I can’t believe it’s May already!
April has flown by like crazy, it was a month that contained my 5 year blogaversary, and thankfully a little more sunshine.
So welcome to May. I like May. It’s the month of my birthday, bank holidays, and this year I am heading off to Rotterdam to speak at the TBU Europe Travel Bloggers Conference, which is kinda exciting (look, there’s a grinning photo of me on the website and everything!)!
Big news this month has been the imminent demise of Google Reader. I’ve been using Google Reader to keep up with my blog reading since I very first started blogging, though I have to confess that it had so many blogs on it that I started to get a bit scared and avoid it, it was like homework rather than fun. I’ve decided to use Google Readers disappearance as a fresh start, and have started manually adding the blogs I love to read to Bloglovin’. I’ve noticed a lot of people doing the same and subscribing via Bloglovin’, I find it makes it really easy to follow the blogs I really love, and it has a great use friendly mobile app too so I can read them on the train if I want to! You can follow Retro Chick on Bloglovin’ here. Alternatively you can get posts delivered to your email. Take a peek at the top of my sidebar on the right and you’ll see an email subscription form.
I’ve got a long awaited You Tube video tutorial on the 1930s style pin curls I do coming up on Friday. In the meantime I’ll wave farewell to April with some snapshots of my life over the last month thanks to the fascinating little window on the world that is instagram.
Love the lippy colours in the glamourous “hat” pic and the Mickey ears pic! They look a bit like Lime Crimes Velvetines.
And…had to double check (I’ve only lived here most of my life!) but is that Southampton Civic Centre in one of the pics??!?!? If it isn’t it’s an exact copy. LOL!
The hat pic is Besame Cherry Red and the Mickey pic is Besame Red Velvet. I’ve not tried Limecrime!
Yes, thats Southampton in one of those pics, I don’t know if it’s the civic centre, but probably!
Lime Crimes Velvetines go on like a lip gloss but dry matte and actually feel really light, which is weird. They tend to get snapped up quickly but if you ever think to try them (there’s only 2 colours at the mo) I got mine from cutecosmetics.co.uk, out of stock at the moment but I’d imagine they will get more.
I sound like an advert! LOL!
Yes, I’m glad of the chance to start again with Bloglovin too. I love those dogs on your instagram.
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Sharing: Hello May and Goodbye Google Reader #vintage http://t.co/gg4DS7a9Pt
I am so confoooosed! Are they getting rid of Google Reader or/and Google Friend Connect? I thought it was the latter for some reason… I am willing to bet I am wrong.
It’s definitelyGoogle Reader, though I think there’s some speculation that feedburner and Friend Connect could be next on the hit list!
Very nice starting! I like the May and also your writing.
wow i absolutely love your hair! the year has gone fast i finally saw a bit of sun in manchester even though spring started in march… nice pictures!
The October Girl
After Google Reader’s announcement, I changed to Feedly. It’s quite good… just like Reader. Now I’m wondering whether I should try Bloglovin’.