The Day I Met a Lion

This weekend I met a Lion.

Actually I’ve met this lion before, but on Saturday I noticed how nicely his yellow went with my yellow frock, so I stopped to say a proper hello.


This is the only way to say hello to a Lion, Trust me. You have to be careful with Lions or they’ll have your arm off.

I survived meeting the lion, and posed for a few more photos with him. The weather is still really warm, but I can feel that late summer feeling creeping in. A slight freshness that means Autumn is on it’s way so I can start imagining autumn wardrobes and looking at interesting tights and stockings.

Todays outfit, however, was all summer. A Wallis Linen shirt dress I found in a Charity Shop with black accessories and a crazy flower brooch.




❤ Dress – Wallis via a Charity Shop ❤ Belt – Vintage ❤ Brooch – Vintage ❤
❤ Shoes – Clothing at Tesco ❤


Normally at this point I would show you some other pretty pictures from my Saturday. Except all I took was an uninspiring photo of the Croque Madame I had for brunch (which was tasty, if not pretty) and a picture of some socks I bought. So you’ll have to make do with those instead.

croque madam


How was your weekend? Meet any Lions?

11 replies on “The Day I Met a Lion”
  1. says: Natalie

    That colour is amazing on you – I wish I could carry it off. Where are the socks from, they’re fab!

  2. says: Bex Miller

    You are very very brave going near said lion- I disappointingly did not meet any lions this weekend! He does match your dress well though I agree xxx

  3. says: Perdita

    I saw no lions. I had lunch in a pub with a ‘do not feed the unicorn’ sign and annoyingly didn’t see the unicorn either! But the lunch was massive, so all good.

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