What Retro Chick's Been Up To

It’s been a busy couple of weeks chez Retro Chick.

I feel a bit guilty as all I’ve been writing is “hey, look what I did” style posts. The reason for that is that as well as all the Norwich Fashion Week stuff I’ve been up to I’ve also been making a……..drumroll………


It’s likely that many of you won’t care, but for those of you that do I think this is going to be a brilliant resource. I’ve been so excited about getting it out there that many of you have probably already seen it, or even helped me out by checking it was working after I had to move servers!

Normally this is the day that I post all the vintage diary dates I have for the coming month, but today I’m going to point you towards Vintage Norwich. You can find the list for the coming month here, as well as reviews of things that have been going on in Norwich and cafes, restaurants, bars and shops that might be of interest to you!

The idea is to make it a central hub for anyone of a vintage frame of mind to find out what’s going on.

I want it to be as comprehensive a resource as possible so you can find places you might like to eat, drink and shop that you would otherwise not have known about. As such it will always be a work in progress and if you’ve got a secret weapon nail salon that gives you talons with bare half moons or a fabulous place to buy vintage china then get in touch and let me know!

Vintage Norwich has a Facebook page and a Twitter Account so you can follow that way, and if you’d already signed up for the events newsletter you’ll continue to receive it as normal, except it will be branded as Vintage Norwich!

Of course, if you’re NOT in Norwich then that doesn’t mean you can’t come and visit! I’m working on getting a list of hotels in the area up at some point too and if you pay us a short visit then Vintage Norwich should be an excellent place to find out what’s going on to make the most of the trip.

In short I am VERY excited about this new venture, and I want your help in getting the word out to the vintage lovin’ lovelies in Norfolk. Please tell your friends, use Facebook and Twitter to get the word out as I really think it could be an amazing place for all of us. If you’d like to contribute then get in touch!

Well, I’ve been working on this for 2 weeks. I made it myself and it’s been hard work, so today is technically my launch party and I deserve a virtual drink.

Please grab one for yourself, hang around and tell me what you think!

12 replies on “What Retro Chick's Been Up To”
  1. says: Suzy

    The new site is brilliant – well done! I’ll be in Norwich at the beginning of April to see family and friends, and to take part in the vintage fair at Dragon Hall. I’ll also be checking out all the shops, tea rooms and fab places recommended here. Thanks so much for this fabulous resource!

  2. says: perdita

    My work email classes VN as ‘violence’ and bars it- but I will check tonight and toast you with my lethally strong coffee-break coffee!

  3. says: Claire Read

    Well done Gemma, this is fabulous. There is so much going on in Norwich, we just needed you to pull it all together for us in a beautiful package and tie a retro ribbon round it. Thank you! x

  4. says: Paperdoll

    Great resource I will make full use of it if I’m ever in your neck of th ewoods!!!! anyone know of a York/Hull version? X

  5. says: kerry

    Looks great. It will be brilliant to spread the Norwich vintage love. I love living in Norwich. So many wonderful buildings and things to see and do. We have lots of vintage offerings so it will be simply fabulous to have inspiration at our finger tips. x

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