January 22, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Inspiration & Lifestyle

What Makes You Happy?

I never used to be a naturally grumpy person.

But as I’ve got older (and busier) I sometimes find myself slipping into grumpiness. I do like a good rant occasionally, and I can be easily irritated by things beyond my control that I should just let wash over me. More seriously I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for much of my life which is worse at some times than others, and I can let anxiety and paranoia ruin what should be amazing experiences, and stop me doing things.

When things are stressful and grumpiness starts to take over I find it useful to stop and think about the things that make me happy (and maybe go do one of them if things get too bad). If you read my blog regularly you probably know quite a bit about me, but apart from a few of you that I’ve met I know very little about you. So seeing as the sun is shining today, at least it is where I am, which is in a hotel that made me VERY grumpy yesterday by leaving a hair in my blue cheese mushrooms, I want you to tell me what makes you happy.

Without coming over all Pollyanna, I’ll start with some little things that make me happy at the moment.

Spring Flowers

Ok, so maybe that’s a bit Pollyanna, but having spring flowers in my house makes me smile. My vases are still in storage so at the moment I’m keeping them in jam jars and highball glasses, but they are still beautiful. And cheap.



Sometimes it makes me stressed, as I feel I should have been more often, or guilty when I skip a planned run. Mostly, though, it makes me happy. Running on a sunny but cool day, especially in the countryside when I can hear birds singing, or look out over the lake where I run sometimes at such an amazing view. It also makes me happy in a more abstract way, because I stuck at it and less than a year ago I couldn’t keep up a running pace for more than 2 minutes, and now I can run 6 miles on an Easter Sunday with orange hair and then go home and eat chocolate.


Ā Pretty Packaging

I once got called shallow for mentioning a lipstick packaging in one of my lipstick reviews, but beautifully packaged things make me feel special when I use them so if that makes me shallow, so be it. I have just bought myself a Besame Violet Brightening Powder (which I plan to review next week!) that comes in beautiful packaging, and everytime I do my make up it makes me smile. I also got sent some tea samples from a company called We Are Tea that came in a lovely matte black box with individually packaged tea bags and when I use them it feels far more special than just dragging a bag of dust out of a foil bag, one of them was also called Serenitea and that also makes me happy. I like to serve my drinks in pretty glasses and eat my dinner off of pretty plates, just call me the Queen of Shallow (actually lets go with Princess because it sounds nicer, see, shallow.)


Moments of calm

This last one is a little abstract, it’s those little moments when you stop, even if just for a second. It’s seeing a rabbit or a deer by the side of the road on a long car journey (alive! It has been pointed out to me on proof reading that this sounds like I enjoy seeing roadkill). Sitting in bed in the morning with a cup of coffee and listening to the birds singing outside. Going to bed early with a hot chocolate and a book when you’re really tired. Sitting on a bench waiting for someone before a meeting and noticing the shadows on the ground. One of the techniques they teach for anxiety is being “in the moment” and I guess that’s part of this. Just for a bit you’re not worrying about deadlines or money or any of the other things that fill our heads, but really paying attention to the world. The picture is a pheasant I saw at a Motorway service station, it made me happy.


So there you have it, possibly the soppiest post I’ve ever written! Now it’s your turn, don’t make me be soppy on my own people!

What makes you happy?


  • Becca Sibley April 10, 2013

    Things that make me happy:

    – Real handwritten letters – which reminds me I owe a few! There is something very special about someone taking the time to handwrite a letter.

    – Hugs – There are days when the thing I need more than anything else in the world is a huge bear hug, and nothing else will fix it.

    – Stationery – I honestly will go and walk the stationery aisle in the supermarket or go somewhere like paperchase or smiths to find my inner calm.

    – Coffee – good coffee smells amazing and trying a new place, drinking a cuppa, all of these make me feel happy.

    – A good book – fiction in my case, I love the smell of books (old and new) and can lose myself in a good one for ages.

  • Karen Walkden April 10, 2013

    i also suffer with depression and anxiety and like you the seemingly simple silly things make me happy ! , i like to see pretty things with bows on them i like to open a new packet of stockings / tights that makes me happy for the simple reason i know im not going to put them on and find a stupid hole or ladder in that id previously put there in my haste to put them on or indeed off , beautifully presented cake makes me happy especially if it tastes as nice as it looks also my fella makes me happy ( mostly !!) there are more but i fear i may turn into jane austen if i carry on lol , embrace the small things at least that way you always will have a reason to see the happy at least once a day !

  • Fi Phillips April 10, 2013

    Having a bit of a bad time here at the moment too so I could do with some cheering up. It’s the little things that do it for me. A good latte. Reading a book. Hearing my children laugh. Fresh bedsheets. Sunshine when I wake. Hope your day improves.

  • Julie Suffield April 10, 2013

    Seeing dogs running round happily in the park, the smell of a new book, bubble baths, that feeling when your home is lovely and clean, rummaging in charity shops, looking at old photographs, postcards and letters, smiling at strangers and getting a smile in return. My house bunny just can up to me and nudged my elbow to get my attention, that made me happy too. šŸ™‚ xx

  • sarahjkl82 April 10, 2013

    I remember a Manics interview from 96 where Nicky Wire talks about Dennis Potter, saying that when DP knew he was dying he noticed the cherry blossoms blooming brighter than ever when he knew he was going to die. When I was depressed, I realised that I had become disconnected from the world and made a big effort to notice things around me more- like the moment that trees come into bud or start to unfurl their leaves. That’s magic to me! I also love Autumn sunshine. Californian wine. Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in real life and then in any picture of it. The husband cuddles. The quickest pick-me-up is mixing up bright nail polishes and painting each of my nails a different colour!

  • Specskitten April 10, 2013

    Seconded on nice packaging! Retail therapy usually makes me happy anyway, but doubly so when things are wrapped beautifully – What Katie Did win at this. This doesn’t mean you are shallow, it means you have good taste:-)

  • Shona van Beers April 10, 2013

    Dogs in the park – ohh they are so HAPPY, hubby whistling, Bruce Springstein singing dancing in the dark, Vitamin B12 – REALLY HELPS, new shoes, slippers and pj time, tesco gluten free chocolate cake with goats yogurt, spring flowers (thank god), skyping my bro, when I’ve managed to nail a long standing troublesome thing like clearing up a cupboard or get something fixed, time with real friends, I love Lucy on DVD.

  • Hannah April 10, 2013

    Having a hard day and then going to a sauces workshop and finally sorting my skin with the fabulous YOU made me VERY happy and I can even do head scarves now! Yey for the weird shaped head!

    • Gemma April 10, 2013

      H ehe! And now that comment made me happy, what a love in šŸ˜€

      Have you been practising the head scarves then!?

      • Hannah April 10, 2013

        Yes but I still don’t dare wear any of my beautiful ones other than in the house…I need to let go and be myself to the outside world šŸ™‚ no actually what I really need is for someone to cancel in April so I can do my hair properly. I wore my red lipstick today to a meeting got the booking šŸ™‚ confidence!!!!

  • Anon April 10, 2013

    I don’t know who called you shallow but that’s very rude! I think having nice things around you can help improve a mood, I like my things, house, furniture,clothes,accoutrements etc to be just so and if wanting a fancy hot chocolate from a pretty matching cup and saucer offends someone then they can sod off. Beauty and harmony in my surroundings isn’t the most important things in the world its true but its something I can strive for than doesn’t negatively effect anyone else.

  • Miss Magpie April 10, 2013

    I have a note book where I stick, cartoons, pictures and news stories that have made me laugh it’s great to look through when I’m having a grumpy day.

  • jan evans April 10, 2013

    My Caro emerald cd ,spotting the barn owl that lives near us [especially when she is flying low ] knowing all my chores are done and settling down in front of the log fire with my jammies on [and maybe a whiskey and coke !!] flowers with scent and finding something wonderful in a charity shop and having the winning bid on ebay and being at a wonderful festival when the sun is shining

  • mrs sock April 10, 2013

    Bathing my daughter and drying her hair is my favourite thing to do x

  • Angela April 10, 2013

    The things that make me happiest are animal pets being goofy and being outdoors, ESPECIALLY when there are flowers. I’m also a nutritionist so talking about food and nutrition makes me really happy. Also sometimes grumpy! Speaking of nutrition, your post brings to light a possible area of need for you, nutritionally. Anxiety, depression, craving chocolate, and your running are all markers pointing to loss of magnesium. Why do most women crave chocolate? Low magnesium! I hate to be nosey and push information where it isn’t wanted so I won’t go on. But low serum magnesium levels are linked to heart attack and high blood pressure. Okay that’s the last I will say!

  • Tara April 10, 2013

    Reading this post and the comments has made me happy. Nice packaging is important and fancy china cup and saucer makes a coffee break special. Keep up the good work Retro Chic

  • Rob Dodsworth April 10, 2013

    A cwtch with my little girl. She’s poorly and fell asleep on me today. Hasn’t done that for ages but no matter how bad a day I’ve had…one little smile from her absolutely makes my day!

  • only1katieb April 10, 2013

    Loved this post! Flowers make me happy too, running on the other hand does not! And princess of shallow (he he) I must join you in saying that I too love pretty packaging, it makes me want to use it, eat it, etc, etc.

    A few things that made me happy today – 1. The sun shining šŸ™‚ 2. The little blackbirds pecking for worms in the garden 3. Drying my washing on the line outside :/ 4. Reading this post and several other peeps posts and seeing that everyone seems so much happier because the sun is shining šŸ™‚ Katie B x

  • Mum April 10, 2013

    My children being nice to each other makes me happy!! Xx. Oh and having lovely children also makes me happy xxxx

  • Jacqui April 11, 2013

    It’s funny you posted this today. I was at my doctors this morning and came home with a prescription for anti-depressants. Right now I’m not getting much pleasure out of anything and the dull cold weather isn’t helping. You mentioned running, and one of the things my doctor suggested to me was exercise, just starting with getting outside and going for a walk. Probably a good idea if I re-read your post and the comments.

  • Sarah April 11, 2013

    I’m an introvert, so the busier I get the more overwhelmed I feel…I like/need my alone time! So to combat my grumpies, I like to take a nice luxurious bubble bath and read for a while or snuggle with my cats (their purring soothes my feels) or get some sunshine.

  • Honor April 11, 2013

    Line dryed washing, making cakes and being able to eat the cake mixture from the bowl :), watching the birds on my bird feeder, dancing, cuddles, finding/rescuing something from a charity shop. As another person that has faced and continues to face the same issues of anxiety, worry, depression etc, the things I say to my self are, is life is sweet and I am stronger than I know, a few tears don’t mean I failed and I am useless, get up again, and keep on doing, keep going. And SMILE, people will wonder what you are up to šŸ™‚ x

  • Shona Meeks April 11, 2013

    The things that make me happiest are the simple things (like you, i over look these alot, and tend to get grumpy very easily) but they make the whole world seem like a wonderful plcae to be. The sun shining is one, looking out of my kitchen window and seeing the Robin family that live in our tree, just stopping and looking up on a nice day and realising how lucky i am. I need to stop more and think of these things, as when i do, i can’t even explain the warmth that it brings! i alos think how lucky i am to have a finace like mine and all the wonderful things he does without even realising he’s doing it, and the fact that we have been together for almost 11 years now and are having our first child šŸ™‚ i am now wondering how i can ever be grumpy. I blame my dads genes! šŸ™‚

  • anniepancake April 13, 2013

    Blogging makes me happy, and anything Instagrammable. This includes but is not limited to: kitties, flowers, bone china, florals, cake, shortbreads, donuts, coffee, dresses, shoes and good hair days x

  • Bianca April 13, 2013

    I wish I were like you. Simple things can make you happy when you are having a bad day. Because myself still has to sleep, and when I wake up, that’s when I get a bright day!

  • sesameswirl April 22, 2013

    I know I’m a week late with my comment, but anyway. What makes me happy apart from my boyfriend: a good book that makes me forget space and time, listening to the ocean waves or piano music, taking the time to stroll around in the sunshine (and sunshine in general), looking at beautiful things like vintage furniture and clothes (for a quick fix an episode of Mad Men will do :)), fresh flowers on my kitchen table and having the time to get small things done (food shopping, cooking, ironing…) that otherwise just add to the list of things that make me feel stressed because I have to get them done no matter what. What generally makes me grumpy: lack of sleep.

    Just writing this down made me happy, actually šŸ™‚ Have a great day!

  • Amanda April 30, 2013

    I wonder if it is mere coincidence that many fellow anxiety & depression sufferers are drawn to comment on this post? My own blog recently began purely to remind myself that it’s essential to enjoy life’s little frivolities-often these are. the little things we can control. It’s important to derive happiness wherever we find it. I get inordinate pleasure from pretty mirrors & lamps, coffee & cream, making time to roll pin curls & paint my nails, gather flowers & watch endless episodes of Bitchin’ Kitchen. My greatest happiness is when my loved ones are healthy and happy as can be. Sharing kisses & bubble baths with my gorgeous 12 month old boy is off the scale x

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