Things to do in Norwich – September

Can you believe it’s September?

I’m sure it’ll be blazing sunshine after the total washout that was August, right?

This months big event is the 40s weekend on the Sheringham railway with a dance in the evening. It promises to be a great weekend. But the Norwich and Norfolk area also plays host to the No Strings Bursleque night at the Puppet Theatre, some Big Band, to be handily combined with Sunday lunch and afternoon tea and some collectors fairs to spend your pennies at.

03 September 2010

The Woolpack Inn 1940s Night
19:30 @ Woolpack Inn, Golden Ball St, Norwich
In aid of Help for Heroes
Wartime music & wartime buffet
Dress up in your wartime best and join the party
Tickets £6 per person (buy at the bar) 01603 627047

05 September 2010

Antique and collectors Fair
10:00 @ Simms Reeve Institute, Brancaster Norfolk
Small but friendly fair with about ten stalls, selling china, silver, linen, jewellery and much more.
Also home made refreshments.
50p Entry All proceeds towards the renovation of the hall.

18 September 2010

Sheringham 1940s Weekend
10:00 @ Poppy Line, Sheringham
Come and enjoy the 1940s weekend on the North Norfolk Railway, our most popular event for adults by far!
Come in uniform or 1940s civilian dress to add to the atmosphere. Don’t forget your gas mask and ration books!
More information �

19:30 @ Sheringham High School and 6th Form Centre, Holt Road, Sheringham NR26 8ND
Admission £7 on the door.
Bring Your Own Drinks. Tea, Coffee and Donuts Provided.
Period Dress, Allied Uniforms welcome.
More details from Esther and David on 01473 635176 Or Email

19 September 2010

The Jonathan Wyatt Big Band, with special guest John Miller
14:30 @ Assembly House, Norwich
Remembering & celebrating 65 years since the end of World War 2
Also featured during the day will be a display of motor vehicles from the Norfolk Military Vehicle Group.
The Grand Assembly House restaurant will also be serving a 1940’s themed Great British Sunday Lunch
and after the concert a tempting traditional afternoon tea & cakes.
Ticket Prices: Concert Only £12.95 – from The Assembly House Box Office at the Theatre Royal – 01603 598688
Restaurant enquiries & table reservations 01603 627526
More information �

25 September 2010

No Strings – Burlesque and Cabaret Club
Hocus Pocus Theatre
will proudly present their next evening of Burlesque and Cabaret on 25th September after a summer break.
Tickets £15
More Details to Follow
More information �

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