12 Days of Christmas: Day 12….

On the Twelth day of Christmas Retro Chick gave to me……..

A Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Fire & Ice.

Ok, so it doesn’t rhyme and would make a rubbish Christmas song, but it’s still a lovely festive red lipstick for you to wear to all those Christmas Parties I have no doubt you’re planning over the next week.

Fire & Ice is a shade that Revlon have been making since 1952, and it’s a nice, classic, red shade that should suit most people. Or, according to the advert, it’s like “flaming diamonds dancing on the moon!” right-ho.

So, because it’s the final day I’m going to give you THREE CHANCES TO ENTER today.

  • For your first entry, LEAVE A COMMENT!
  • For your second entry, tweet about the 12 days of Christmas Competition the come back here and LEAVE A SECOND COMMENT!
  • And if you want a third entry you can Share on Facebook then come back and LEAVE A THIRD COMMENT!

Sorry for shouting, but I don’t want you to miss out on entries!

So that’s it! 12 days, 12 gifts gone into the Christmas Stocking, and at midnight tonight it’ll all be over! The final stocking is worth about £250! Just look at all these goodies waiting for a lucky winner.

The final list of goodies in the stocking is…..

DAY ONE: Wartime Memories CD and Playscript and Poster from the film The Deep Blue Sea

DAY TWO: Diamante & Pearl Brooch from Aspire Style

DAY THREE: Handmade heart shaped Christmas Tree decorations from my Etsy Shop

DAY FOUR: Water Bottle from Urban Outfitters

DAY FIVE: Glitter Ring from Accessory Freaks

DAY SIX: Sleeping Beauty earrings from Petal Jewellery

DAY SEVEN: Faux fur stole from Aspire Style

DAY EIGHT: What Katie Did Black Retro Seams

DAY NINE: Vintage handbag from Tramp Vintage

DAY TEN: Miniature of Absolut Citron vodka

DAY ELEVEN: Set of 8 Thornback & Peel napkins

DAY TWELVE: Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick in Fire & Ice

You can click on all those links above to go back over the last 12 days and get extra entries, or you can click on the pictures in the handy little calendar below. All in all there’s 20 different chances to get an entry, and on Monday I shall be trotting to the Post Office to get it in the post before the last Christmas posting date.


Deep Blue Sea Goodies Aspire Style Diamante & Pearl Brooch Water Bottle Accessory Freaks petal earrings Faux Fur Stole seamed stockings gold bag vodka napkins lipstick

89 replies on “12 Days of Christmas: Day 12….”
  1. says: anneke

    I was queing for the loo at a festival once, when a girl whipped out her red lipstick and offered some to everyone in the line, saying that even though we were dirty and dishevelled with no other makeup on, some red lips will do the trick and make us all glamorous. She was right, and now I always have some red lipstick in my handbag.

  2. says: Eliza

    Revlon lipsticks are very good for the money. I have Really Red and Cherries in the Snow already. Fire and Ice looks very bold!

  3. says: carrie

    This would be the classis that i use on special occasions (maybe everyday) and share with my little girl for dress up days !!! just like my mum did

  4. says: Lexie May McKenzie

    I love these giveaways that you do, the random picking of a winner is so much better and fairer than other competitons that pick say the 21st follower or whatever,it allows loyal followers to be in with a chance. And the prizes, talk about fab!

  5. says: Sarah Brewer

    I love the fact that this lipstick has been in production since 1952, it’s a gorgeous shade.


  6. says: Paperdoll

    I would like to say “Well done” for putting together such a fabulous giveaway, must have taken ages to gather together all these goodies!!!! X

  7. says: Wendy

    I am still looking (and longing) for a red lipstick that will make me look like a million dollars instead of 50p.

  8. says: Tracey

    Gorgeous lipstick. Made my hubby laugh the other day in the 50’s dine (Liverpool) as I had to nip to the ladies and check my lipstick (red, of course lol)

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