Dear Diary

Come To A Marvellous Cocktail Party!

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You might remember back in January I had some resolutions.

If you don’t then I don’t blame you, I’ve tried to block it out too. If you do then you might remember that one of them was to try and get involved in organising some events. Well that one I’ve actually taken some action on (some of the others not so much, but maybe more on that later!)

And, I can now VERY excitedly announce the very first ever Retro Chick event.

It’s on Thursday 26th May in the gorgeous upstairs bar at Farmer Browns in Tombland, Norwich. I’m organising it in conjunction with a friend of mine, Karen, who is setting up a vintage events company called Blue Skies Vintage Events.

The idea is to create an evening where you can slip back into the decadent elegance of the inter war years and Evelyn Waugh’s Bright Young Things. There’ll be cocktails, music and dancing and a perfect excuse to put on your finest vintage togs and swan around pretending you’re in a episode of Poirot.

Tickets are £20 and the price includes 2 tickets for free cocktails to make sure you don’t go unrefreshed.


Book your place before the end of April and you’ll get a 10% discount, making tickets only £18 each. Not bad considering it includes 2 free cocktails as well as the entertainment!

You can find more information about the event and book tickets on the Marvellous Cocktail Party website. I shall be keeping it updated as we finalise more of the entertainment but we currently have the fabulous gypsy swing band Swingball and chanteuse Charlene Jean confirmed and we’re in negotiation with a host of exciting characters to make the evening go with a swing!

I can’t tell you how excited I am about it! Places are fairly limited as the upstairs of Farmer Browns isn’t huge, so make sure you get in early and don’t miss out!

If you’re from out of town and have always fancied a trip to Norwich (it IS a Fine City) then feel free to drop me an email if you want hotel recommendations!

See you there! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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