Sunshine & Frilly Frocks

Did you see it?!

There was definite sunshine over the weekend! In fact last week temperatures in Norwich were around the 20 degrees mark, so I pulled out my new summer frock.

It’s a 1940s pinafore with frilly sleeve trims and rick rack on the bodice and pockets. I’ve wanted a dress this style for ages, but now I have it I feel a bit, well, frilly.

❤ 40s Sun Dress - eBay US ❤ Shoes - Miss L Fire ❤ Watering Can - Homebase ❤

Mr Chick thinks it looks like a summer gardening frock, so I pranced around in the garden with a watering can for some pictures. Rest assured I am not a natural gardener and things I plant generally completely fail to grow entirely.

Maybe it’s because I’ve spent months cocooned in sensible polo necks and sharp pencil skirts, but I felt a bit silly with all those frills and flounces, maybe I’m too old for them now I’m in my *gasp* 30s?

So I’m leaving it up to you to decide. Is this a lovely summer frock, or are there altogether too many frills for a grown up to be wearing around town, even in summer?

Should I keep it or let it go?

Other than that I mostly spent my weekend bargain hunting. I bought a vintage lace collar, a lace tablecloth and a pair of crochet gloves, bringing a definite “holey” theme to my purchases and also found a budgerigar printed handkerchief in the textiles pile, which looks 50s though could be later for all I know. How on earth does one date a handkerchief!?

I’ve also got a new display cabinet to house some of my china, except someone, for reasons unknown, decided to tile the back of it with metal tiles printed with windmills, so it needs a bit of work!

How did you enjoy this weekends sunshine?

23 replies on “Sunshine & Frilly Frocks”
  1. says: LandGirl1980

    Too old?? What are you on about? Get outta town! I don’t view that frock as frilly at all. I think it is lovely. I don’t know what is more magnificent, the dress or your haor colour! Tres, tres, TRES bon!!! 🙂

  2. says: Brittany Va-Voom Vintage

    That’s a keeper- for sure! I’ve seen pinafores much frillier than this one. The colors are beautiful on you, the rick rack is darling and I agree with what Penny said, you look hot in it! If the frills make you feel silly, a cardigan or bolero might make you feel more confident until you adjust to the frills. And you’re in your 30’s?! Damn! You look awesome!! xoxo

  3. It’s really pretty! I know what you mean about frill-fears though… I have a blouse which always takes a few days to psych myself up to wear.

    I think you should keep it for sure!

  4. says: Lainie

    Keep. For sure. It’s sweet but not too frilly. I do the same thing, once I hit the mid-30s I started looking at my clothes differently but I think that this one is perfect!

  5. says: Louise

    I think it’s an adorable dress. It’s ideal for the summer and it’s so pretty… you should definitely keep it. There’ll be loads of opportunity to wear it and to look fabulous.

  6. says: Steph (@mrs_sock)

    I’d say it’s feminine not girly. I think it suits you and it’s not frilly. Definately a keeper. Love the length too!

  7. says: Heather

    I’m going to de-lurk myself here and vote for the keep it side of things. It’s adorable and once you get over the shock of putting on summer things I think you’ll be glad you did. I say this only because I had a similar experience with shorts this past weekend and I had the experience of getting to see my knees.

  8. says: Joanna

    I love the dress. Its a lovely colour and looks very springlike. I’m now thinking of making one like it for myself.

  9. says: Mim

    That’s a lovely dress, and looks great on you. However, how you feel in it is the most important thing. If you love it but feel it’s too frilly to go out in, keep it for enjoying on days at home when you don’t see people.

    (I still have a hanky-hemmed tie-dye dress I wore to a Fields of the Nephilim gig at UEA in 1990 and I STILL wear it occasionally around the house, despite gaining four stone and over two decades. Home is a great place to enjoy old favourites, suitability be damned!)

  10. We’ve just started to get sun here, too, though not 20 degrees yet. Only in Canada can you be shovelling snow one week and raking leaves the next. Honestly! Funny, I actually think you are too young for that dress if anything. I don’t find it too frilly and it accentuates your figure very nicely but to me there is something kind of housewifey about it…but maybe that’s not necessarily a bad thing!

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