Highlights of 2013

The last day of the year is finally here.

Tomorrow there’ll be a whole shiny and new one to hopefully make great, but today it’s time to look back at some of my years highlights.

I started the year with a published piece on Norwich in Pretty Nostalgic magazine (you can read a PDF here), which was a great way to start the year. I love Norwich, and being able to tell everyone else how wonderful it is in such a great magazine was a really wonderful start.

Then in March it was time for the Best of Vintage Norwich Awards. I couldn’t have done it without the amazing people who helped me make the evening a success. People who know about theatre things and who made the evening run smoothly, despite my best efforts, I’m sure.

Also in March came another of my Highlights, winning the Rarely Wears Lipstick Award for Best Fashion Blogger. It was reader voted, and made me all emotional to win! So it’s a big thanks to you guys for that one! The award lives in my living room now!

In May I had the exciting opportunity to head off to Rotterdam to appear on a panel on blogging at the Travel Bloggers Unite Conference. It was a great conference, I had a great time, and I really enjoyed the chance to explore Rotterdam, a city I might never have visited otherwise. I can only send huge thanks to TBU for having me, and hope I added something useful to the debate from a perspective outside of Travel Blogging!

Going to Glyndebourne in July was another highlight for me. It was an amazing experience, and again, one I’d never have had if it hadn’t been for blogging. I’d never even have thought to look into. As it stands I’m considering a return trip, though possibly in the budget standing seats!

In August I decided I just didn’t have anywhere near enough blogs. So I started another one called We Want All the Dresses. It feeds my obsession with finding vintage styles hidden in the most unexpected High Street shops, as well as highlighting some great repro and vintage finds. It’s been excellent fun to write and research!

Also in August I introduced you to another of my loves, Roller Derby. Finding Roller Derby was sort of blog related, as I got an email from them in May about the Norfolk Brawds public bout, wanting me to help promote it, which I did. I was vaguely aware before that, but might never have gone along. I’m still working towards my Minimum skills, but I can’t imagine being without it now.

September was a month in which LOADS happened.

First up was the #EABloggerparty where along with Bunn the Baker and Feeling Stylish we bought together bloggers from all over East Anglia to get to know each other, drink cocktails and take home fabulous goodie bags.

September also saw me heading off to Old Spitalfields market to judge the Judy’s Vintage Trader Awards and receiving an invitation to become a Lenovo Insider, something which has opened up many more opportunities I hope to tell you about soon!

Finally, I can’t not mention the Norwich Half Marathon in November. I plan to write a post on fitness highlights for Lipstick, Lettuce & Lycra. But the Norwich Half Marathon was a real biggie, and without it this list would just be weird! It was a massive challenge for me, and I was so proud of finishing and hope to do even better next year! I also raised over £700 for the Parkinsons Society, so thanks to you too for beng so generous and supportive!


I’m pretty sure I’ve missed loads of highlights off this list. I’ve met people, been places and seen things that I never would have if I hadn’t taken the plunge and walked out on that job that was making me so miserable. It’s not been easy, self employment is a hard slog, with no holiday or sick pay and no guarantee of any pay at all, but I’m really grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and the amazing people I’ve met.

Well now, that’s quite enough soppiness for one year I think. I hope you all have a fabulous New Years Eve, and I’ll see you on the other side!

What were your highlights of 2013?

Soldier's and Showgirls on New Years


10 replies on “Highlights of 2013”
  1. says: Jemma Smith

    happy new year! im loving the we want all the dresses blog, and the stuff you are doing on roller darby. xx

  2. Happy New Year Gemma! My highlights were graduating university with my degree in archaeology and being an Atomic Bombshell at the Hotrod Hayride and Rhythm Riot!

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