Finally…. The Winner

It’s time to announce the winner of this years AMAZING Christmas Stocking!

There were over 800 entries to sift through, but I plugged the numbers into, ever the bloggers favourite random number generator, and came up with a winner.

And that winner is…..

…if we could just build up the tension a bit…..

…maybe a bit more than that, it is a big prize!…..

Loook, at all the goodies……

Ok, that’s enough tension, I don’t want to come over all reality TV and leave lots of big pauses….

Or maybe I do….

OK, no, the winner is……

Congratulations Kate! Your prize will be with you imminently, if I can bring myself to part with it!

In Other News…..

I have a couple of other exciting things to share as well, so I thought I’d tag them on the bottom of this, while I’ve got your attention, sort of!

Exciting news number 1 is that Retro Chick has been included in the Channel 4, 4 Beauty list of the Best Fashion Blogs, which pleases me greatly! They like my red lipstick reviews apparently, which means I must pull my finger out and write up all these ones I’ve had queued for ages! Sadly they took a snapshot of my header to use in December, which means that I will forever be on the list in a red dress and Santa hat *sigh*

Exciting news number 2 is from Vintage Norwich which has managed to be featured twice recently. Once in the Guardian in a feature on the best Independent shopping destinations, and once on the Enjoy England blog, which is the official English tourist board site, no less.

Exciting news number 3 is from the Historical Sauces, who, I’m REALLY excited to announce, will be stocking What Katie Did Stockings and Besame Lipsticks from the New Year. The first order is winging it’s way to us as you read and you can come and visit us at a Most Curious Parties Vintage Wedding Fair in February if you’re need of hosiery or lipstick services!

Hurrah! Have you got any exciting news to share? I’m in that kind of mood!

19 replies on “Finally…. The Winner”
  1. says: Kate Collison

    It’s true! There is a Mother Christmas! Thanks so much – you’ve really brightened up a stressful week. x

      1. says: Hala

        Thank you Kevin for your aenswr, there is a shame because they have a nice web site and great products, but I think is a some issues to International customers, my order arrived yesterday after 20 days and without gift wrapped as request when made the check out,Retroplanet told me international orders must be ask to International Checkout for any issues, that mean they no take responsibility, International Checkout apologies for delay on my order and they told me any gift wrapped as been deleted after checkout for international customers, I think RetroPlanet must be inform all this things to international customers, 1) Retro Planet no take responsibility for orders even if you make through their web site and not gift wrapped include even if appear on the check out.. However the item is nice and as describe on their web site.. Cheers – London United kingdom

  2. says: Perdita

    I have only the news that they do squirty cream with brandy in it in Tesco. This MADE MY DAY. Very exciting.

    Congratulations to Kate Collison! With all that tense Masterchef-esque tension too! Talking of Masterchef, I am going to be Greg Wallace in this little mental image by eating a mince pie with squirty cream all in one go. Ommnnnomnmnmnmnom.

  3. says: Wendy Buchta

    congratulations Kate. Not a bit jealous…oh no.

    and congratulations gemma xxx I would absolutely love a lipstick service. I hope you bring some along when we next get together!!!

      1. says: Alaa

        Ruthie,You have the seetwest blog, EVAH!!! I sure enjoy your posts and just love your “Christmas on the Farm” theme! The little dollhouse is just adorable, too! Thanks for sharing your home for Christmas!Blessings,Janet

  4. says: Sara Hook

    Well, I managed to get into a size smaller jeans yesterday, so thats my exciting news….being surprised that you’re smaller than you think you are is always nice. That being said I also got the exciting news of the fact we’ve now opened the tin of celebrations so its officially christmas. My detective skills deduce that the latter will cause the former to be no more come January the first.

    But well done to Kate for winning, you lucky thing, and to you Gemma for all your wonderful news! x

  5. says: Lori Smith

    Congratulations on getting onto the 4Beauty list!

    My exciting news is a) impending trip to NYC, and b) moving home in the new year! Now I just need recommendations for blogs that tell you how to decorate a house on a budget…

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