that for February.

  • Look after yourself

  • When it’s cold and miserable central heating and air conditioning all play havoc with your hair and skin. Starting the New Year with a promise to pamper yourself a little is hardly a trauma. Take a trip to Boots and buy all their half price Christmas gift boxes then lock yourself in the bathroom in a cloud of sweet smelling steam till you emerge looking like a Princess.

  • Be less Grown Up

  • I hate being grown up. Do something ridiculous like build a fort in your living room. It’s way more fun than going out for dinner and cheaper too. Being grown up implies a lack of imagination, you don’t want that, especially in January.

Photos by by lepiaf.geo , rchappo2002 , Mulad

15 replies on “5 Resolutions You SHOULD Make in January”
  1. says: Closet Coach

    I love the living room fort!

    My resolutions all centered around style, so I particularly appreciate the thought of wearing less black. I was recently at a traditional Korean New Year’s celebration where we all wore hanbok, the very colorful traditional dresses. When we changed back into our street clothes, how drab we all looked in our blacks and greys and browns.
    .-= Closet Coach´s last blog ..New Year’s style resolutions =-.

  2. says: Ally

    Your castle fort beats the crap out of all the blanket-and-chair-backs forts from my childhood. I want one! I’m sure my roommates won’t mind if I take over the living room. 😀

  3. says: katrina

    love the fort idea — should create one right under my desk.
    .-= katrina´s last blog ..On Finding You =-.

  4. says: Maddy

    I am so onboard with your resolutions, especially the wearing less black & the look after yourself part. I alway seem to look like a cavewoman by the end of the winter. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. says: Treacle

    Brilliant resolutions! I’m definitely trying to add more color to my wardrobe and I could always use a reminder to be less serious. 🙂

  6. says: alixrose

    You built a fort!!! Love these resolutions, I will add these to my list of nonresolutions that I will try to keep. If that makes any sense.

  7. says: jesse.anne.o

    Awww, black kitty. I resolve to hug more black kitties.

    Also, my uncle had that same set of green floral Corningware.

    All good advice. Particularly less grown up, for me. “Responsibility” is usually my middle name.
    .-= jesse.anne.o´s last blog ..Rutting =-.

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