Now, I don’t mean to be difficult, but this weather is getting a little tiresome.
I am aware I live in England. Generally I quite like it. Although we don’t get blazing sunshine much, we also don’t get hurricanes or snow that comes over your knees very often either. I’m also aware that snow at Easter isn’t unknown. It snowed in 2008, and I remember it snowing once when I was little.
What I would like to complain about in the strongest terms is the almost constant precipitation of some form or another we seem to have been suffering since about this time last year. Apart from a couple of weeks over the Olympics it’s been really quite horrible and I’d like it to stop. I took this photo 52 weeks ago, not much chance of it now.
Ok, now we’ve got that out of the way.
My weekend is mostly going to consist of DIY, running the Trowse 10k on Sunday morning, and then a full day of concerted laziness, roast lamb, dippy eggs, the Oxford Cambridge Boat Race and Doctor Who.
I haven’t yet purchased any Easter Eggs, but if someone is looking for a special gift for me, then how beautiful are these Fortnum & Mason decorated eggs? By far the most beautiful Easter Eggs I’ve seen!
Dark Chocolate Egg (pink)£37.50 Milk Chocolate Egg (Yellow) £37.50 White Chocolate Egg (orange) £37.50 Large Milk Chocolate Egg (purple) £60 3 mini eggs £45
@Retrochick_uk I saw a channel 4 news report saying we have this cold and nasty weather to the end of April. #springwhereareyou
@Retrochick_uk but apparently June is going to be scorching. Don’t quote me on the though!!! :-/ #theforecastlies
Yvonne Stewart liked this on Facebook.
I was on the verge of arranging your Easter Egg but even I do not spend that much on chocolate so ?……..’HAPPY EASTER ‘ will have to do ! Xxxxx
Ha ha! Yes, they’re pricey! Tell you what, a 99p shop egg will do 😀
Oh these Easter eggs look so delicious! They would certainly take my mind off this horrible cold weather 🙂
They are very pretty. And very pricey!
Have a fabbalarse weekend 🙂 Good luck on the 10k!
They are pricy, someone must love me that much?
Oh how wonderful! I love your blog 🙂
Thank you!
@Retrochick_uk my OH tried to pick up some eggs for family tonight-all that’s left is stupidly expensive ones! Eggless easter for us! 🙁
I hear you Retro Chick – go home Spring your drunk – very much looking forward to Dr Who I’m such a geek! And those eggs are far to pretty and expensive to eat!!! Have a great Easter xx
I’m a bit exhausted by the cold too but hey, its so sunny today. A blue sky is so good for the soul. As are chocolate eggs. Go get some!