#janathon Day Twenty One

Sigh. I am unmotivated.

Stupid ridiculous weather. If I was at home I might have been able to go out, though it would have been tricky as the snow is now 6″ deep in places. In slushy, sheet ice Kent I just can’t, at least not with my shoes in the area I’m in.

I don’t give up that easily, so even though it doesn’t really feel like the spirit in which I signed up to Janathon I did another dispiriting indoor mile.

It was so dispiriting I didn’t even remember to take the obligatory photo of my feet in trainers, so here’s them now, barefoot. Coz, I know you can’t cope without a daily picture of my feet….


I’m feeling quite demotivated. January has been a tough month overall, and all my runs have been rushed and short. I suppose if it hadn’t been for Janathon I might not have been out at all, so that’s a good thing. I feel a little out of control and both my diet and running have been more chaotic than I hoped.

Here’s to warmer and longer days coming.

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6 replies on “#janathon Day Twenty One”
    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      Thanks 😀
      I’m too bloody minded to stop now I think. I’ll push on through till the end of January, then I shall have an excuse to celebrate.

  1. says: Helen

    It’s really frustrating when you feel like this. I have to force myself out every day as well. But you’re doing it, and that’s just amazing. Cut yourself some slack and just remember how great you are to be doing it at all! 🙂

    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      When I think about it I can see the benefits of it. I’ve overcome so many excuses I think I would barely have run at all in January if it hadn’t been for Janathon. It’s just hard when you feel a bit tired and demotivated!

  2. Keep it up, you’re doing great. Every little helps! I haven’t been for a run for weeks because of the weather, it is simply too icy to pound the pavements :(. Fingers crossed we’ll be able to get back to it at full throttle soon!

    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      Same here! I promised myself a Janathon mile a day, but doing them on the treadmill setting on my Nike + in my house doesn’t seem quite in the spirit of it! Stupid snow!

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