Retro Chick Presents: Vintage Style Hair Rolls

Those of you that follow me on Twitter will have seen that I’ve changed my avatar there, and in other places, to this photo from the Bo Nanafana Havana Ball

Well, I thought you might like a tutorial as to how to achieve this look yourself. As I’ve mentioned before I’ve had short hair since I was 14. The longest it ever got was around shoulder length before I’d run screaming to the hair dresser to have the lot chopped off. It’s now around mid shoulder blade length on me, which feels VERY long and I’m still debating whether to chop the lot off again. Opinions on this are welcome! There’s plenty of photos of me with shorter hair in the outfit post archives.

I never wear it down as my hair is incredibly fine and straight and it simply goes static and sticks to my head. The fact that it is so fine and straight also means it’s actually quite difficult to do anything with and I have to rely a lot on back combing, dry shampoo and hair spray to get it to do anything fun. I am enjoying experimenting with hair styling though, so maybe I’ll keep it long for a while.

Any hair tutorials I post will naturally be geared towards people with fine hair and come with the understanding that I have little experience with hair styling, so, frankly, if I can do it so can you!

This tutorial is really easy, the “roll around your thumb” technique I find far easier on my hair than trying to roll it from the ends. The key, as always, is practice makes perfect. If you think the roll looks a bit messy then just unroll it and try again till it looks right.

You can subscribe to Retro Chick Presents on You Tube to make sure you’re the first to know about new videos.

Advance apologies for the out of sync sound. I shall be experimenting with different editing software I think, or maybe a new camera is in order!


Note: If you subscribe by email you will need to visit my site, or the Retro Chick Presents You Tube Channel to view the video

16 replies on “Retro Chick Presents: Vintage Style Hair Rolls”
  1. says: Maddy

    I didn’t know you had a twitter account! I must follow right away ;o)
    .-= Maddy´s last blog ..“I became known as Lily Casey, the mustang-breaking, poker-playing, horse-race-winning schoolmarm of Coconino County…” =-.

  2. says: Sherin

    I love your look here! Your hair and make up looks fabulous. I have really thick and unruly hair, so I can never roll it around my thumb: I’ve been trying for ages.
    .-= Sherin´s last blog ..Crystallized =-.

  3. says: Rhona Nolan

    Thank you! I just love vintage hairstyles! I’m definitly trying this out tomorrow! I’ll post the result (if it’s decent enough on my blog! Loverly blog by the way

  4. says: Kristen

    I love it, you make it look so easy! I always love your hair videos, they give me lot’s of inspiration for styles to try! Thanks
    .-= Kristen´s last blog ..IdStyle File – Breeyn McCarney =-.

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