January 23, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fashion & Beauty

Retro Chick is a Sucker for Good Packaging

Sore throat, earache, aches and pains.

That’s me today.

I am hoping that I’ll feel better tomorrow as I have tickets for Bonanafana and I’m getting my hair done and everything. In fact Flamingo Amy is supposed to be setting my hair for me tonight, so I’m hoping against hope I’ll feel better later today. Mind over matter and all that….

In the mean time while I lounge around looking wan and pathetic in a Victorian maiden kind of way I thought I’d share a recent purchase with you.

The red nails inc polish I got free with a bottle of diet coke back in May has finally died the death, gone gloopy and impossible to use so into the bin it went and off I went in search of a new retro red to adorn my finger nails with.Ā  After several years (exaggeration alert!) hanging around the nail polish counters in Boots I saw a display for the Boots No.7 75th Anniversary range, loved the packaging, and impulsively picked up a bottle of “40s Starlet Stockings”

The 75th Anniversary range has been out for a while, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in my local store. There’s a range of lip glosses, eyeshadows and nail polishes, all with the same vintage style packaging, with a shade for each decade from the 40s to the 00s.

The starlet stockings nail polish is a retro red, but with a slightly coral/orange undertone. I wasn’t sure about it at first but it’s really grown on me, much softer than a bright red and easier to wear.

The polish goes on really smoothly and dries quick enough that I won’t smudge it as I appear to be incapable of sitting still for more than 5 minutes at a time. I also think it’s fairly reasonably priced at Ā£6.75, not exactly a budget price, but for a decent nail polish it’s not bad.

The Boots 75th Anniversary range is available online and in Boots Stores. It’s also 3 for 2 at the moment, so stock up!


  • Fiona - Notorious Kitsch October 1, 2010

    Love the packaging! I’m also a sucker for packaging! Try storing your nail varnishes in the fridge to stop them going gloopy, they last for ages that way!

    • Retro Chick October 1, 2010

      Oooh good tip! Not sure what Mr Chick will think of my nail polishes in the fridge, but it’s worth a try!

  • Emily October 1, 2010

    I love the packaging! Not gone for the Anniversary stuff yet but I do love No7 polishes and have always found that they last really really well! The red No7 one I’ve got, I’ve had for over 18 months and it’s still as runny as it was when I got it! And has lasting power! šŸ™‚

  • Miss Peelpants October 1, 2010

    I think I prefer the regular packaging, bizarrely enough. But that looks like a terrific shade. I love when they have the Ā£5 vouchers on No.7 in Boots because their nail polish is terrific (and I do have problems sitting still when I’ve done my nails…).

  • Franca October 1, 2010

    Oh, I had not see these either! I like! I rarely wear polish on my nails so my stuff lasts for evah! or rather, I don’t wear it for so long and next thing I know its two years later and it’s gone off. I might paint my nails tonight.

  • Claire Forest October 1, 2010

    I am going to Boots tomorrow as i rather fancy a new lipstick, will check this out. My manicurist says that you should always wear base coat with red polish, as it can make your nails go a little yellow if you don’t…I have to say experience tells me she is right! x

  • x Corrine/Frock & Roll x October 2, 2010

    That packaging is DIVINE. I hope you feel better soon, you poor thing!

  • Fashion Limbo October 2, 2010

    great colour, some reds are tricky but I certainly like this one. I wonder how long til it chips? are N7 nail varnishes worth the purchase? I always hover around the counters but never tried them.

  • A Thrifty Mrs October 2, 2010

    What beautiful packaging. It’s a lovely colour too. I need some more red actually so I’ll have to pop to Boots and get some of this.

  • Hope you feel better soon. Loving the nail colour and you’re right, packaging makes a huge difference.

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