Monday AGAIN. How does that keep happening?
For a change Friday night was my chance to get dressed up and be a bit glamorous this weekend. I was still slightly hungover after “afternoon tea” on Thursday with The Glamourologist and Missy Vintage turned into afternoon drinks, and then “oh, I’ll just pick up another bottle of wine on the way home” (and then, “oooh, isn’t there still another bottle in the bottom of the fridge”)
Fortunately I was perked up, and saved from the agony of complex sartorial decisions by the arrival of my new Heyday! Mary dress in Peacock Blue (as ordered at War & Peace)
❤ Dress - Heyday! ❤ Hat - Abilu Creations ❤ Bag - Vintage ❤ ❤ Shoes - Salvador Sapena (via eBay) ❤
What I didn’t get myself organised to do was dye and set my hair. This meant that my hair was dry, straight and with roots that could block drains (that might only be funny if you used to work for a Plumbing company, like I did.)
So last minute emergency (read, I was too lazy to start doing anything until 25 minutes before I needed to leave the house) required a hat and an up-do. I wore my custom made pill box hat from Abilu Creations to hide the worst of my roots, as it’s suitably sparkly and glamorous with it’s feather trim. Then, thanks to a product I’m trialling (Bumble & Bumble Bob Gel, more in future!) I created a mega victory roll that I’m quite proud of. More distracting from the roots than hiding them, but it was dark!
See, you don’t need curls for a vintage “do”
I was heading out to a new event called The Covert Club, which promised smoky rooms, candle light, cocktails and subversive cabaret and will be reviewed later over on Vintage Norwich. I felt that this required glamour, so I wore fish net tights and black accessories, but I really do think the new matte fabric on the Mary dress could translate to smart day wear quite easily with different accessories.
So that’s Friday night. Now, Sunday morning…..
As we all know I’m sure, Sunday morning means Boot Fairs. At least it does when I can be bothered to get out of bed in time.
I’m really quite chuffed with this Sundays haul, and NONE of it is china or glassware. Astonishing.
The first thing I bought was this cigarette case. It’s long enough to hold modern cigarettes if you put them in sideways, but that’s not the reason I bought it. It’s not the most exciting cigarette case, but inside it’s engraved “Christmas 1955” and immediately the soppy old moo part of my brain took over and I had to buy it.
Last night I found myself sat staring at it wondering who bought it as a gift. Whether the recipient was pleased to get it and how it ended up at a Boot Fair. I really am too soppy for words.
We also found this brilliant egg cup set, with hanging spoons, and the tray it’s sat on. I am eagerly awaiting breakfast in bed…..
Finally, I got this vintage hair dryer. I think it’s late 50s or early 60s from the model number on it. The box is a bit battered, but it actually looks like it’s never been removed from the packaging, and, best of all, it cost FIFTY PENCE! Yes, that’s right 50p.
Of course I have not the slightest idea what I shall do with it. I’m unlikely to use it. but 50p!!! I couldn’t leave it there.
I also picked up a pair of shoes and a cardigan, and, naturally, Mr Chick came home with some old books. We spent under £20 on the whole lot.
Excellent haul! That hairdryer is just brilliant. I always feel a little sad when I see things with inscriptions in charity shops, or things for ruby/ golden weddings, it makes me wonder what happened to the owners.
Yes, me too! I also wonder about when it was given and what happened to them afterwards.
You look fabulous! ;0) X
Fab post doll 🙂 That hairdryer is an uber uber bargain!! Think I need to make an effort to get to some Sunday Car Boots!! Love your new dress from Heyday. Your hair looks fabulous, can I ask do you colour it yourself? When my hair grows if it looks as fab as yours I will be a happy dolly :o)
p.s. LURVE the shoes and fishnets
You look absolutely stunning in that dress! I quite fancy myself one of those in the new powder blue colour!
And that hairdryer for 50p? Oh my! I have the exact same one, still boxed too! I was using it for a while until it began to spark a little :s tee hee.
The slightly different cut is brilliant too.
I’m not sure I’m brave enough to plug the hair dryer in! I imagine shorting out the electrics for the whole street!
Why do I never find bargains like 50p hairdryers at boot fairs?! That puts my £20 vintage bicycle to shame! Gorgeous dress too! It’s a beautiful colour on you =)
That hairdryer – what a cute find!! And I love that blue frock and red lippie combo – gorgeous friend!
That dress looks amazing on you! I love the color too. Such a pretty look.
Oh wow. You look AMAZING. I’m definitely going to have to put in an order for one of the new dresses now. ;] I also love your hair. =]
-Andi x
Miss living in the UK for that, boot fairs!!! My grandfather was an avid boot-sale crusader and once bought me the VHS video version of the Truth or Dare: In Bed With Madonna doc, to my parent’s dismay, as I was only 11 hehehehe, he knew I was a HUGE Madonna fan and I couldn’t have been happier.
Love your hair by the way, and you can’t see any roots, you look stunning and that dress has a gorgeous colour xxx
Ah, your hair attitude is right up my alley. What a fabulous ‘do in a time of need. I need to take your lead and not say I can’t do a vintage ‘do when my hair is in a shambles. Make lemons out of lemonade!
you do look lovely, I saw the new Mary dresses yesterday and I agree I like the matt look too! Also freaky, my mum had that exact hair dryer when I was a kid, took me right back!
I really really need to hit up the old boot fair scene more regularly (although I must confess I’m jealous of the pricing you’ve found – round our way NOTHING is under a quid, let alone a vintage hairdryer!)
xx Charlotte