A Not on the High Street Blogger Secret Santa

Christmas is definitely started.

I’ve already had Christmas presents, so how could it not! I was asked a few weeks ago to take part in a Secret Santa project with Not on the High Street. They gave us all a budget, and 3 bloggers to buy gifts for. I can’t give away who mine were as it would spoil the surprise, but I really enjoyed the challenge of reading through blogs I wasn’t familiar with to try and get to know them a little and choose the perfect gifts. I spent far longer on it than I should have!

My gifts have mostly all arrived now, and I have no idea who they are from, but I have to pick my favourite, so here goes!

Whoever purchased my first gifts certainly squeezed as much out of the budget as possible! I got not 1 or 2, but 6 gifts from their selection! My favourite of which was the fluted glass jar, which came filled with pretty soap leaves. It’ll look so cute in my bathroom when it’s finally finished!


The other gifts included a door hanger, lip balm, a fabric brooch, a personalised snowflake decoration, which I look forward to hanging on my tree, and a large polka dot chocolate heart which I refrained from scoffing till I had taken photos! That’s willpower.

Pink Presents

Gift giver 2 got me 2 gifts, though sadly I’m still waiting for one to arrive, so the surprise had to be spoilt and I had to be told in advance!

I am still waiting for this jet beaded hairband by Lisa Angel, who is actually based in Norwich, I walk past her shop frequently!

jet hairband

I’ve already received a fair trade cotton purse with a vintage screen print from Show Pony, which will be perfect for a mini make up bag to keep all those lipsticks in the bottom of my handbag together!

vintage purse

My final gift has to be my absolute favourite though. It made me go “Ooooohh!!” as soon as I took it out of the envelope and I liked that whoever had bought it had read far enough into my blog to see that I had started Roller Derby, and even pick up on the Norfolk Brawds nautical angle. It’s an anchor “tattoo” style print by Watermark, personalised with my Derby name Gem Warfare, and once I frame it it will have pride of place on my wall!

gem warfare

I’m so chuffed with all my gifts, and I was quite impressed with the range of things I found on Not on the High Street when I started looking. It’s excellent for little personalised gifts that are a bit unusual. I’ve got at least 2 more Secret Santas to take part in this year, so I shall have to bear it in mind!


3 replies on “A Not on the High Street Blogger Secret Santa”
  1. says: Julia

    Wow, that print is AMAZING!! Definitely going to have to hint to someone to get me it for Christmas 🙂 Such lovely gifts you lucky lady

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