7 Things You Probably Already Knew About Me…..

Well, it seems I am a stylish blogger.

I don’t often do the award thing as I find it all a bit confusing and I can never think of who to pass them onto and I don’t want to leave people out, and, and, and…..

You get the idea.

However I have now been given this award by 4 different people and I’m genuinely touched so I thought I ought to at least acknowledge it on here!

Awarded to me by the equally stylish and beautiful Missy Vintage, Rose-Alia, Debutante Clothing and Ramble On.

Plus, of course, a blog award is another excuse for me to spend the afternoon photo shopping myself into red carpet pictures like I’m going to an awards ceremony. Essential blogging work, not a waste of time, oh no.

Now, apparently I have to tell you 7 things about myself that you don’t already know. This is going to be pretty hard as a) I’m really very boring and b) I’ve probably told you most stuff already, or you can find it in places like my about page if you ever look at them. Still, lets give it a go.

1. I have tattoos and piercings

Nothing terrifying. I have a little black lizard on my hip and a navel ring. I used to have a nose stud and at least 3 holes in each ear, including one on the hard bit at the top, but I gave up on them over the years. I hardly wear one pair of earrings let alone 3….

2. I don’t really care much about Fashion at all

Gasp! I’m an awful Fashion Blogger! I love clothes and I love people with good or individual style, but fashion does nothing for me.

I hate the idea of desperately looking to see what the latest trends are so you can instantly add them to your wardrobe as some kind of short cut to style. Like you need “permission” from the fashion gods to wear a feather skirt or seamed stockings if you want to.

The most stylish people, even in the Fashion world are always those who go their own way. Isabella Blow, Vivienne Westwood and Anna Wintour set their own style and let other people follow them if they want.

3. I’m a big Stand Up Comedy fan

Other people like going to gigs. I love Stand Up. I like comedy clubs where you get several comedians and 1 is awful, 2 ok and one often outstanding. Then in 2 months time you’re watching Mock the Week and the outstanding one pops up.

This is on my mind at the moment as I have just discovered Norwich is finally getting a Jongleurs. Previously it’s had one off comedy festivals which I often go to, and a monthly comedy night that I hardly ever do as it’s on Thursdays (why Thursdays?) I am insanely excited about having the chance to go whenever I have a free weekend.

4. I trained to be a Nurse

Well, sort of. I started training in 1997, but me and early mornings never really gelled very well. I worked as a Nursing Assistant in various Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Psychiatric units from 1996-2001.

I dropped out of the training after a year, went back to college in evening classes to get my A Levels and ended up with a degree in Media & Film Studies. No one expects you to get up early for that.

5. I’m secretly a massive geek

I like Sci Fi, Horror (though not that awful gross out stuff that seems to be everywhere these days) and I play computer games (or I did when I had time and the money for a decent console, the last good game I played was Resident Evil on the Wii. Who wants to buy me an X Box?). I also worked briefly in IT Support, which apart from this is probably the best job I ever had.

My website is made from a template, but it looked nothing like this when I got it and I’m terribly proud of all the faffing around teaching myself CSS and HTML that made it look like it does now.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s very likely that any technical knowledge I have would be entirely outclassed by a modern 8 year old, but when I was at school IT lessons consisted of showing us where the space bar was and then leaving us alone to perfect our fake IDs.

In 2008 Mr Chick gave me the Internet for Christmas. Best. Present. Ever. He made it himself and it even had a little flashing red light.

If you don’t get that you need to watch the IT Crowd.

6. When I was little I wanted to be a Writer

Or a Nurse, or a Princess. I tried the first one and it wasn’t quite like the “Cadet Nurse at St Marks” books I’d read as a child, the Nurses didn’t even wear hats, let alone cloaks. I didn’t get past the interview process for Princess, sadly. Looks like I’ve finally settled on writing, after a fashion, though I try and squeeze as much Princess into my day as I can.

7. I’m not a natural red head

I suspect you knew this already, but truth is I’m so boring I couldn’t think of a number 7, apart from the fact that I like whisky and real ale, but I’ve mentioned that before. Or maybe that I like Cheese and Onion crisps, but that’s even more boring than not being an actual red head.

This, I think, is my natural hair colour.Well it was in 1996, though looking at my roots it might actually be grey by now *stifled sob*.

In a break with tradition I’m not nominating anyone because of the aforementioned fear of leaving people out. But I DO love reading these things. I’m naturally nosey and it’s great fun reading peoples facts.

So. If you haven’t been given this award by anyone else yet and you want to play, then consider this your award!

Come back and tell me you’ve done it so I can come and nosey at your 7 secrets!

16 replies on “7 Things You Probably Already Knew About Me…..”
  1. says: Pixie

    Oh my godz, teh internetz! I’d love to receive such a marvellous gift. You actually look like Jen in the pic too.

    I agree about the fashion thing too. I love people’s style and presence rather than whether they can pull off hareem pants. 🙂

  2. says: Lady Cherry

    Congratulations! I received this award as well, you can read my secrets on the ‘A Night at the Bloscars’ post.

    Love your photoshop job and your red carpet outfit! I totally agree about fashion vs style – you never see the most stylish people following fashion. Am planning a post on it soon.

    Belts – you said the other day you need a new one AA you keep on seeing rhe one you have everywhere. M&S have got a fab selection just now, about £15 but if you will get a lot of use out of it then it might be worth having a look.

  3. says: LandGirl1980

    “at school IT lessons consisted of showing us where the space bar was and then leaving us alone to perfect our fake IDs.”. Pleased that this was a nationwide things then… ha ha ha 🙂

    And I love the pic of you pre retro days. A hippy girl after my own heart?

  4. says: perdita

    I love the IT crowd. Yep I’m a geek too.

    Glad there’s another bottle haired lovely who isn’t quite sure what she’d look sans dye nowadays… I’m too scared to check mine! So I stay with the same colour as my ma’s (from the same branch of boots 😉 ).

  5. says: Charlotte

    I love reading everyone’s award posts – it’s such fun learning those little random things about each other. In truth, the only reason I didn’t tag you when I was tagged recently was that I considered you too big and important – most ‘celebrity bloggers’ (yes, I count you as a celebrity blogger haha!) don’t bother themselves with these silly little award things.

    PS, LOVE the Internet!!!!

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha’penny Vintage

    1. says: Retro Chick

      You have no idea how much it makes me laugh when people call me that. It also makes me smile as well as this is sort of my job so I guess it’s good to be thought of that way!

      The thing I love so much about blogging is “talking” to other people and sharing their lives through their blogs and things. I love these awards as you find out silly little details you might otherwise not know!

  6. says: Ms Wanda's

    OMG!! You have the internet – that’s such an amazing present. What a brilliant boyfriend/husband/casual partner you have. Utterly hilarious (and one of my favourite episodes).

    And I’m so with you on No. 1 and No. 3

  7. says: Mr Chick

    I entirely agree with Ms Wanda.

    (The watch batteries that run the Internet have started to run out, so if anyone is getting slow connections you now know why)

  8. says: Rosie Alia

    Love the photoshopped blog awards! Tee hee!
    And I too love comedy nights! The first ones I went to were at uni in first year, and then when I met Mr Mike we discovered a shared love of them! xx

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