Do you remember all those weeks ago, back at the the beginning of July, when I didn’t win a trip to Paris?
It was part of a competition with Sarenza where bloggers sent in their photos in their shoes from the Sarenza Continental Fashion Findings range and the Great British Public™ (or some of them, anyway) had to vote for their favourite outfit.
Sadly you guys are the only people with taste, and my submission wasn’t the favourite outfit. But Sarenza have agreed with me that you deserve a treat anyway.
Therefore they have kindly offered me a £60 voucher to spend on the Sarenza website to give away to one of you lucky lovelies.
This means that you could get yourself a completely free pair of shoes. All of these beauties, for instance, are under £60.
Alternatively you could use it as part payment towards something more pricey, like these, for instance.
Then you could send them to me as these are my favourite shoes in the entire world and at £194 they are about £190 too expensive for me to buy.
But enough wittering about shoes, I know what you want to know.
What do I have to do?
Well, it’s super simple. All you have to do is leave a comment telling me why you DESERVE a lovely new pair of shoes. (Scroll right to the bottom for the comment form!)
Sarenza are going to pick their 5 favourite answers and then I’ll pick MY favourite from those 5.
Be creative, sob stories don’t cut the ice with me I’m afraid, so I want to know why you REALLY think you deserve them, not why you can’t afford them or why you want them. It might just be because you’re a greedy cow who likes free stuff, and that’s fine, I am too, we’ll get along just grand. Maybe you gave all your Jimmy Choos to underprivileged orphans and are now walking around barefoot, or maybe you deserve free shoes because you voted for me in the Sarenza competition every day, without fail (in that case you can also have a big sloppy kiss from me, should you want it)
The competition will run for 1 week only, so get going!
The Competition will run for 1 week, closing at midnight GMT Sunday 15th August UK entries only, please. Sarenza UK will select 5 shortlisted finalists. The final winner will be selected from these finalists by Me, and my decision is FINAL! The winner will be notified by email.
I don’t deserve them. I just want them. Put me firmly in the greedy cow camp, because I have more than enough shoes but it doesn’t stop me wanting more more MORE. Especially ones with felted purple lips.
My darling husband has built me a walk in wardrobe with a wall full of shelves for my shoes, lined with glamorous vintage-style wall-paper.
This now means I have a one-in-one-out policy for shoes – self-inflicted as there’s no where else to put them – and there are some that don’t deserve to be in their lovely new home.
Oh, and I’ll have my sloppy kiss later! 😉
Because because because………Sarenza shoes are sure to make a girl feel….. stupendously spiffing, splendidly sparkly and simply swell!
I deserve to win this because I’m currently too poor to buy myself some new shoes so I’m wearing the same pairs all the time and ruining them rather than being able to alternate with another pair of shoes.
So eventually I’m going to have to get some new ones or live without.
Plus I voted for you a lot in the Sarenza competition!
I deserve a pair of new shoes cause i’ve just spent the last seven months on a tooth-grindingly hard diet to lose four and a half stone, and none of my shoes fit anymore! They paddle around on my feet like boats!
My feet deserve a beautiful pair of new shoes after the last two weeks being clad in just comfy not beautiful shoes they feel neglected. They are looking forward to when I have the baby and they can be clad in some georgeous footware and feel special and loved again instead of currently feeling slightly neglected they want to be aloud to sing again and say I look sexy and wonderful!Those sandles you have clad me in just don’t cut the mustard.
I deserve the voucher because I have three weddings to go to next year and so will be in need of a new outfit. My sister’s wedding in particular will be *so* stylish that just wearing the sort of shoes I can afford won’t really be enough! Please help!
I had to sacrifice my gorgeous impractical louboutin wish list wedding shoes in order to be able to walk on grass and sand at my wedding so obviously need to make up for it by winning some other lovely shoes ♥
A girl can never have too many shoes, I must admit to owning a few pairs (well a lot actually!) but I dont have any cream ones and as any girl knows you have to have a pair (well at least one pair) in every colour. So mine is a definite NEED.
Deserve is a very strange word and an even stranger concept – it would be nice to say that good people deserve good things but like everything else in life, it’s subjective and it very rarely seems to happen like that. I have no especial worth that I can point to to say why I deserve these shoes, but what I will say is that things have been hard recently, with money tight and many worries over family health. The most urgent and horrible of these worries are now resolved, with illnesses beaten creating much cause for celebration. But money remains tight and so what celebration there is must be done clad in old shoes, much loved and many times repaired, but definitely showing their age. It would be a truly wonderful thing to step out in bright new shiny shoes to celebrate the newly reacquired good health of my family. As someone who has not been able to buy new shoes for over a year, these shoes would be truly appreciated and definitely loved, and I would dance the night away, giving thanks to whatever gods there are that my family are once again healthy, and I have gorgeous shoes in which to celebrate that.
I deserve some lovely shoes because I am poor, battling with the council who say I owe money that I don’t! I soon won’t be able to eat and will fade away…unless I have gorgeous shoes as that will be all that will be left to see of me! If I don’t get some lovely shoes I will disappear forever and that won’t do…who will feed my 500 kids and clean the shoe we will live in??!! Thats right, you need to help me become the old woman who lived in a shoe. please. lol
Because I spent all last week trudging round Disneyland Paris (had a great time) but my poor feet could do with some tlc and some wonderful new shoes x
I have 2 teenage daughters. WE all wear size 5 shoes! Grizabella and Whingeline are forever ‘borrowing’ mine!
Please let me have a pair all to myself fairy god mother…
I need a new pair because I stupidly wore my fabulous, V. expensive leather rock chick boots with studs and chains and everything to a rock festival last weekend – by the time I cam back, they weren’t fit to be seen. I looked fabulous in them but now I look like a tramp and need to refresh my shoe shelf!
Every Sunday morning, I wake up at the crack of dawn to trawl around carboot sales for vintage treasures in my scabby, vaguely leaky and slightly stinky wellies.
However, it appears that in times gone by, everybody was 6 inches shorter and several stone more slender than me, with delicate tootsies a damn sight smaller than mine 🙁
Should I win, I shall lavish in bed on a Sunday morning eating French toast smothered in syrup and butter and armire my new (big) shoes poking out from beneath the duvet.
I really neeeeeeeeed new shoes… But I have so much trouble convincing my husband I need new bags and pushchairs shoes are just a step too far…
Gimme!! 😀
I want one of those gorgeous pairs of shoes because i wont have to wear socks with them! I hate socks and currently wear trainers, i think my feet have it to easy to be honest and would like for them to prove they are worthy of my love. For instance a shoe with a bit of a heel might give them chance to impress me. Yes sounds good to me!
I want one of those gorgeous pairs of shoes because i wont have to wear socks with them! I hate socks and currently wear trainers, i think my feet have it too easy to be honest and would like for them to prove they are worthy of my love. For instance a shoe with a bit of a heel might give them chance to impress me. Yes sounds good to me!
Because because because Sarenza shoes are sure to make a girl feel splendidly sparkly
If I was being totally honest, I would have to say that I DON’T really deserve a new pair of shoes: I’m on 75 pairs and counting, and I’ve challenged myself to wear every pair I own by January of next year, so another pair could only make that job harder! I’m entering all the same, though, because, well, when it comes to shoes, I just can’t stop myself, and until there actually IS a Shoeaholics Anonymous, I’m probably always going to want more!
I now have fat feet thanks to pregnancy so all the shoes I could afford to buy when I was young free and single are too small and have been donated to charity (see, more points there I think). I have very few pairs of shoes left and am one pair down as of about 15 minutes ago thanks to builders and their inability to keep fresh tarmac where it is supposed to be.
I want nothing more to show off my 3 stone lighter figure but not in stinky old tarmac shoes. I deserve new shoes after working my backside off to get healthy!
I would love these lovely shoes as I have a banging head from hell possibly a migraine and the childminder is sick so cannot go to work, kids wont stop screaming AND I am now dreading going back as I have had to have a ‘monday sick day’ which obviously means that you just couldn’t be arsed to go to work. Just want to have a little sleep or be sick 🙁
my old shoes are so old i am going to try and see if they will go in a museum somewhere so i need an new pair desperately before i have to do a fred flintstone (bare feet )
Ok maybe I don’t exactly deserve a new pair of shoes but it’s my birthday soon and a new pair would be lovely.
I only have a sorry pair of 8 shoes 6 of which are black (2 white) and 5 of which are black boots and the others mary janes, no trainers,wedges etc. I even borrow my mums flip-flops! I’m in a shoe rut and although an intense show lover I can never seem to find the perfect pair and when I do they’re normally waaaay out of my price range!
Blotchy. Blistered. Broken.
My feet, right now.
Once, they were soft and smooth and sexy; varnish unchipped, silky skin moisturised and massaged. Alas, I moved 3,500 miles and the team who prettified my feet were left behind.
So now I need Sarenza to rescue my toes and save them from their current life of mediocrity! Soft fabrics and leathers will caress my delicate skin and turn these trotters into tootsies! Sarenza, save me!
Why do I deserve a beautiful pair of new shoes? Well, perhaps I can argue better for why I WANT a beautiful pair of new shoes. I only recently (in the last year or so) have started to take more care with the way I dress. As a female grad student in a scientific/technical field, I’ve gone through periods of feeling very constrained by the stereotype that a scientist can’t look pretty and be smart at the same time…so I’ve now made the choice to play against that stereotype, wear feminine/girly dresses and skirts and fun shoes to the lab, and let my work speak for my abilities. Because of this decision, I’ve had a number of pairs of heels enter my wardrobe in the past year. However, as I am a poor grad student, all of those are thrift-store finds…I would LOVE to have a brand-new pair of shoes to celebrate my increasingly feminine wardrobe and show my male coworkers what really gorgeous shoes look like!
Thanks for the great contest!
I think I should win because I recently won a competition to go to the Vintage at Goodwood festival. But I can’t go because I have two family members in hospital and I don’t want to leave them.
Shoes will greatly cheer me up.
When dining and whining (oops wining) in bars.
When wiggling my toes at the moon and stars.
From wedge to heel and vintage delight.
From daytime dollies to cute mules at night.
I am in love with footwear, its more than a fad.
I long to be in Sarenza’s it would make me a tad….
happier that Retro Chic lost the vote.
She was robbed you know, she is such a dote!!
So please RC give me that sloppy kiss!
I deserve shoes as well and not only this….
I am rubbish at rhyming, its taken all day.
I deserve those shoes, now hear what I say.
I’m not sure I have done anything to deserve new shoes … well apart from being a fabulous Mum, wife etc etc *winks* but i NEED new shoes as we are going to a wedding in September, a friend of my husband who’s wife to be looks down on anyone and thinks she’s better than everyone *grrr* so I want a pair of shoes [and dress] that stand out as totally fabulous daaaarrling and so that I’m constantly asked where I bought them!!
Since the People’s Revolution, I have been virtually shoeless. The people of the Philippines seem to feel that they have the right to steal my shoes! Since those dark days, I have been living in exile. I am currently living under the assumed name “Linda Hamilton” here in Norfolk (please keep this to yourself). I’ve made a small start on my new shoe collection but still only have 27000 pairs. I need MORE, MORE, MORE!
Please let me win!
Imelda Marcos.
I deserve a new pair of shoes from Sarenza so I can wear them when I go on that date with the man of my dreams who whiskes me away to wherever we want to go. A girl always needs a be in Perfectly Fabolous pair of shoes when that happens. And Sarenza seems to have many to choose from so that anything I do while wearing them will be perfect.
I have a pair of fitflops, a pair Of trainers and a pair if sandals! That it! I don’t really want or need the shoes, but I do have a daughter, who despite my shabby appearance and love of all clothes / shoes being at least 3 years old, has developed a materialistic streak unlike anything I have ever seen before. A voucher for Sarenza would buy me love from my daughter for at least a period of four weeks and love, not shoes is what I desire.
I have quit my stable, comfortably paid and largely enjoyable job to try and have a more glamorous life all the time, rather than just at the weekend.
This proves how crazy, stupid, brave and glamorous I am trying to be – having a new pair of shoes would give me the extra edge over the competition.
I could walk tall, walk proud and walk glamorously into my new life.
I deserve them more than anyone else who has posted on here simply because I need them, No not need, I WANT THEM!!!!
Don’t care how…. I want them NOW!!!
My husband tells me I can’t buy any more shoes because I already own them all.
This clearly IS NOT TRUE!
I do not have a pair of Jimmys, Louboutins etc and I haven’t got a pair from SARENZA. I have however just made a space in my wardrobe *just in case* you pick me, my only difficulty would be deciding which pair to spend the money on!
Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease pick me!!! Just to prove to my hubby I don’t quite have all of the shoes.. but I am trying! Steph x
Do you know I’ve NEVER owned a pair of pretty shoes?! Spending most of my time out and about with a dog in fields and parks or cleaning other people’s houses for a living, I’ve never really needed a special pair. Perhaps now I’m nearing the big 3-0 I deserve a pair??
I need these shoes because…I was born with hooves.
Let me explain. You know how the urban Norfolk legend is that people have webbed feet? Well, I have either a bit of Satan or a bit of Welsh in me, because I came out of my mother’s womb with the loveliest set of shiny cloven clodhoppers you ever did see. And I won’t lie…it’s been rough. The names on the playground aren’t even worth repeating. Giving myself a pedicure takes an entire bottle per foot. And my *god*, the price of a decent blacksmith in London, I tell you what.
Anyway, so I’ve finally sprung for surgery–hardcore plastic surgery. I got the guy who did Jordan. He sucked all the hoof off of the sides and stuck it on the front. It’s amazing. I can finally fit my tootsies into a proper pair of girly shoes…but I’ve blown all my money on the surgery, so at the moment I’m barefoot. I mean, it’s okay, because my feet are still made of hooves so they’re remarkably sturdy, but please. Help a recessively-sheepy girl out.
I deserve a lovely new pair of shoes, but I’m afraid if I told you why, I’d have to kill you.
So, instead, I’d like to tell you why I deserve a pair of shoes from Sarenza. I deserve pity from Sarenza because I’m the idiot who forgot to read the newsletter properly, forgot to check out the Sarenza sale and now I’ve missed it. And there’s weeks to go until payday.
Now, if I wasn’t such an eejit, I would probably have had these already – no doubt for a super bargain price. As it is, now they are totally reasonably priced, but I’ll have to wait nearly 3 whole weeks until I can get them. And waiting makes me sad. Plus, it’ll be September by then and I probably won’t be wanting to wear my lovely maxi dress and bare arms with these gorgeous shoes in the sunshine anymore, because there won’t be any sunshine. And then the situation would be even worse, because I’d not get the chance to wear these shoes to their best advantage for months and that would mean EVERYONE is missing out. Everyone loves to see pretty shoes.
I’m going to see one of my fav bands in December and it’s their farewell tour, so I want to get some more pics of me and my daughter with the band and need some stylish shoes that’ll look and feel great for the full evening. I want to look like a rock chick should!
It isn’t that I WANT shoes… definately not! It’s that there are shoes out there that I don’t own and it is absoultely essential that a woman owns as many shoes as physically possible. This therefore is definately not a WANT but more of a absoulte NEED to own more shoes and then to wear them and show them off!.
I don’t shop for shoes, my feet are wide – hobbit like – but without the hair (thank god) and therefore I find shopping for shoes a real pain (quite literally).
I find shopping for shoes such a problem that I still own and regularly wear (as you are witness) a pair of converse trainers my Mum bought me when I was fifteen – I am nearing my 33rd birthday.
Please help me find the love of buying shoes again through winning this competition. With your help my neglected feet may find joy and happiness in sarenza shoes.
Help me retro chick – you’re my only hope…..
I deserve new shoes because I have only got about 10 pairs that are still wearable… most girls I know have lots more and I can’t compete!
I need to win these as my shoes are falling apart and soon I’ll have nothing to wear on my feet!
In order for you to understand why I deserve a new pair of shoes you must first of all think of me as a ferrari, obviously one that has been round the track a few times, had some bumps along the way, a couple of near misses and one or two spectacular crashes. I may not be the newest model but I’m reliable and have nice curvy lines, not a sleek model I was built for comfort not speed.
But this poor car has a desire to be a race car once more. Think of the shoes as tyres, I deserve the best if I want to feel the best, why should I settle for remoulds? I want to be in Pole position and remember the glory days once more and race with the young ones before I get put on the scrapheap of life.
X x x x
I deserve a new pair of shoes because a girl should always be well shod!
That and I have had to give away many pairs of shoes because arthritis has changed my foot size and high shoe waring ability.
i deserve new shoes as i honestly dont own any posh shoes at all!! flip flops for me all the time,or bare feet i dont like shoes as they always hurt my feet.
I have a wonderful little pup, and we adore each other, however my shoes just can’t compare to her beauty, so I need new ones, since people look at the floor to look at her.
At Puttiki at the end of the month, I’ll be mini-golfing with the tiki art elite from the UK and beyond, there’s going to be even more looking at the floor and my feet need to be up to par.
And finally, we’re showing at a tradeshow for the first time this year, I can’t let down the beautiful clothes of Lady K Loves with shabby feet.
I am a secondary school teacher and at a rather petite five foot 2 a good pair of heels will help me strut my stuff down the corridor come september. It also means I don’t have to look six foot teenage boys in the chest when trying to tell them off 🙂
I was stung awake by a wasp this morning. I have now stopped flailing and whimpering, but it still hurts, not to mention the outrage and indignity. Ointment hasn’t really helped, but I think pretty shoes might work.
I have decided that women today need to take more care of themselves. I am selling all my unflattering clothes on ebay and i am going to be buying classical design clothes (think Grace Kelly mixed with Audrey Hepburn) This also means that i have to sell all my shoes too (good bye my darling converse!) I would love to invest in some stunning round toe t bar mary-jane style shoes (or anything that screams 40s/50s glamor TBH) so please pick me!! 🙂
I deserve these beautiful shoes because I am getting married next year and it would make my day to be able to be beautiful from head to toe (or foot!)
I am gradually loosing weight, still wearing the unflattering clothes and down trodden flat shoes. Time is coming soon when I can wow everyone with my new slim me, a great outfit and a wonderful pair of new shoes, by that time I will truly deserve them.
I deserve a fabulous pair of shoes because I am getting married next year and can’t afford any and I start university in september so I want to be able to look amazing!
Please pick me! I’ve been living in FitFlops all summer and need something to make my feet feel special again!
I deserve to win because I am ME. The Best. I want something for ME, everything else I have won has been for the kids or the hubby, not ME. give it to ME.
Pretty Please?
I would love to win some new shoes because I’ve just come out of hospital after a week and feeling extremely sorry for myself. This would make my day!! 😀 x
I deserve to win because one day last month I was bitten by a radioactive unicorn which gave me stupidly awesome super powers but unfortunately one of the side effects has been epic flatulism, I didn’t find this out until I was sitting around the table with my family eating dinner one evening. My partner offered me some brussel sprouts and foolishly, I took one. It took mere seconds before the gasses in my stomach started boiling, my intestines started rumbling with a deep ominous sound that echoed around my dining room. My two children instinctively started running for cover, my digestive system felt like a primitive meths lab, the bubbling was too much to bear! I looked over in fear at my partner, who had by this point found a metal collander to wear on his head as a protective helmet. He quickly ducked under the table just as my stomach and intestines went quiet. The calm before the storm. I had barely a minute to look shocked before a gigantic fart eminated from my behind shooting me upwards to the heavens, unfortunately my ceiling and sons bedroom and loft were above me so as I gently floated back down to earth after shooting towards outer space for at least 10 minutes, I noticed the damage that I had done to my lovely lovely house. I was mortifed, my partner and children were terrified. Anyway, to cut a long story short, my once impressive shoe collection had to all be sold in order to patch up the hole in my first borns bedroom floor and ceiling and repair the loft. Now I am re-carpeting the bedroom barefooted and tearful, I can never walk into town again, for I have no shoes to protect my feet, and I cannot start fighting crime until I have a bitchin’ costume to wear while doing so, complete with awesome crime fighting boots! I deserve to win because of this tragic tale of woe and I think you’ll agree!
I DESERVE and NEED new shoes as I just had a baby and all my money is spend on baby milk, food, nappies and toys for her. I have not had new shoes for over a YEAR!
I deserve a new pair of shoes as I have just sadly sent mine off to shoe heaven 🙁
I deserve a new pair of shoes because i’ve been so stressed out lately & need something to cheer me up.
For me a shoe thats in a pair
Really doesn’t mean, just something you must wear
Every detail
Every seam
Surely means to me a dream
High heels, flats, and wedges too
Oh I adore shoes – its so true
Every pair I cherish with my love
So please give me another pair that fit me like a glove..x
I DESERVE a pair of shoes because all my money goes on the house and the kids and i cant remember the last time i bought a new pair of shoes that werent £2 flip flops!
I deserve to win because I only have bare feet as my shoes (at least right now, this moment)! Plus, I’d love to wear one of those gorgeous shoes from Sarenza to prom! 🙂
I deserve a new pair of shoes as I am really heavy on my feet and go through shoes really quickly. I am a baby elephant!
I deserve to win because I am ME. The Best. I want something for ME, everything else I have won has been for the kids or the hubby, not Me
I love shoes. I cherish shoes. And I admire from afar the shoes that I can only ever hope to own for myself. I am a shoe collector and truly believe you can never own enough pairs. But recently a tragedy befell my beautiful shoe collection. I live in an old house which is often prone to damp patches popping up. What I didnt realise was that this had been the case in the corner of my spare room, known as shoe corner. Mould emerged and spread in such an inordinate amount of time and some of my poor shoes did not survive. In actual fact, I had to say a tearful farewell to 11, yes thats ELEVEN pairs of shoes. And now shoe corner looks very sad and desolate and I need new shoes to fill those empty spaces. Please select me for new shoes.
Dirty shoe, muddy boot trust good old
retro chick to save me loot!
I met this crazy guy with wild white hair the other day whose car went to the future when it hit 88mph. I met myself in the future and I was wearing a pair of these shoes – I must say I looked damn hot in them, and if the doc hadn’t said I’d cause a massive paradox that would end the universe, I would’ve asked myself out on a date there and then. Anyways, it’s not so much a matter of “deserving” these shoes; I already own them in the future so I thought I’d let you know and save you the time of wading through lots of entries.
i have just stared going to burlesque nights and i love the 40’s and 50’s vintage look. i am desparate for a pair of vintage retro shoes
I deserve a new pair of shoes as my trainers are held together by gaffa tape!
I deserve to win because everyone should get the opportunity to be a princess for the day and I want to go to the ball in my new glass slippers from Sarenza.
Cinderella I may not be but I certainly am a massive fan!
R eally deserve a new pair of shoes
E very one ive got is bleugh
T ruely i would love you forever
R ightly they should be mine
O ften im amazed by your style
C heeky asking but there you go
H appiness will be mine if i win
I am running out of ideas !
C ant you just take pity on me ?
K aren deserves some new shoes
I DESERVE NEW SHOES,As a busy and devoted mum to a two year old i forgot what it feels like to wear lovely new shoes and one with a heel.I have heel envy when i see girls with new shoes and i be so happy if i won a pair of the lovely shoes id wear them often and wont leave them in the wardrobe to admired as i think i deserve nice shoes again after being in the ‘pratical shoe wilderness’.
I have all the shoes I need!
1.A pair of brown DMs for shopping or walking in country terrain in inclement weather.
2.A smart pair of Navy, medium heel,good quality, comfortable shoes for 8 hours standing and walking/running at work.
3. A pair of tatty slip on slippers for at home.
4. A pair of black/brown low heel, strappy sandals for going out, which are also work friendly should there be a hot day.
What use would I possibly have for heels, wedges, platforms, cloggs, peep toes, bows, studs, fancy detailing, patterns, bright colours?
Bah! Frippery and Folly!
My idea of haute couture is crocs and uggs! I need some new shoes to feminine up for my birthday and surprise my boyfriend by being a femme fatale!
Well, my current shoes look like hand-me-downs off Wilma Flintstone!, have you seen how they drive their cars in bedrock??? I rest my case !
I deserve a pair of shoes because my daughter has just come back from Vietnam where she had 2 beautiful pairs of shoes handmade for HERSELF!!I am extremely envious and she is extremely SMUG but I think I’ve just found a pair of shoes that will wipe that SMUG little grin off her face cos these are AWESOME!!!
I need some new shoes because the oly ones that fit me are my trainers and they don’t look so good with a nice outfit. So pwitty pwease can I have some? 🙂
I am another person who deserves to win. Im currently saving for a romantic trip to paris for the new year and as we know paris is a fashion capital. Therefore i need something that declares style and glamour amoungst my cheap buys that are oh soo last season!
I’ve had to throw out my only decent shoes because I’ve destroyed the heels from wearing them too often, and I can’t look sexy in chunky boots.
I deserve to win because I’m far too thrifty to consider spending £60 on a decent pair of shoes myself
I deserve to win because You give me so much inspiration and now i have turned myself into a sexy siren like maralyn monroe.I just need a pair of stunning shoes to be a complete retro lady and proud.Retro is the best style elegant and sophisticated and ultra sexy and ofcorse after you i am the second biggest fan of retro.P.s you looked amazing in the above pic just my type of i win or not your style is inspiring.
Because I have a greedy little mare pimping me and she forces me to buy her a set of 4 shoes every six weeks!
I look a right tramp beside her in my old scuffed boots so would love a new shiny pair to show off!
I deserve to win because i sacrificed shoes, feet, dignity and clothing to political campaigning this election. And my party didn’t even win. Only consolation was that we managed to re-elect one of the best MPs in parliament and even that took being out every day knocking on doors, taking promises and in some cases literally transporting them to and from the polling station.
Not being enough of a glutton for punishment I allowed myself to be talked into running for borough council. Let’s face it we can’t let Therasa (inequalities minister) May be the best shod woman in politics. I need a nice pair of new shoes to convince people to elect me to serve them and, as I’m still a student, shoes above £20 are currently out of my budget, who honestly looks good in fake leather and plasticy soles? I have yet to meet that person and if I did I would buy them a pint. Hmm maybe Sarah Brown could pull it off…
I believe I truely deserve these shoes because my pin up gurl feet are sick of the cheap common crap I buy off the high street and they need to be in some of these adorable shoes! I’ve never seen anything like them £190 lips shoes, very beautifully unique.
Besides I’ve recently dontated £50 to the Lincoln Cat’s Protection charity from saving up my spare pennies so im pretty much skint, but its worth it for a few moggies to have something to eat!
I desperately NEED some new shoes as i am a busy mum of 2 children under the age of 3 and i need some glam new shoes to make me feel hot again, instead of an old washer woman!! poor me 🙁
Having had my third child, my poor ankles had a bit of a hard time as did my worn out old shoes..I would love to win new shoes so that I can feel glamorous again and truly a yummy mummy ;)x
Oh Retro Chick, please let me have the shoes,
Ive spent all my money on fags n booze,
I had no choice as
my town has no footwear for a pin up girl to choose,
I need this prize so much , im gonna blow my fuse.
This poem’s so crap but i have nothing to loose!
I call my present shoes my golf shoes – I’ve got a hole in one!
Therefore a new pair would be wonderful.
Because i’m worth it 🙂
Because I live in my Uggs
i deserve them as I have been invited to a very posh wedding and everybody will be looking me up and down. If all these rich people see the shoes I won I will tell them all where I got them from and then you will make lots of money! You scratch my back and I will scratch yours! It makes sense you know
because mine have a hole!
Because its my mums birtjhday and i would love to treat her to a gorgeous surprise as money is tight as i am no longer working
I deserve a new pair of shoes because shoes say a lot about the person that you are and mine are looking old.
i deserve a new pair of shoes because i would love to owe a pair of very attractive shoes which i can strut around!
Please…..because i am a single mum with two bored children on school holidays and i would love a new pair of shoes to pull me out of my ‘holiday mumsie’ ways back into a ‘sexy secretarial’ job – even if i am a primary school secretary i can still look hot! I will click my heels together and wish ‘there is no place like work….there is no place like work’. Believe me 6 weeks sounded good in July!! Thanks
I really really really need some new shoes so my kids will be seen in the street with me, they tell me winkle pickers are so 80’s these days, I really need brought into this decade instead of last, pretty please 🙂
My inlaws are visiting us for 2 weeks and I’ve walked Chester flat showing them the sites, besides it being an exhausting task(and difficult at the best of times) I’ve ruined my favourite pair of shoes
I deserve to win because my solitary pair of trainers are lonely and want some company.
It’s raining again,
Oh, what shall I do?
I’ve got a leak in every shoe!
My poor old tootsies, so cold, so wet,
Not long before trench foot I’ll get!
Oh Retrochick PLEASE!
DO have a heart!
My squelching about sounds like a wet fart!
I’d love some new shoosies,
Waterproof too.
But do I DESERVE them?
Well, that’s up to you!
I really deserve new shoes as I really want a pair of nice girly shoes to bring out my retrochick side. Currently all my shoes are practical which is very boring. Plus I think you are great and voted for you every day
I love being retrochick, but my old shoes make me more retrochuck – they really need to be chucked in the bin
I work with in IT and with a team of men. My friends keep teasing me that I am turning in a man by osmosis! I now wear jeans, baggy Ts and boots to work so I ‘fit’ in. If I won the shoes they are so georgous I would be forced to buy something femine to go with them and start slowly turning back into the woman I know is deep down inside me somewhere.
Some new shoes for me would be great,
Because I’ve just lost 5 stone and feel great.
So I need some new heels,
In turquoise or teal,
To match my new dress for a date 😀
Liz xx
I’d just love to give my feet a treat
cos I’m worth it
I only have boots & sandals & don’t actually own any shoes, so could I please have the voucher?
would be nice as my husband wont buy me any hm ?
Because they say that you can never be too thin, too rich or have too many shoes – I’m not doing very well on the rich or thin bit so I NEED shoes!
I need a new pair of shoes so i can get a new dress. I always buy my shoes first them buy an outfit to go around my shoes. So please let me win so I have reason to buy a new dress 🙂
I need shoes because my husband is stupid! Yes my sandals did stink, and yes looked rather yuk – but did they really deserve the full spin in the washing machine!
I haven’t bought a nice pair of sexy, girly shoes since before I was pregnant. Since my son’s 3rd birthday is next month I think it’s about time I felt feminine again.
i get married on saturday, and we will be opening a joint account…. which means no more shoes boohoo, no more shopping splurges. argh! help me!
I don’t actually own one single pair of girly, sexy, lovely shoes. I make do. I am a Mum of 3 and buying myself shoes just isn’t a priority. We are a hard working family, but even so, pretty shoes just aren’t a necessity… I know,put your shocked expressions away, and close your gobsmacked mouths… I’ve fought with that thought as well, and have it filed under ‘sacrilege’ somewhere in the back on my brain… along with microwaving ‘baked’ potatoes (!!) and taking my wine out of the fridge to make room for ‘important’ things like…. food! sheesh!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly wearing worn out, holey trainers from 1995, but I would like something special… Something for ME!Something that I don’t actually NEED, but WANT and feel womanly and pretty in…
…and if for no other reason so I can buy a pair of HIGH heels and prove to my husband that, actually YES I can blimming walk in those! Ha!
Thank you for this lovely competition. Always lovely to read your fabby blog :o)
I think I deserve a pair of new shoes as I’ve just looked at the Sarenza website and realised I really need to update my wardrobe with some of their fantastic shoes! I’ve got my eye on some of their boots, gladiator sandals and pumps… should I go on? well on top of that I’m buying my first house so the way things are going moneywise I could be walking around shoeless very soon so please take pity on me & pick me, pick me!!
i really could be doing with a sparkly pair of shoes as i have won a trip to the oscars next year which is all great but sadly not anything to wear. i look after my grandmother so money is a bit tight and am panicking over what im going to wear, thanks xx
I deserve new shoes because … my Husband is going to be spending the next 4 months in Afghanistan and I need pretty things to keep a smile on my face whilst he’s gone.
I’m hopelessly single at the moment! I need a new pair of shoes to bedazzle all the hot men that have to be out there!!! 🙂 x
I really suffer with my feet, blisters, sore toes, really need a decent pair of shoes to go out in that I can keep on my feet all night x
Because Im worth it !!
i think i deserve to win id give the shoes to my brave daughter who had a baby 6 weeks early from preeclampsia in april shes only 18 and had to grow up very fast
had to reply to you, I had my son at 32 weeks pregnant because I had eclampsia and had fits with it, I also was 18. It is hard but your daughter is lucky to have you there for support (((hugs)))
When I first saw this competition, I have to say my sole was’nt in it but I figured it might help me to heel. You see, my boyfriend has just run off with my arch rival, Angie callus (his personal trainer). However I will not be defeeted as Im sure toemorrow will be a good day, I plan to shop as I often find that theres nothing better than buying new shoes to put a spring back in my step.
I know I have a feminine goddess somewhere inside desperate to get out – please let me win to help release her and get me out of my trainers !
Because my feet have been the most neglected part of my body during my nine months of pregnancy and having a baby. I’m tired of frumpy shoes.
Trying so hard to impress
Got the handbag, got the dress,
This Retro Chick has all to lose
‘Cos no cash left to buy the shoes!
just lost 20lbs and it seems to have come off my feet, all my shoes are too big, can you help a cinderella in waiting!
I deserve new shoes as I’ve just kitted my 3 kids out with school shoes at a cost of £130. So theres no way my husband is going to let me buy myself any until at least next year
I have just retired, and kicked off my staid office courts. I would love to treat myself to some funky footwear so I can start growing old disgracefully.
i deserve a lovely pair of shoes as my daughter keeps wearing mine and id love a pair to hide from here
I don’t really need a new pair of shoes………… but I sooooo want them and would just lurve and care for them and they would make me feel glam so pleeease can I have them??????????????
I’m a self confessed shoe addict, I deserve to win because i’m honest enough to admit I have a shoe problem! There are tons of sarenza shoes that I need to add to my collection! So i don’t just deserve to win, i NEED to win 🙂
I could do with a pair of Sarenza’s gorgeous, sassy shoes to make me feel less like a bag lady and more like a goddess.
I’m a tired mum and a busy wife who deserves some glamour in her life.
I deserve some sarenza shoes as they look fab! They are very glam just like I used to be but im starting to look a little worn around the edges as all my hard earned cash is spent on my family, so give an ex-glamour puss the chance to shine again in a pair of fabulous Sarenza shoes!
I have had a really hard week and work and feeling very depressed as I have no money at the moment….I would LOVE to win the voucher to cheer me up
The weather is dire, the news is chronic,
Some brand new shoes would be the perfect tonic
I work all week it’s a long hard slog,
Let me win a voucher for mules or clogs!
I deserve to win a lovey pair of shoes because,
I once read.
‘If you find a pair of shoes you love,
buy them in every colour’!
I’ve never been able to do this,
but, but what a wonderful feeling if it had been at all possible.
Plus the fact I have a Wedding, a Golden Wedding and a Christening to go to. I can’t think of a better way to ‘Show of the Sarenzas’….. WOW, forget being a WAG, I’ll be a SAL ( Sarenza and Lady )?
oh i Sarenza
i cant deny myself
i do i do deserve a pair
I really deserve a new pair of shoes because I’ve not brought myself shoes in years really, I so much need a new pair.
I deserve to win because I desperately need a great present for my girlfriend and this would be such a lovely surprise for her.
I deserve some nice new shoes because i’ve had a trapped nerve in my foot , had to endure some painful injections , and even more painful ..had to live hobbling around in trainers for months because of it .I’m sooo looking forward to being able to put some shoes back on ..
I deserve a new pair of shoes because I used to have a massive shoe collection but after my pregnancy none of them fitted so now I am left with an empty shoe cupboard please let me win so I can start my collection again!
I deserve to win because I want to be seen showing off quality & style!
I deserve to win the shoes because I love shoes, but unfortunately all my income goes on my 2 gorgeous boys. I would love a pair of shoes to be proud of!!
I deserve some nice shoes because I’ve had difficulty walking over the past few years with MS. But, I’ve been working hard at it and I’m getting better. I’ve been wearing practical, comfy shoes and I’d like to buy something sexy and feminine now 🙂
as a busy mum with 3 kids i dont get the time or the chance to buy me any new shoes so this voucher we be just great! xxx
i really want a pair for my wedding, and i dont want white! anything to be different…
I deserve to win because I hate feet. Especially my own. I’ve never appreciated beautiful shoes because I thought I’d hide the feet in plain clunky wrappings of (fake) leather.
I want to change and join the millions of women out there who own lovely shoes. I want to have a gorgeous pair of shoes to detract myself from the ugly feet.
Being a student nurse, when I’m not wearing my uniform I’d love to be able to kick back in a really pretty pair of shoes!
I feel I deserve to win some special shoes to compliment my new body as Ive lost 7 1/2 stone and getting used to the new me.
As my boyfriend loves grabbing my bum i think it’s only fair that i get a pair of high heels to lift my cheeks; therefore making the whole experience more enjoyable for my boyfriend.
See… it would be a completely selfless act if i won these shoes, and i wouldn’t get any pleasure out of them at all. *wink*
Having not cared about my feet for a long time, I have recently been giving them a bit of TLC. Moisturising them, giving myself a pedicure, making sure they look pretty. And what is the point of doing all that and not having a nice pair of shoes to go with them!!! Also I would like to win my 1st win! Please please please mwah x
Because I currently own only 5 pairs of shoes. Am living on a tight budget and my shoes are worn till I have to buy some more. I don’t own any high heels but would love to wear them as I think they would look fab on my 34 inch legs
I deserve a new pair of shoes simply for being female and to distract me from trying to work out why the male of the species is sooooo confusing!!!!
Eek, I LOVE these shoes, the maryjanes in particular. I need the shoes because I only just started getting into retro wear, and I only have ONE PAIR of shoes that have a retro feel. Oh you know it’s me!!
I only own one pair of shoes that fit me but I wouldnt exactly say they are comfy. They are ill fitting and leave me blistered. I am too poor to buy new shoes im sick and cannot work as I have high intracranial pressure. Dont want to be all doom and gloom and make people feel sorry for me I just get on with my life you have to. So back to the subject if I won this I would be ecstatic. It would be absolutely amazing. It would be such a big deal to me. Good luck to everyone:)
It would be lovely to have something pretty to focus on my feet, instead of people pointing out my mutant toe lol x
l would like to win the voucher so that l could give it to my daughter-in-law, who has recently had a baby , (my first grandchild)
They have just moved into a their first house and money is tight. l think she deserves a treat for putting up with my son!
I deserve to win as I had really tough week at work
I think I deserve these lovely shoes because my feet tend to get cold and people stare at me when I walk around town barefoot. But, in all seriousness, the shoes are simply gorgeous and they’d have a nice home with me. 🙂
I deserve to win some fab new shoes as I have spent the last year running around in my tatty old plimsolls after my gorgeous baby girl. My feet really need some t.l.c. as they haven’t really had much attention spent to them for a long long time !!! I’d love some fab new shoes, please !!!
i`m such an unlucky cow,i couldn`t win an arguement. surprise me-tell me i`ve won a pair of shoes for Gods Sake.
A girl always needs a new pair of shoes..We don’t always need a reason
New shoes ..a girl always deserves a new pair…needs them,,we can never have too many
I deserve to win because I just got married 3 weeks ago and I am absolutely skint. I am also trying to stop smoking just now and a new pair of shoes would stop me being ratty at my new husband, thus preventing a divorce…plus it’s my birthday next week!!!
I deserve a pair of these shoes as i’ve recently had a 15 inch fibroid cut out of my tummy(Got the scar to prove it lol),i’m walking ok now but i still can’t wear the heels i used to,these shoes look sexy but the heels look comfy.X
I can just about buy a pint of milk. Shoes are a luxury I cannot afford at the moment.
Health and safety warning …….
Do be careful when attending the Royal Ball, becuase I lost a glass slipper as I ran from the hall.
It was not the midnight chimes that prompted me to run….
I’d just heard Retro Chick was having more fun.
I’m finding it hard to dancing in one shoe, so a voucher for Sarenza’s I would gladly beg from you.
As for the Prince, I’ve heard he’s gay and would prefer glass slippers to me any day.
I deserve to win shoes because (and this is not your run of the mill sob story- y’know – highly exagerated, and half the time not even in the slightest bit true!) heres the thing – I have 6 kids, 6 lovelies, granted, but the shoes they get through is unreal. If I were a shoemaker then I would seriously be hoping some elves came in and helped me out through the night!(yes, I know, if I were a shoemaker, I possibly would not need or deserve to win shoes, but humour me…. and a shoemaker I am not!)
*sigh* Anywayyyyyyyy! I rarely get to treat myself to new shoes…. (stop right there! don’t get your violin out just yet… especially if you are going to stomp all over it being really sympathetic and all that!) not so much because I can’t afford them (see! told you it wasn’t a bare faced lie type sob story – although that would have been mega easy, with 6 little darlings to feed, clothe and get shoe’ed up) So! My reason is simple…. I spend that much time looking for clothes and shoes for my monsters that I just can’t be bothered to trawl round shops trying on shoes for myself! Yes I am a lazy madam, and yes I really should make the effort, but why bother…. when you have laid them on a plate… I have already spotted the ones I want – all you need to do is give me the voucher and I will be sorted!! So I will just sit here and wait patiently! The welfare of my feet is in your hands – and in turn, hopefully the voucher will wing its way to mine!
this voucher would help as i was running at 40mph when i had a puncture in my right trainer .
Rather bored with my shoe wardrobe – I have shoes to wear, but can’t justify any frivolous purchases because I’m a full time mum and have no money of my own.
I deserve a new pair of shoes as my bald husband doesn’t recognise my shoe fetish as a medical condition – and thinks his hobbies should take precedence.
I deserve the shoes because … Sometime around my 10th birthday, aliens abducted me and gave me foot growth hormone. By the time I was 12, I had the size 9 boats I call feet now. Unable to buy shoes, I lived in ugly boy shoes or painfully crammed my feet into size 8s. Nowadays more places do a size 9, like Sarenza, but it’s going to take lots of pretty shoes to get over my post traumatic stress disorder. Help me, Sarenza!
My girlfriend needs shoes…it’s in her soul and she won’t walk away from it…
I deserve the shoes because I only have 150 pairs of shoes and need another pair and if I don’t win, I’m very likely to cut off my big toe which would be awful for anyone to have on their conscience…in particular anyone deciding who to offer the shoes to…
My size fives deserve new shoes
As they are suffering from the blues
So please Sarenza, pick my feet
So they can wear this stylish treat
My fella has banned me from buying new shoes as he says I don’t need any more (pfft, men! What do they know?! How can a girl not need new shoes? it’d be different if it was a new phone!!!) anyway, back on point, if I WIN new shoes, I’m technically not BUYING new shoes so can’t get into trouble with the mr 🙂 *evil giggle*
i would love to win, as this year i have been recycling my old shoes to try & save moneny.Oh!! poor me but it true i’m afraid.we’ve all got to econimise.
I deserve to win them because I just lost my job and my boyfriend has moved over from Ireland (and also has no job)which also means you’ve guessed it i’m broke. As a result of this I did a car boot at 7.30this morning which meant I had to be up at 6 (after a birthday night out, which was pretty much provided to me by the generosity of my friends) and I felt terrible and to my horror I had to sell some of my favourite shoes for a mere pittance. It was soul destroying and it was annoying, but at least I was with my friends…….my well loved, well worn, flats and heels.
Wearing fab shoes makes me feel sexy and after a week running around after everyone else I deserve some good loving!
I deserve to win because the few pairs of shoes in my wardrobe are so old, battered and frumpy that the shoeboxes look better on my feet than they do!!!
I deserve to win these shoes as i have 6 kiddies so always on my feet and my shoes are worn out! actually i dont own any nice (posh) pair of shoes mostly live in my trainers 🙁 i would love to own a lovely gorgeous pair of shoes x