Lounging in Luxury

One of the secret resolutions I have made this year is to lounge more.

Ok, so it’s not so secret anymore. But it really is. I need to learn to relax more, and do it in a bit of style.  I was inspired by this photo of Faye Dunaway on the Penny Dreadful Vintage Facebook page.


I then spent the weekend lusting over luxurious robes online. I might not have a pool (though there is a large puddle in my garden) but I can certainly look at fancy robes and imagine lounging on a day bed (John Lewis have some fancy ones!)

I started on the Marks & Spencer site where I fell in love with this in the sale

Autograph Pure Silk Lace Wrap £59 £35

Marks Spencer Silk

But then later on I logged on again to find new stock online and fell in love with this one.

Autograph Pure Silk Floral Lace Chiffon Wrap £59


Except I wasn’t keen on the pink. So I kept looking around and found this beauty from Kiss Me Deadly

Elle Robe £75


I may not team it with horns. The more eagle eyed amongst you will note an upward trend in the price of the items I was looking at…..

Then I realised I didn’t have any money anyway and in the absence of robes and a day bed I ought to get started on my lounging, so I grabbed an old floral satin kimono I’ve had for yonks and got on with lounging indoors on a regular chair.

I’ve still not found my beautiful vintage china (come on, I only moved in August, why would I have unpacked yet?), so I made myself a relaxing cup of green tea in an old whittards floral cup. When I went on holiday to Germany back in 2011 whenever I ordered a peppermint tea I got a tea bag full of actual fresh mint in my cup, rather than dry dust. So when I got home I tried to find something similar, and I found teapigs . I don’t often order green tea, but last year I got sent a sample set of 6 tea bags as part of a Downton Abbey promotion and this was among them. It was far nicer than other green teas I’ve tried, which can sometimes be a bit bitter.


I felt very elegant lounging with a green tea.

Then I decided that green tea was far too healthy for the sort of lounging I had in mind, I needed a bit of decadence, so I made this. Hell yes. Hot chocolate, squirty cream, marshmallows and Baileys.


I regret to say it was somewhat downhill from there in the elegance stakes. The fizzy wine came out, then so did the box of Drop Dead Chocolates that have mysteriously survived in my house since they were part of my Christmas Giveaway. I was saving them for Valentines Day, but hey ho! (Hint: They have a new “Queen of Hearts” box design if you are looking for Valentines Gifts)


Possibly it’s for the best that I don’t currently own a hugely expensive silk robe for lounging, as I think I need to work on the elegance part a little before I can be trusted with silk.

All in all I think my first proper lounge was a huge success. With practice I’m sure I can only improve.

It’s good to have goals.

18 replies on “Lounging in Luxury”
  1. You do make me laugh Gemma! The puddle bit had me roaring. I hear you on the lounging, I just don’t get around to it. I love teapigs though, their Yabba Mate is one of my faves

  2. says: Mum

    I should also mention that you used to be quite a good lounger as a teenager and I have a pond in my garden now!!! X

  3. says: lizziebach

    Thank you for the link to teapigs, someone gave me their chocolate tea to try over Christmas and its lovely. Its more like coffee than either chocolate or tea, which I suppose makes sense as chocolate malt smells like coffee (one of my favorite smells in the brewery) and now I know where to get some more from x x

  4. says: Specskitten

    Have you seen the new Bettie robe from Bettie Blue’s Loungerie? £175, but possibly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I have a sheer ruffled black 1960’s negligee type thing, but alas its only really suitable for warm weather lounging….

  5. says: Wendy

    teapigs are fab. I can also recommend http://www.teajay.com/ – smaller range but still very nice indeed and they like to send emails saying things like 50% off everything, which makes me smile.

    I dont do lounging. I feel I should.

  6. says: Nika Chick

    It is very important to treat yourself regularly. Relaxing gives you strength to go further and make your dreams come true. And sweets, of course 🙂

  7. says: Mim

    There’s nothing like a good lounge! I still mourn my beautiful silk pyjamas; flannel simply doesn’t have the same appeal… (But anything’s better that a onesie!)

  8. says: Beau

    I had such a giggle at this post! I’m trying the green tea thing too, but it’s not going well. I guess I’ll always be a builder’s brew kinda girl!

  9. If you have a problem with green tea being bitter, you can solve it. Don’t use boiling water, boil it and then let it sit a minute to cool a titch. Then, be sure not to let the teat steep too long, Just 2 minutes, maybe 3, depending on the tea.

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