The Lazy Girls Guide: How To Be A Little Princess

I’ll tell you a secret.

when I was little I really wanted to be a Princess.

Of course, what I had in mind wasn’t opening fetes and visiting the sick. It was more Giselle from Enchanted and less Princess Di. A bit like this.

Then I grew up, and I gave up on being a Princess in favour of being a tough cookie. A go getting girl who took no crap from anyone. A proper grown up. Frills and froth aren’t for this girl, and all she needs is a cup of coffee on the go to keep her busy lifestyle on track and on schedule.

But now I say pants to that. I want to be a Princess again.

So today, I bring you my top ways to bring the Princess back into your life and make you feel special.

  • Make time for yourself

Princesses don’t breakfast on take out coffee while doing their make up on the train. They rise, with an attractive yawn, dress (possibly assisted by bluebirds) and breakfast on milk and honey or some such.

Whatever. The point is, you can still be on schedule and do one thing at a time. Take your time over those little every day things and make them count. You’ll feel much more relaxed and more like the Princess you secretly know you are.

  • Be kind to others

Princesses don’t steal the last parking space, ignore people who drop things on the street or tut irritably when the person in front of them at the cash point takes too long. For starters they probably don’t carry money, but that’s irrelevant. Don’t let the little things drag you down, remember that everyone around you is a person too, with thoughts and feelings just like you. Be kind, and people will be kind back, not all of them, but you can feel secretly smug about how much nicer and more serene you are than the other *nasty* people.

  • Wear your best clothes

Do Princesses wear leggings with holes in to go to Sainsburys? No they don’t. Mostly because their food is bought to them by talking teapots and candle sticks, but even if it wasn’t, they still wouldn’t.

The same goes for “things” don’t save your “best” perfume for “best” and don’t eat your dinner off of chipped plates and drink out of Tesco Value wine glasses while your gorgeous vintage crockery and crystal glasses stay tucked away.

How can you feel special in scraped back hair and a hoodie? Make every day your “best” day #cheesealert

  • Be Postive

Princesses might have a reputation for sitting around looking fey waiting for people to rescue them, but I think that’s undeserved. Princesses get things done. Look at Snow White, she kicked those lazy Dwarfs into shape and got that house in order. She didn’t sit around feeling sorry for herself and moping over the life she lost.

Make the best of your situation and always remember that a smile goes a long way.

If none of this works it’s possible you need a Princess kick start. I recommend buying a huge frothy petticoat and wearing it while watching some great Princess movies (I suggest Enchanted and A Little Princess) eat cupcakes and drink tea from delicate china cups. If that doesn’t work you might need to face it, you’re the wicked step mother…….

28 replies on “The Lazy Girls Guide: How To Be A Little Princess”
  1. says: Lauren

    What a wonderfully inspiring post! I’m going to tweet this tonight. Ah, heaven, I want to be a princess too. I am throwing my old leggings away TONIGHT! Thanks so much for this. x

  2. says: Fi Phillips

    Well, two out of four isn’t bad. I have made time for myself today by getting my hair done (2 hours in the hairdressers) and I am now sunkissed and blonde. The result of this pampering is that I am feeling very positive.

    All girls like to be princesses sometimes.


  3. says: Piper

    Oh to be a princess! (actually my hubby and friends tend to think i must have been a princess in a past life 🙂 Such great ideas…i think i must find myself a frothy petticoat 🙂

  4. says: perfectlytwistd

    I think Princess days should become a national day for all us women who never really wanted to grow up. We get to be sparkly, eat cupcakes and watch Princess films whilst pampered and spoilt by our prince Charming (or Prince sarcasm in my case hehe)

  5. says: eyeliah

    Princesses are also filthy rich to which I cannot relate! But yes, you are right abot these positive attributes. Yes I wanted to be a princess too (the paper bag princess for a couple of years).
    .-= eyeliah´s last blog ..I Ain’t Born Typical =-.

  6. says: jem

    i’ve always wanted to be a princess… but its like the quote from the film, the little princess, “i am a princess. all girls are.” so i think i shall always believe this! i agree with your list of what a “true” princess is like. 🙂

  7. Love this! And what a great reminder about not saving the best things (like perfume.) I used to be so guilty of this, until I finally realized – we deserve the best too. It shouldn’t be saved for some special occasion that may never even come.
    XO Piper
    .-= DailyDivaDish´s last blog ..Currently Coveting =-.

  8. says: M

    I agree we need to wear our best when we feel like it and not for an occasion or someone else…self-pampering is the operating word!
    .-= M´s last blog ..Open Season =-.

  9. says: Esti

    I always loved Sara Crewe’s assertion that as long as you act and think like a princess (and she was the best type, wasn’t she?), it doesn’t matter if you’re scrubbing floors… or slaving over term papers.

    I also just finished reading Philip Pullman’s The Tin Princess, which features a plucky Cockney lass who accidentally becomes royal… and gets just as into her satin sheets and servants as into the graver responsibilities. It’s a quick-reading YA adventure, but there’s a lot of human in her.

    And… hi, I’m Esti. Just found your blog from The Glamorous Grad Student’s weekly reads : )
    .-= Esti´s last blog ..snack snack =-.

  10. says: Shybiker

    Love the post! Never having had the chance to be a princess, I’d leap at the opportunity now. I especially like the bit about being nice to people. Real beauty comes from within.
    .-= Shybiker´s last blog ..Fashion In The Air =-.

  11. says: Rachel

    I feel the same way – I used to laugh at the girls my age who referred to themselves as princesses, and suddenly I find myself wishing I was one. Love that first picture.

  12. says: Kt

    Loved this post, I do need to be more optimistic and give myself more time in the mornings (I’m guilty of putting make-up on on the train -_-;) but I cant really deny that I’ve always thought Milificent is awesome

  13. says: Dara

    I love the “wear your best clothes” section. I’m still laughing about where you wrote “Do Princesses wear leggings with holes in to go to Sainsburys? No they don’t. Mostly because their food is bought to them by talking teapots and candle sticks, but even if it wasn’t, they still wouldn’t.”
    That is so true!!

    Come and visit our vintage clothing website-

  14. says: drummbellina

    Aww I love this post. I was obsessed with being a princess when I was little! I had a crown, a four poster bed (just a cheap thing but still..), silver brush and hand held mirror set – all that junk 🙂

  15. says: Violet

    This is so positive and uplifting! And, it makes me feel better about eating a cupcake after a bad day!

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