Those of you that follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or read my blog on Friday will know I’ve been poorly.
I was determined to be well enough to go out Saturday night as I was finally letting Flamingo Amy loose on my hair to make me look like a vintage Princess. Thus it was that, technically still quite ill, I dragged myself down to Flint Hair in Bridewell Alley at 4pm on Saturday afternoon.
My half hearted attempt at setting my hair, and not properly brushing it out meant I arrived looking like a ball of frizz.
Flamingo Amy looked through some books with me and fetched me a glass of water to stop me coughing, then got to work tonging, pinning, backcombing, spraying and waxing.
An hour later I looked like this:
Seriously, I swear the woman is some kind of hair witch. There is no chance in hell I could ever recreate this on myself, not without eyes on stalks and arms like a russian shot putter.
If you want Amy to make you beautiful too she’s available at weekends at Flint Hair in Norwich, contact her via her vintage styling website, or through Flint Hair direct.
Of course, the point of all this beautifying was the Bo Nanafana Ju Ju Jamboree, so I went home and transformed myself into a voodoo princess in bright colours and skull print shoes.
You will notice 2 things in the below photographs, one is that I have scary glowing eyes. That’s the flash. I could have used Photoshop to edit them out but I thought they added to the voodoo vibe so I left them in. The other is that my skin looks chalky in close up. That’s the flash bouncing off the SPF in my foundation, which is why they always advise Brides not to wear foundation with SPF. Little bit of useful information for you there.
❤ Dress - Vintage ❤ Skull Print Shoes - eBay ❤ Bangles - River Island ❤ Necklace - No idea! ❤
If you’ve found this post a little rambling that’s because I well and truly paid for my fabulous evening and I’m still pretty poorly. In fact today I have almost completely lost my voice, much to the delight of Mr Chick.
So I shall return to my sick bed and leave you with a few more photos snapped during the fabulous Bo Nanafana Ju Ju Jamboree. Excuse the quality as they were taken on an iPhone4 because my regular camera was too bulky to take with me. (Keep your eye on my Events page for details of the next Bo Nanafana!)
I really wanted to go to this but after a heavy night on Friday and shopping during the day on Saturday I would’ve never been able to stay awake!
Looks great though.
And your hair! WOW.
It was so good! There was no way I was missing it, poorly or not!
your hair looks fab, now time to rest up and get better!
That is my imminent plan! I am off to snuggle under a blanket this very second.
Your hair looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! There’s a vintage hair lady in edinburgh too, I may have to try her soon! I really hope she can make my patheritically thin hair into something!
feel better soon!
My hair is quite fine too, that’s why I set it ahead of time. She’s a miracle worker though, I’m sure your lady can do something with you!
Hi there
Sorry to hear you not been well. You wouldnt guess it in the pictures, you look gorgeous – hair is absolutely fab, my god that woman is good, and you know I love and know about hair. Looks like you had a great night. Definitely hope to see you at an event soon.
Take care
Jo xxxx
You might be ill (get well soon!) but you looked a million bucks!
That is a truly amazing hair do. Some people are just so talented, like hair sculptures.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a nice comment. I really hope you feel better soon. BTW gorgous hair and it looks like a fun event too!
AMAZING DOOOOO! You look pretty spesh lady. x