Fangy Fashion

Seeing as it’s nearly Halloween it seemed the perfect time for some Fangy Fashion inspiration.

Specifically the fangy fashion in True Blood. Series 2 is showing on UK TV at the moment, but being the impatient type I’ve already downloaded it on iTunes and watched the whole thing. I got through an entire series and a half without ever being sartorially inspired. It’s a great series, but Sookie Stackhouse and her collection of cotton frocks and lace up pumps wasn’t really filling me with inspiration.

Then they went to Dallas.

And from the minute they arrived Sookie Stackhouse magically developed a wardrobe full of feminine 50s style frocks, chic coat dresses and glamorous 40s waved hair.

My interest was mildly piqued. But it didn’t set my world on fire.

Then we had some fabulous flashbacks to the 1930s. Giving me my first moment of serious outfit lust. I seriously need both outfits from these screen caps in my life.

Then we were plunged into the beautiful Art Deco world of Queen Sophie-Ann and suddenly I had a whole new reason for watching True Blood.

She might be slightly insane but at least she looks good on it.

Vintage style hair, beautiful accessories and slinky, bias cut column dresses are the order of the day to get this elegant look. Add a pair of fangs and call it a Halloween Costume, but really we know it’s just an excuse to look beautiful.

3 replies on “Fangy Fashion”
  1. says: Penny Dreadful Vintage

    I still haven’t seen ANY of this series, which is terrible since everyone raves about it. Need to get the box set and have a session methinks! x

  2. says: Pia

    I like your blog! Fairly new to it and still browsing through old entries.

    Sophie-Anne looks truly stunning in episode 12 season 3 btw. Great great black 50s coat and some red fabric showing underneath when she fights!

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