Valentines Day is on it’s way.
You either love it or hate it, but even when I’ve been single I’ve always loved it just as an excuse to wear red and eat chocolate.
We all need a little bit of love in our life, and that doesn’t necessarily mean being in a relationship. You can love friends, neighbours, strangers, chocolate biscuits or pizza. I think of it as an opportunity to do something you love, possibly with someone you love. You don’t have to buy into the fizzy wine, box of chocolates cliche, though personally I love both of those things.
If you’re not feeling the love then I say fake it till you feel it. You could cover yourself in love hearts, but I think you’d probably be sick with cutesy overload before you felt a bit more love. So today I’ve been off and found some nice accessories to bring a bit of love into your wardrobe without engaging in cute overload.
You can have love on your fingers.
Black Heart Ring £6.50 £3.25 Miss Selfridge
Vivienne Westwood Heart Ring £120
Moschino Cheap & Chic Heart Gloves £45 £22.50
Hot Topic Double Finger Love Ring £12.99
Love on your toes
The To-Toes Heel $117.99 Modcloth
Vivenne Westwood Melissa shoes £120
Queen of Hearts Patent Shoes £54
Embellished Pumps £46 Topshop
Heart Backseams £8.50 Topshop
You can even have love on your HEAD. Or over your head.
Warm Fuzzies Ear Muffs $39.99 Modcloth
Vintage 1940s Heart Shaped Hat $185 Sense of Fashion
I Heart Umbrellas $29.99
At the moment I am not in a mood with The Beard and so I love it. We even have the day off to spend it together 🙂
We sometimes do that! Though not this year as Mr Chick is hoarding his holiday!
I feel fairly indifferent towards it. It’s just a marketing opportunity really. I do absolutely adore those Westwood shoes though! x
Ah yes, but if you’re not religious so’s Christmas, and Halloween!
I love any excuse for a party, me!
We sort of ignore it because our going out anniversary is four days after. We might go for a meal.
not for me, we swap the same cards every year like my nan and grandad used to. don’t do chocs or overpriced meal etc, just a snuggle up. i love him every day, the suprise chocs mean more than because it’s valentines day. just me i think!
We make our own cards, if we bother.
Generally we do something nice. Last year we went for a picnic in the Cathedral and we had little cup cakes with hearts on.
The year before we went to local museum!
I love Valentines to. Those patent shoes are gorgeous! I want!!
I want that umbrella!
You cant beat a bit of Vivenne Westwood for Valentines day!