
Well, I couldn’t let it pass without a mention on here!

On Monday night Ree Ree Rockette of Rockalily (see lipstick review here!) held a bloggers meet up as a launch party for her new limited edition lipstick ZOMG (which I think it pronounced ZO-EM-GEE, like OH-EM-GEE but with a Z. No one seems entirely sure!)

Instead of just going along for the party we offered to help out with the evening and thus I spent Monday afternoon dragging a suitcase full of beauty books onto a train.

The Historical Sauces manned the testing table, giving people tips on what colours were likely to suit them from the Rockalily collection and hosting a lipstick history table with a few select books on beauty and cosmetics and some samples of vintage lipsticks dating back to the 1920s.

Sadly, until March at least, the last train back to Norwich is at 10:30pm, so we had to scoot off early and missed the burlesque shows at the end of the evening. We did get chance to pop over to Tigz Rice Studios Pop Up Photo booth to have our photo taken though.

I didn’t take any proper outfit photos, but my dress is an ASOS one I bought in the sale just after Christmas. It’s knee-length with a little peplum at the waist (Still there at £18, but only sizes 6 and 14 left in the black!). Our Sauces hats, of course, were custom-made by the brilliant Betsy Hatter.

We’ve more photos of the evening over on the Historical Sauces Facebook Page, or you can read a slightly more detailed account of the evening on our blog!

2 replies on “#ZOMGBloggersBash”
  1. says: Lori Smith

    Sounds fab! I hadn’t heard a thing about this event until loads of folk started tweeting about it on the day. I guess the title of my blog (Rarely Wears Lipstick) makes people think I’m not interested in lippy-related events, eh? 😉

    Love that shot of you all that Tigz took. Very glam indeed!

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