More Pressies for Yoooou!

I’m really pleased to announce I’ve been able to add yet more goodies to my Christmas Stocking!

Luath Press have kindly offered to give a copy of A Girl’s Guide to Vintage,which is perfect, as we all know a Christmas Stocking isn’t complete without a book in it!

So all you need to do is pop on over to the Christmas Stocking giveaway post and all the details on how to enter are there. It closes this Friday at midnight! Hopefully giving me chance to get your stocking to you before Christmas!

If you just can’t wait the there’s 20% off on the Luath Press site until Christmas, so you can treat yourself, or someone else! I haven’t had chance to review it yet, but I will as soon as I get my copy.

In the meantime here’s some other lovely sites running Christmas giveaways for you!

Feeling Stylish has a LUSH Christmas Present to Giveaway

Yesterday Girl has a £50 Notorious Kitsch voucher

In the Heyday! has a plank of wood (really!)

Able Grable has some beautiful hair flowers, just for you!

Good Luck!

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