A Quick Canvassing of Opinion (And We Have a Winner!)

Well, with all the last weeks excitement I nearly forgot all about this!

I was quite intrigued by the comments on the giveaway post, one outfit in particular seemed to provoke strong reactions.

The Stripes

More particularly, the teaming of the stripy dress with stripy tights. Some of you loved it, and some of you hated it.

Personally I quite like it. I think it adds a bit of a contemporary edge to a very 50s style dress. I could see myself wearing it, but probably with bright red lips and full on 50s hair as well.

So, today I am interested. What do you make of the stripy dress and stripy tights? Too much stripe or intriguingly quirky?

But, on with revealing the winner of the Rimmel Make Up kit giveaway.

The winner, thanks to random.org, was comment number 3.


Aimee, I have sent you an email, so check your messages and let me know your address so I can get your prize out to you ASAP!



7 replies on “A Quick Canvassing of Opinion (And We Have a Winner!)”
  1. says: Aimee Ryan

    So happy I won! Thank you 🙂

    Not sure about those striped tights though, I think they look like zebra legs…

  2. Personally I love it. I think it works because of the two different scales of prints and the color combo. I dig the idea of rockin’ it with 50’s hair and makeup. Nice blog, BTW. I’ll be here often, 😉

  3. says: Laura

    I like the tights, I like the dress, but I would never wear them together.
    I like plain, clean lines, and often feel too ‘busy’ even if I pop a necklace or some earrings on!

  4. says: simone

    I think I like it. I’m not sure if I would personally wear it. I’m quite short so I think it would draw attention to that. The dress is cute but it definitely needs some red lippy and eye liner x

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