The Little Book of Schiaparelli + 5 to giveaway!

You probably know I do love my books! In fact as one of The Historical Sauces I spend an awful lot of time lugging huge boxes of them around the country.

I’ve got a few lined up to review for you, but I’ve decided to this one first as the lovely people at publishers Carlton have given me 5 to giveaway!

The Little Book of Schiaparelli by Emma Baxter-Wright is published by Carlton books and has an RRP of £12.99.

The book gives an overview of Schiaparelli’s life and work, in surprising detail for such a little book (conveniently handbag sized, who needs a kindle!). It covers her early life, how she got started as a designer, her collaborations with artists in her 1930s heyday and into the faltering of the business in the post war years until her last collection in 1954.

Schiaparelli was a ground breaking designer, the original Alexander McQueen perhaps, so it’s fascinating to read about her life and work. She was a contemporary of Coco Chanel, though her work contrasted with Chanel’s simple designs. Schiaparelli loved colours and prints and collaborated with many artists, particularly the surrealists. Apart from making her a visionary designer, it also means that this book makes gorgeous eye candy. In fact the first thing I did when I got hold of it is spend my train journey home looking at the pictures!

If you’re a lover of early 20th century fashion, then it’s always interesting to look at not only what the every day woman was wearing, but the high-end couture designers that inspired the styles. Schiaparelli is fashion as art at it’s very best, and it’s astonishing how contemporary some of her more “shocking” designs still look even 80 years later.

If you’d like to get your mitts on the book then you can buy it on Amazonfor £8.44 at the moment. Alternatively you can have a go at winning one of the 5 copies that Carlton PR (that link is to their twitter feed!) have kindly offered me to give away.


I’m giving you lots of chances to get an entry, if you’re already doing one or more of these things then life is easy, just leave a comment to tell me! Each thing and EACH COMMENT is ONE ENTRY.

I pick a winning comment number using a random number generator to win so if you do all 5 of these things and only leave one comment, you’ll only get one entry, and that’s your own fault for not reading the entry requirements properly!

Of course, if you only want one chance to win then you only have to do one of them. The choice is yours. Sorry for the hoops, I tend to hope it means the prizes are more likely to go to regular readers who already do most of this stuff!



Remember, you don’t have to do them all, one will do. But more things = more winning chances

The competition is open for 2 weeks, and then I will randomly pick 5 lucky winners

 The Schiaparelli Book Giveaway will end at midnight on 4th May 2012
 The winners will be notified by email and have 48 hours to respond with delivery details
 before a new winner will be drawn
 Winners will be drawn at random from all eligible entries
 The editors decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
 The competition is open Internationally
144 replies on “The Little Book of Schiaparelli + 5 to giveaway!”
  1. says: Lena

    Oh me please! I love Elsa, her Dali lobster dress is one of my all time favourites.
    (I already like you Carlton and the Sauces on FB and Twitter).

  2. says: Kate Collison

    Sauces and Retro Chick all followed and liked! Carlton followed. Her ‘skeleton’ dress made in collaboration with Dali is one of the most fantastic things I’ve been fortunate enough to clap eyes on.

  3. says: Perdita

    OOOH I heart her. I even studied her at uni when I did surrealism and performative behaviour (I focused on the blurs between costume and statement fashion, especially with ‘tribes’ or artistic movements where one’s everyday clothing makes a significant statement. Like me, but my statement is “I like charity shops and have the aesthetic sensibilities of a 1980s 7 year old”).

    For my entries (1) I follow Historical Sauces on Facebook (both my blog page and real self). 🙂

  4. says: Lieke

    What a great giveaway! I love the Schiaparelli designs! So, this is the first of five entries: I like The Historical Sauces on Facebook!

  5. says: Sadie

    Absolutely love Schiaparelli! Some of her dresses you just can’t believe they are 80 years old. I’m now following Retro Chick on twitter…

  6. I was already following your goodself on Facebook and Twitter but now I am doing 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5! 🙂

    This book looks absolutely gorgeous and delightful. Good luck to everyone!

    Florrie x

  7. says: Emily Jane

    wowee thankyou for doing this competition! I’m super excited!

    I have done the following!

    * Like The Historical Sauces on Facebook
    * Like Retro Chick on Facebook
    * Follow CarltonPR on Twitter
    * Follow The Historical Sauces on Twitter
    * Follow Retro Chick on Twitter

    Although I was already following Retro Chick prior to this as Ytothelime on twitter 🙂



  8. Maybe I’m gonna be lucky – the book sounds awesome anyway!
    Oh, and I followed Retro Chick on Twitter (I’m completely new to that and unsure if it’s something for me to use, but we’ll see ;-))

  9. says: Rachel

    i still really want to win this book – big Schiaparelli fan and the library book I have about her has to go back soon

  10. says: Lyn

    That dress really suits you Mrs, I must say.

    Here are my entries

    1) I already follow you on Twitter as Retro Chick

  11. says: Natalie

    Following everything! This looks like an amazing book, would love to read it! Great job on the blog, yours is one of the few that I read every single day!

  12. says: Andrea peace

    Liked retro chick and historical sauces on facebook – book looks interesting, fingers crossed.

  13. says: Hayley Morris Todd

    I would absolutely love this book!! I like / follow The Historical Sauces on facebook 🙂

  14. says: Becky Downey

    Like The Historical Sauces on Facebook
    Like Retro Chick on Facebook done
    Follow CarltonPR on Twitter
    Follow The Historical Sauces on Twitter
    Follow Retro Chick on Twitter

  15. says: Becky Downey

    Like The Historical Sauces on Facebook
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    Follow CarltonPR on Twitter done
    Follow The Historical Sauces on Twitter
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  16. says: Becky Downey

    Like The Historical Sauces on Facebook
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    Follow The Historical Sauces on Twitter done
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  17. says: Becky Downey

    Like The Historical Sauces on Facebook
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    Follow The Historical Sauces on Twitter
    Follow Retro Chick on Twitter done

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