Christmas Day

Well hello!

How are we all today? I think a half hearted return to work seems to be in order as we all try and remember what the days are like when it’s not ok to drink alcohol at breakfast and inhale food like someone’s going to take it away.

I don’t intend to challenge you intellectually today, or show you pretty things to buy. The High Street terrifies me in the days between Christmas and New Year, remember when they were *January* sales?

Instead, I’m simply going to bore you with photos of my Christmas. I might explain some of them on the way, to bore you even more…

Sheep finger puppet. First gift of the day.

Gift 2: Ear Muffs. I made the mistake of telling Mr Chick that all I wanted for Christmas was a nice quiet day.

Gift 3: Mummy Chick bought me a Lulu Guinness Bird Cage Umbrella

I’ve been planning this Christmas outfit for weeks. I feel like Mrs Santa. The tree behind me was bought on Christmas Eve from a Charity Shop. It’s old, so I hope it doesn’t catch fire, but I’m so happy to have something to hang my pretty baubles from!

Dress- Principles via a Charity Shop ❤ Fur Trimmed Boots – Stylist Pick ❤ Belt – Vintage

❤ Pearls – Vintage necklace, bracelet a gift, earrings eBay ❤ Holly & Mistletoe Hair Grips – Sugar & Hatter ❤

Pressies not pictured include a mousetrap and a convoluted clue featuring a picture of Neal from the Young Ones. These were promises of future gifts from Mr Chick who is going to whisk me off to London later in the year for a massage at Neals Yard and then out to see The Mousetrap.

Christmas televisual highlights include Poirot on Boxing Day, and Downton Abbey. I plan to be exactly like the Dowager when I am a crotchety old lady.

How was your Christmas?

Are you back at work, or luxuriating in an extended break?


14 replies on “Christmas Day”
  1. says: Ally

    Can I pretend your Christmas Day was my Christmas Day? As yours seems much nicer than mine! I woke up at 5am being rather ill which lasted all day and is still continuing. We didn’t think we’d get up early so we had no breakfast or starters and we didn’t have Christmas dinner til 3pm and I spent my whole day in my jammies because I was so ill BUT my boyfriend kindly cooked Christmas dinner, I got to Skype with my Mum and her partner, I got some lovely presents and watch some fun tv! This was our first Christmas just us so hopefully next years will be much better.
    Loving your red dress btw!

  2. says: LandGirl1980

    Looks like you had *my* kind of xmas. I spent all of my day in my crimbo pj’s, eating (like I had just come out of prison) and watching movies. It. Rocked. Shame I had to spend 5 hours from the next 2 days travelling to see family – but I am trying to block that from my memory.

    I am now back at work, feeling like plop, having contracted some kind of lurgy from said family. Yay.

  3. says: Lauren

    Those earmuffs are awesome! And I love your Mrs Santa dress. Flip, Yorkshire Puds – how I miss those from the UK. Must learn to make ’em. Looks like you had a fab day my dear x

  4. says: Sara Hook

    Looks like one amazing day, and exactly the sort of christmas I aim for! Love the festive outfit, and now desperately want that umbrella! I’m from a long line in writing cryptic clues for presents, so that made me smile and finally, I totally agree being like the Dowager in old age would be awesome!!

  5. says: Roisin

    You look too cute in those photos of you with your dinner! I had a great day, too – I was in my pyjamas for a good bit of the day, had a gorgeous dinner, a lush nap, got to hang with my family and later to drink champagne with my best friend. Real life just can’t quite compare.

  6. says: Denise

    Aw, now that’s lovely! I was looking at your photos with my daughter and she wants to know how you got a green hat! She had a red one in her cracker and seems to be looking for variety. Ours was lovely although our first without a visit from family in Canada, but hopefully the last of the kind. Still very nice though which it is when you have the wide-eyed magic of Santa-believing little ones.

    Your festive banner is brilliant! Happy New Year to all the Chicks xxx

  7. says: louise

    I love those boots, and that umbrella has been in my Amazon wishlist for a life time. Looks like you had a lovely time. x

  8. says: Clare

    oh god, it’s been many years since I had a snowball. I’m only 30 but seemed to start drinking them very young, best way to get hyper kids to sleep on Christmas Eve perhaps. The dress looks fab! x

  9. says: Fi Phillips

    Love your red dress. Christmas Day in our household was busy. Present opening in the morning amongst a forest of crates (we’ve just moved house) followed by an afternoon at my mother-in-law’s house where my children opened more presents. It was definitely a family oriented day. I got to be a bit glam too which felt wonderful after the last few days of not being able to locate my make-up or half my clothes.

    All the best for the new year.

  10. says: Perdita

    Fantastic red Chrimbo dress! Loving your tree, too.

    I am slowly recovering from ‘entertaining’ this Christmas and trying to do it all from scratch (pre Xmas buffet, Xmas dinner, post Xmas turkey based snackage). From vintage cook books (natch). The food was yummy but I am now TOTALLY knackered, who knew being a perfect housewife was so tiring?

    I braved the sales as it was the only way to stop myself eating. I might turn into a turkey soon.

  11. says: Lady Cherry

    I am lolling about until 9th Jan. I need the rest at the moment, it’s been a weird year. Although my waistline could do without all this sitting about.

    I love your dress! Ive deciced I need more wrap dresses in my life. Great umbrella too.

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