Art in the Underbelly and Other News

Just a brief post today as I’m feeling a little delicate.

Partly because I still have this (expletive deleted) cold, but mostly because I went out last night to the opening of an exhibition of Photography by Ryan Watts. I “met” Ryan through Twitter, but we’d never actually met in person, so it was very nice to put an actual face to a name, seeing as we live in the same city and all.

The exhibition showcases some of Ryan’s stunning photography of live bands. You can see some of it on his website, but printed and beautifully framed they are a real treat. The opening night was a massive success, the place was packed and the live music perfectly complemented the theme of the exhibition.

The exhibition runs for a month at Art in the Underbelly in the cellar bar of the Rumsey Wells, (which is where I held my Birthday party last year, so it obviously has a fantastic pedigree) it’s open 12-5 on Mondays and 12-3 Tuesday-Friday, with another live music event on the evening of the 20th October. If you’re Norwich based and you didn’t get to last nights opening then I heartily recommend popping down on the 20th as it’s sure to be another fantastic night!

Here’s a few photos I took last night, but keep going to the bottom of the page for the “Other News”!

So you made it past the photos? Well here’s the “other news”.

Firstly, anyone who’s interested can finally see the interviews to camera I did for Stardoll TV at the Simple Beauty Boot Camp. It’s Episode 12 on Stardoll TV and the piece on Simple starts at about 4:30. At about 7:05 there’s a bigger piece with me. Rather irritatingly they got the name of my blog wrong and have introduced me as Rock Chick Blog so I expect there are hordes of frustrated Stardoll TV viewers desperately trying to hunt me down so they can find out exactly WHY my hair looks so awful (answer, it was damp, my set dropped out and no one warned me there would be cameras.)

Secondly I just wanted to give you a heads up to make sure you come back tomorrow as I’m launching a count down to Halloween with a fantastic lot of goodies to giveaway courtesy of Aspire Style. I shan’t tell you what’s in it yet as I like to keep you in suspense, but ever since I picked up the prize I’ve been struggling desperately with the urge to keep it all for myself!

That’s all for today my lovelies, I shall return tomorrow with free things.
10 replies on “Art in the Underbelly and Other News”
  1. says: Fiona - Notorious Kitsch

    hey I think you came across well, and your hair looked fine, I think you’re thinking how it should look but when people watch it, they don’t know! It looks good!

  2. says: Mim

    Golly, I knew that place back when it was the St Andrews Tavern. Nice to know it’s still going. The photos look excellent too.

      1. says: Mim

        I am rubbish with gin, can’t tell the difference between them, although I’ve never encountered one I didn’t like!

        My husband used to go there when he was supposed to be at 6th form at Notre Dame. We’re planning a trip back to the flat country at some point, so I will have to drag him in there.

  3. says: Tanya C.

    the photos looks great.
    It has a touch of lomography in action.
    The countdown to Holloween is coming, so for Christmas… More freebies? Cheers!

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