Projects Old & New

Today is one of those posts that is probably only of interest to regular readers. Sorry!

I’ve got a lot coming up, and a lot going on, so I thought I would post a little update. Feel free to ignore it and head off to look at pictures of pretty frocks from last week.

Firstly, the Historical Sauces have found our workshops far more popular then we ever dreamed, with most of them selling out a month or more in advance! We’ve lined up a few workshops over the coming months, so if you happen to be in the Norwich area book yourself a ticket, they’re really good fun. Our Vintage Hair workshop at the end of October sold out weeks ago, so we’ve scheduled another one in for the end of February. Tickets have already started to sell for it, so if you want to come along you can still buy them here.

We’ve also got a couple of more detailed “get the look” type workshops booked in. For Christmas party season we’re channeling the 1920s at the end of November with a 1920s make up workshop and hair demo and in January we’re running a 1940s Masterclass to help you get the Forces Sweetheart look for Valentines Day.

If you happen to be in Norwich and don’t fancy a workshop then the last Sunday of every month we hold a Vintage Shopping evening in Olives Cafe Bar. It’s called the Sip & Shop and is from 7-9pm. There’s a good cocktail list, the Sauces range of What Katie Did hosiery and Besame Cosmetics and we sell off our own collection of vintage. There’s also special guest sellers, at the end of October we’re welcoming Eclectic Eccentricity and Elizabethan Herbal along for the night. We also have a couple of festive specials on Thursdays in December, it’d be great to see you there for a Manhattan!

On a more personal note I have another little project on the go. If it’s worthy of the name project. I have hidden it down here at the bottom as I’ve been a bit nervous about telling people it exists.

I’ve struggled with my weight for years, and earlier this year found myself creeping over 12 stone again, I panicked, went on a diet and started running, signing up for a 5k in September. In August I opened an article on the Zest website titled “Katy Perry on Staying Healthy Away From Home” . I’m often away from home and I struggle like hell with making good food choices, so I hoped it would have some useful tips. On opening it I laughed like a drain (do drains laugh? Where does that saying even come from?) I just don’t think asking a Premier Inn to knock me up a light supper of quinoa and grilled chicken was a very practical suggestion, nor was loading my bike (that I don’t have) into the car every time I went anywhere.

So I decided to start a new blog. One where I could share my totally not at all an expert advice on my own ways to stay healthy away from home, review the apps and things I use to keep me exercising, use as a journal to help keep me on track with exercise and food, and generally witter about something that’s become a big part of my life since May.

So I’ve started Lipstick, Lettuce and Lycra. It even has it’s own little Facebook page.

I’m still fat (BMI 26.69 as of this morning, that’s officially fat so don’t try and be nice), but running and trying to eat a bit more healthily has become a big part of my life since I shocked myself by getting on those scales in May. I found a lot of the sport and fitness blogs and magazines I read inspirational, but a little unobtainable. Recently I tried to do some push ups and I managed 2, so reading about people who do 50 before breakfast makes me feel a bit useless! I’m sure there must be space out there to enjoy exercise for it’s own sake, but also want to fit into pretty vintage frocks, and that’s what I hope to get across. I’m writing it purely for my own entertainment. I have a new hobby and I want somewhere to write about it, but I also hope it can be a bit of an inspiration to other women that would like to be a bit healthier but aren’t prepared to give up cocktails and chips.

Dressed as a Ninja to go running in front of my Grandparents CC41 wardrobes. Vintage and Running in one photo!

Anyway, if you are in the slightest bit interested in following my weight loss battles and attempts at running without collapsing in a heap (I have my first 10k race on Sunday, eek!) then you can follow me at Lipstick, Lettuce and Lycra.

If you ARE interested in that sort of thing, then there’s 2 other blogs I would heartily recommend, Sheryl Yvette and Running Bunn. I find both of these blogs refreshingly inspiring and realistic, there’s not too much self deprivation or getting up at 5am to go for a run involved!

I promise from now on to keep all that exercise and salad malarky off here as much as possible!

If you made it this far then I hope you have fabulous weekends, and I’ll see you next week!

11 replies on “Projects Old & New”
  1. says: Abi Gray

    Thanks for your comment lovely.
    I can’t wait for the next Sip and Shop and I’m seriously considering a workshop next year.
    I must say you look far from fat in your black lycra but good on you for starting the other blog. My weight has been creeping up a bit recently and I really need to start doing some exercise again! xx

    1. says: Gemma

      I think exercise makes all the difference, but it’s so difficult to make it a habit. This is the first time I’ve managed to get a routine to stick for years! I love the getting outside aspect, though how that will feel in December when it’s snowing I don’t know!

  2. says: Fi Phillips

    Brilliant. Well done with the running and healthy lifestyle. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself to anyone else though. Your choices need to be the right ones for you.

    1. says: Gemma

      I wouldn’t call it a healthy lifestyle! I’m currently drinking beer and eating hot dogs!

      I never have compared myself with anyone else though! All I wanted to do in May was lose some weight. I’ve run in the past, but never stuck at it, and to be honest I didn’t really expect to this time!

      I credit a combination of Zombies run, and it being something me and Mr Chick do together with making it stick this time!

    1. says: Gemma

      It came from a site called No Balls I heard of through Fleur de Guerre.

      It’s quite reasonably priced if you’re just starting out! Only problem with the top is it rides up when I run and I have to keep pulling it down!

  3. says: Monica

    You have inspired to me to hard core thrift shopping tomorrow! I have a new blog, you should follow me!

  4. says: Heidi L.

    Props to you for taking steps to make yourself feel healthier.Also for running.I hate running with a passion that burns like the fire of a thousand suns,really.So I have to stick to walking and lifting as much weight as I can.It kills me that BMI never takes into account your potential muscle and maybe dense bones.Oh well.Good luck with your exercise endeavors.


  5. says: Vix

    Good on you, a life without cocktails and chips wouldn’t be worth living! I think you’ve got a killer figure, especially in your Lycra gear! x

  6. says: Lyzzie

    You certainly are NOT fat! But if you want to try to be healthier with more exercise ad eating right more power to you. Push-ups can be hard if you’ve never done them. Congrats on your 10K run.

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