All The Fun Of The Fair

Last Saturday, January 9th, all the way back in 1768  Philip Astley staged the first modern circus in London.

As a mini celebration I spent Saturday night watching circus themed films (Big Fish is a good one) and eating candy floss (yes, I have a candy floss machine, I’m not sure why either)

I love Circus style. It conjurs up images of top hats, corsets, feathers and sequins, but all with a dark and sinister edge. The HBO series Carnivale is the perfect example, if you haven’t seen it you really should.

I’m not the only one to use circus style as an inspiration. For Spring Summer 2010 Temperley has produced a beautiful Circus inspired collection and the website has an amazing inspiration section and interactive images as well as this beautiful video.

10 replies on “All The Fun Of The Fair”
    1. says: Retro Chick

      mmm, they’re nice aren’t they!

      We made candy apples at the weekend too. Except we cut them into 1/4 first as I find a whole toffee apple too hard to eat!

  1. says: IdStyle

    I love the carivale style as well. Just recently, in December, I went to a circus themed party! It was so much fun to really indulge in the theme!
    .-= IdStyle´s last blog ..Links A La Mode: Bring It On =-.

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