Brrr. The weathers taken a sudden turn for the chilly.
I don’t mind though as it gives me a chance to bring out my most glamorous coat. Yesterday I went to a “Thanksgiving ceremony” for my Sisters 2 children, and I wore my Astrakhan coat with a cosy fur collar to fight off the Church chill.
β€ Hat - Vintage β€ Coat - Vintage β€ Dress - Vintage Kitty Copelandβ€ β€ Gloves - Vintage β€ Shoes - From a Charity Shop β€
Both the coat and hat came from Break Vintage, a charity shop specialising in Vintage near Norwich. The gloves are gorgeous black chiffon and were a gift from Antidote Vintage as I’d been trying to find a decent pair of black fancy gloves for a reasonable price for ages!
The coat is Astrakhan, or Persian Lamb, though I’m not entirely convinced it’s real as I can’t see the pale skin through the coils. It is gorgeously heavy and warm though, and it does have a real fur collar (sorry fur haters, for confirmation on my thoughts on fur read this.) and fastens with 2 huge buttons covered in the same Astrakhan material.
The hat is St Michael, it has some very slight moth damage, but nothing major. I normally wear it with a hat pin, but I managed to forget to take any with me down to Kent, so had to secure it with a couple of hair grips. I think it’s 1950s and it has a lovely bow detail at the back.
Underneath the coat I wore my purple Kitty Copeland dress that you’ve seen at least 3 times before, so I’ll only bore you with it again due to the fact that purple appears to be a popular colour with the women in my family. My Nana, Mum and Sister all completely independently chose to wear purple dresses as well.
I’m still fighting off that horrible cold, so all sympathy welcome!
Oh, you look STUNNING! That coat is gorgeous.
You can get modern mothballs that don’t smell foul – by Zensect. I put them in my woollies as moths are persistent little blighters.
I love the shoes, great charity shop find! And your make up is fab, your skin looks flawless!!
Feel better soon.
I really love that astrakhan coat!
That dress has a gorgeous colour, I’m not tired of seeing it, it’s so beautiful. I had a lovely weekend, discovered the market in Greenwich in London on Saturday, which was a delight with all the little doggies that were around there, and I also was introduced to a great vintage store but I didn’t remember to write down the name, but I plan to go back there as soon as I have some money…so like in 10 years if I marry Prince Harry? π Last night was superb with the last Sherlock for this year, and it was gooooooood.
you look adorable! I love all the pieces of this outfit, but especially the dress and hat!
It’s amazing how all your family members chose purple for their outfits, super cute!
What a cute blog, just found it, but already am totally in love!
Oh thank you :o) *Blushes*
Love the coat, you look toasty warm! The purples great too, I have the same problem with my mum and daughter when it comes to colours etc, we all tend to go for very similar outfits! x
Hope you’re feeling better soon. You look very glam and I now know what the coat that my aunt had was. She always looked very glam too. Hers was normally worn with big sunglasses, whatever the weather.
I am wearing plenty of jumpers, thin ones layered up. It’s still frosty round here, even with the sunlight. Looks very pretty though.
Your hair colour is amazing! Where do you get it done/what colour do you use? I’m a regular follower of your blog it’s fab π
Thank you! I do it myself, it’s Shwarzkopff Live Colour XXL in red passion!
Excellent coat – and you lovely in it! I have one in brown and I’m looking for an excuse to wear it somewhere, but you are right, they are rather glamorous so it needs to be a special occasion. And I adore the fact that you all wore purple – what are the chances of that happening?
Lovely coat, if its real a coat that style will weigh a lot, often the pelts were dyed so the skin is dark as well as the hair.
Oh thank you! I didn’t know that. It is very heavy!
Looking glam even with a cold. I love the coat and purple shoes combo, lovely.
I went out to buy furniture and instead found 2 plaid skirts (one mini (and Moschino) one maxi) for cheap in a chazza shop and a pair of boots which win because they are high heels AND comfy. Result!
I love the fact you wore purple! FAB! Lush coat – was needed yesterday as it IS blummy freeeeezing! You look a treat – love the hat π
Hi Gemma !
You look FAB ! Love the coat ! it could be ‘Faux’ Astrakan, I’ve had a couple in shop, if you look behind and you see stitching & it’s on ‘synthetic’ type fabric then its not …you know…tweeny lambs. And the accessories are lovely !
(-: Annie x
The beret is really cute – I love the bow in the back!
I’ve had a very busy weekend getting all my new Valentine’s themed items ready to put in my shop π
I love purple too. My weekend was fabulous too.
You look lovely and the coat is beautiful
Such a gorgeous texture to that coat and dress!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Colour co-ordination by Telepathy!! Love it. You are looking Gorg Gemma.
I adore those shoes, so cute! xxx
Oh Em Gee! I LOVE your shoes. So cute!
a) Everything you are wearing in this post is fabulous
b) Your family has it right. Purple is the best.
I’ve only just found your website – it’s amazing, and I you LOOK amazing! Well done for being such a vintage role model. I’m enjoying myself on your site, and as someone who also loves and wears vintage (although with modern hair & shoes… my feet are a story in themselves!! π ) I feel rejuvenated to read about your passion. Thank you.