Anyone for Tennis?

Now, I’m not  big fan of sportswear as day wear.

Sportswear, largely, belongs on the body of people doing sport, not of people shopping. I have no problem with dressing for comfort, but, much like the idea of wearing your pyjamas to Tesco, I, personally, think a balance needs to be struck.

Tennis, however, seems to be a rich seam of day to day fashion inspiration. Obviously Wimbledon is on at the moment, so now seems like the perfect time to trawl back for some vintage sporty style inspiration, and eat strawberries and cream of course.

In the 1930s tennis outfits for women were largely knee length skirts, providing a perfect fashion inspiration for those of us that like to keep our knees covered!


1930s Tennis

If you’re brave enough (or your legs are good enough!) then moving into the 50s and 60s Women’s Tennis hemlines started to rise, but those cute flippy skirts and nipped waists still look good for day wear when the weathers warm.

60s Tennis

There, the perfect outfits to eat strawberries and cream in while you watch others do all the work.

6 replies on “Anyone for Tennis?”
  1. says: perdita

    I love the flippy skirts. Sadly they don’t love me back haha!

    My main ‘sport’ style is boating (well, linen trews, a boat neck top and deck shoes) or dance (Ok, Ok, my usual 70s or 80s garb but with leg warmers and Adidas shell toes or ballet pumps).

    I hate it when people wear crappy-looking sports wear because some sportswear out there is really well designed and can be styled very definitely with urban/dance in mind (even retro- 60s-80s sportswear is instantly recognisable)… but people wearing greying trackies and a stained old Nike hoodies whilst they drink at bus stops make the whole genre seem grubby, cheap and boring.

  2. says: simone

    And there was me thinking sportswear was reserved for those sitting outside my local londis drinking Stella and smoking. However this is the type of sportswear I could get on with. I don’t ever think I would play tennis but I’m pretty sure I’d enjoy drinking Pimms in the sunshine wearing anyone one of these cute outfits. Thanks retro chic for another wardrobe want! X x

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