Friday last week was the last day of my #100HappyDays Project.
It’s been an interesting one, some days it was easy to find things that made me happy. Other days you really felt like you were reaching a little, but those were the days when it was most useful as an exercise. Obviously happy days are easy, it’s the days that you feel down, or angry, or tired that it’s really a challenge to look for the little things that make you happy. The sun coming through the clouds, just for a moment, getting into bed with a hot chocolate at the end of a horrible day, making plans to do something fun in the future, all little rays of light that can easily get consumed by the fog of a “bad day”.
It’s a useful little challenge, and probably one I’ll repeat in future, as it’s all too easy sometimes to let life overwhelm you and forget those little things that make you happy.
I made a flipagram of all 100 of my 100 Happy Days, which is kinda nice to watch back!
I updated you at 33 Happy Days and 66 Happy Days, so below are the final third of my 100 Happy Days collection, including that cute rabbit!
Aagh that rabbit is just so darn cute!
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Did you challenge yourself to #100happydays? @Retrochick_uk did, and she posted about the experience. Read:
@NuffnangUK @Retrochick_uk I really want to do this!
Give it a try Laura, it’s quite fun 🙂 @daisychaindream @Retrochick_uk
Wow. Congratulations. I’m only on day 9 🙂
I must say, I have thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the unfurling of your 100 Happy Days. Alcoholic beverages do seem to be quite prevalent, which I can only raise a glass to. Happiness is bottle-shaped, after all. Cin cin!
Spend More Time With Your Children
It does not matter if you work full time or part time. Maybe you stay at home with your children but you are working from home. Even if you stay home with your children, you are busy trying to get everything done. No matter who you are, you probably think that you are not spending enough time with your children. Quality time, that is. There are many ways to spend more time with your children.
Your children do not need to play every sport or do every extracurricular activity out there.
No one feels like they spend enough time with their children. However, you need to make the most of time spent together, instead of worrying if you are spending enough time together. Find things that you enjoy doing together, like NightArt. Check it out at It will bring out the artist in everyone, bringing families together.